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Comments on "How To Wear Plaid In The City"
I love the two-pocket design of this jacket. He looks like he injected fun into his wardrobe with his use of color and design. He looks quite mecurial (the good kind)!
The shoes, the jeans, the mix of patterns, the pair of glasses--it works. What's better is the man behind the clothes, what a smile! Very sexy!!
The girl's outfit is one of those looks you have to appreciate with a quick look or else you start analyzing it to death. I like it though. I admire her for doing something so different.
Great head of hair on the gal.
Havent been here that long but that guy looks familiar.
the 1st picture another well done example of hair matching the boots.
the 2nd i would never have thought such a combination would work, but it does on him. well done sir!
LOVE the bottom picture - great jacket, ticket pocket is so cool, great fit, nice shoes that look well-cared for - everything is so perfect AND he's very handsome! Wow.
cool cool cool cool!!! he really knows what to wear! and how to wear it!
While I generally disdain holiday-themed dressing, here he's managed to look festive without looking ridiculous. Nicely done.
I'm noticing a tendency for the men's jackets to be a bit more nipped in at the waist these days, or is it just a result of the pose?
i think the plaid shirt is alright , cos im loving the combo of the green and purple plaid. but the skirt is a no no for me ! the boots, they are alright....
congratulations!!! your blog is so good!
Who is that delicious man?
This is excellent. Good combination of solid tie, plaid shirt. The red stripes in the jacket echo the shirt as well. Quality chocolate brown shoes and a burgundy strapped watch. Jeans slung low like they should be. Sartorialist indeed.
he looks like a Clark Kent. how dapper!
When I saw " How To Wear Plaid In The City" in my RSS reader, I answered: "With something that pops!"
Then I see the silver skirt. I didn't mean that much :-) But it's interesting and does indeed 'pop.'
The gentleman's is super great and I wouldn't have thought to match plaids. It's the wonderful specs that bring it all together.
justin still as handsome as ever
The skirt is gorgeous....Love the length
yes! takes the worn in plaid and locates it in the urbane, glamourous and gritty world of new york. through the effects of matte and lustre, structure and fluidity and judicious use of color, she stands out, the street shimmers at her feet...i would have used a simpler belt ...i wonder, what is she holding? a kid?
The outfit of the lady looks 'western' to me. I really like the boots and belt and how it all goes well together! Would like to have seen the front!!
I think that guy was also in the November 25 post...cUTE :) and so funny how you keep running into the same people in NYC
For what it's worth, my 9 yr old daughter said, "He must be a farmer boy..."
the hair... for me its all about it! it falls beautifully...
The 'woodsman' quality of her shirt is strikingly balanced with the 'partygirl' quality of her skirt. I love this look!
He is super cute and they both get full marks for being different but...her skirt looks like cling wrap..
like the way she is mixing so many varied pieces. at first glance they seem to not work well together...but she seems to pull it off well!
happy holidays to all out there!
The chap obviously confident and projects a slightly aphazard look - but it works
Not only is this photo of the same guy from Nov. 25, he is also wearing the same jacket. It's great to see the same jacket with two very different looks - Sart, how do you do it?
The gentleman works for Ralph Lauren.
good pictures. by the way wish u have a wonderful x'mas!
"Not only is this photo of the same guy from Nov. 25, he is also wearing the same jacket. It's great to see the same jacket with two very different looks - Sart, how do you do it?"
He's a rerun? How many people live in Gotham?
Merry Christmas fashionistas and fashionitos!
This is a sexy outfit--it surely catches my attention. I love how he pairs the jeans with a sports jacket and necktie. Kind of like a cute geek!
Beautiful skirt.
Lovely style for both people. She looks casual and bohemian but with a sartorial touch - i.e. the vest. Her colors match her hair wonderfully well.
He looks comfortable and happy which is great. I love the color combinations. Very italian.
Good Morning and a Happy New Year!
Did you know who the woman was when you took the picture? She is a high level fashion design executive in a famous design company! She is always impecably dressed with a little bit of country and an elegant edge!
Great blog! Thank you for the wonderful pictures!
Quel stud! I hope I sometimes look as hot walking around New York as he does.
Hmmmm . . . Nice package
Not too sure about what the gent is wearing. Looks like too much going on there.
those are some NICE fitting pants. and lovely mixing of the patterns.
Good well-fitted clothing is always a pleasure to see. I like this outfit, with he slightly off-beat inclusion of jeans, very well made shoes accentuates the contrasts, well done.
Its crazy... I have a ton of clothes. I saw the way this gentleman put his stuff together with the slim jeans and the nice fitting jacket. I have all of the very same elements of clothing. I just added a vest to mine and am good to go! The nip in the waist in the jacket is the it is supposed to be. That nip gives the gentleman a waist and makes him look lean. That is the way it is supposed to be and not what you see the average American man wear around these days!