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Comments on "Momma Was A Rock n' Roller"
She looks great and easily elegant from behind. I like the fact she's holding her child's hand too. HOwever, what has she got around her neck?
uhh, see this is exactly how I want to be when I am older.
Oh oh oh so so cool. I like the different tones on the sweater.
I actually really like this from the back. Even though it looks like she's wearing a painter's smock, it strangely works.
I just wish I could see the front.
Wow! I am so impressed and inspired. I don't even want to say anything more. Just sit back and be impressed and inspired.
Is that Lou Doillon? (Wild guess...)
Saw her in the East Village once with her child. Lovely family...
I don't even need to see the front--I love it.
so cool!!!!!
what a look! it looks just great!
That's a hot mom........
LOVE her look
Anyone who can bend the laws of perspective with their coat deserves a round of applause.
Also anyone who can actually wear skinny jeans OVER her boots...
holy crap, dior homme gold 6.5 heels?! i am in love.
woman...make your kid close the dress!
Love her boots and the son!
cool accesories!
mums can so rock. whoever said motherhood has to be boring and conservative? love it.
nice !
That's a "momma" and not a nanny? I guess the photographer would know.
genuinely original, but the persian lamb gives me the willies.
The roughness and toughness of her -probably their- attire contrasts beautifully with the gentleness of their holding hands.
anyone who thinks Louis Vuitton bags are tacky and lack the "edge" should look at this photo closely.
First things first...
Loved the back of the look, very sharp, up to date and casual, enven though I think she is holding a squichy bag from Louis Vuitton, am I right?
I just hope that, when I get old enough and have my own kids and/or dogs, I'll be just as smart.
can i change moms'?
i wish i looked that good in skinny jeans,, man! and with the holidays coming up..
love the bag, love the scarf, love the dress and the fact that she's a mom! she proves that it's cool to be a mom!
first time an outfit i can't help but comment! fantastic look. very cool and has a glam-grunge vibe in it. very inspiring for me.
How old are the people reading this blog? The woman has a 10 year old by her hand and all of a sudden she is old? She is probably 40, since when is that old?!?!?! By the way, I am 30.
Sorry. $2000 handbags are not very "rock 'n' roll."
Answering to "anonymous"...
I do not think she is old. And, having an old woman close (my own mother) and seeing her so full of life and so style-conscious, and also thinking that, when she was my age (29), she already had the three of us, and thinking that I would not have the gutts right now to even start, made me think that I will become either a mother or a dog owner someday in the future, and when it happens, I will probably be closer to my 40th Spring than this awesome, very stylish woman.
Made me think if when it happens, I will keep myself as I am today. Or if I will be a traditional Lions Club wife, wearing beige...
You see?
There, there...
Cool look, but, to kara @ 12:42, no nannies don't (can't) dress this way (esp LV bags!). Sart, have you taken a demographic survey of your readers lately? It might shed some light on why many readers seem genuinely naive about the female age/beauty/style equation. For the record, I am a 46-year-old mother of two, an avid daily reader of this blog, and am smarter, more confident, sexier, and better-dressed than at any other time in my life. This seems like such a no-brainer. Anybody else?
To Anon 9:44am
the rock & roll part is the way she wears her dress
Love the scarf!
take it from someone who was actually around when rock n' roll was invented, that wasn't no kia chuck berry was driving, elvis didn't get his suits at men's warehouse, mick wasn't buying bianca cubic zirconias, and john lennon wasn't living in a 4x4 parked on central park west. they all may have started out with less, but it wasn't long before louis vuitton was their luggage of choice.
anon 10:59:
"For the record, I am a 46-year-old mother of two, an avid daily reader of this blog, and am smarter, more confident, sexier, and better-dressed than at any other time in my life."
Me too! Except for the mother of two part (I have a bulldog, does he count?). Some of the other readers think we're old, yep, got it. Whatevah. We're not.
Fashionfanatic60 said...
Another 46-year-old, better-than-ever style hound here, and yes, I have to agree that it usually does take a certain amount of confidence and self-knowledge to rock certain looks - and said confidence and self-knowledge come with age and a life (hopefully) well-lived.
I think style comes in all shapes, sizes, colors, genders and ages - some people seem to know who they are, sartorially speaking, at 21, others refine it as they get older, and some people flit from style to style as their mood or circumstance dictates. That's what makes fashion so much fun, no? There is no one-size-fits-all recipe for success.
I guess what confuses me about all the comments is how everyone assumes this woman is "older" simply because she's holding a child's hand. I'm 46 and childless, but I have plenty of friends in their 20s and 30s who have kids. What constitutes "older," exactly (unless the people commenting are in their teens, which would make more sense, I guess).
Oh, and I also love love LOVE this look btw. The artfully undone tunic just makes it for me.
Wow, this woman looks amazing. And in response to "old" posts - I'm guessing she might be nudging her mid 30's at the most. Unless she has spectacular genes, which is also possible. There are lots of fabulous looking mums in my part of Australia, ranging in age from 20 to 60. You certainly don't give up your sense of fashion once kids aree involved - perhaps just the time and money to be as dedicated as one would like! I'm finding that my style is actually getting better and more established as I get older. The bonus is that my kids have their own kooky style that I am totally encouraging!
i see beautiful things here all the time, thanks to the great eye of the sartorialist. but this, oh this. it makes my heart pitter patter. love it love it. this is why clothing exists.
i am blown away by her cutting edge astrakhan coat. a totally modern way to wear fur. it looks like a vintage coat that was turned into a dress.
i am cursing myself now that i sold my astrakhan coat on ebay last year now.
another great detail are the stacked heels of the boot.
she looks european, i am getting a vibe she might be working for for LV under marc jacobs, non?
Just wanted you to know that this one is my all time favorite.