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Comments on "At Louis Vuitton, Paris"
It's a little too mature for my taste, but in 15 years I could totally see myself wearing something like this!
I love the whole look, but I'm not really feeling the white scarf/turtleneck, I would've preferred to see black, although the white works fine.
You are like a hunter finding a beautiful rare gazelle. She is inspiring.
The stance, the face, the posture communicates such a relaxed attitude...
not sure which is more apparent...her style or the confidence with which she presents it...
Beautiful! I bought some shiny skinny pants like that yesterday, great styling ideas :)
I love her play on proportion and texture.....do people ALWAYS look good in paris?? its kinda freaky
Broad shoulders or shoulder pads? Enquiring minds want to know....
Also, she is one of those irritating lovely women who would no doubt look, well, lovely in any ensemble she chose.
Also, also: shoulder pad or no, I like it.
wow, I really love this look...it looks like she just threw it on, like a jeans and tee, but the fabrics make it look so lux and the styling is amazing!, (who is she?)
Gorgeous mosaic floor - where is this venue?
So THATS what a stylish woman looks like! I've been here in America so long I had forgotten. Everyone here dresses as if they're getting ready to change the oil in their car or do some other domestic chore...
what's great about this outfit is how unique the combination is. such a relief from all the leggings/miniskirt/cropped leather jacket or the ankle boot/skinny pant/tunic.
checking fashion/style blogs on a daily basis, i see some skinny legs...but is it just me, or do those take the cake in that regard?
Yay for Illinois!
Actually, your blog motivates me everyday to get out of the midwest and into New York.
Thanks for all the lovely shots and commentary!
i really like... its something i would totally NOT try, but I would admire in somebody else!
Love her shoes!
It's not the first time she's graced these pages. Check the archives for November 15: Best of Season, Fashion Director, Le Figaro. Hot hot hot!
Thanks for the archive reference, blowharder... Check out the 2nd photo from Nov. 15 - same pants (I think), same elegance, different look.
Love the deceptive simplicity of this outfit - so much going on with texture & proportion but so well composed it looks effortless.
Also love the way the nubbly tunic and the mosaic floor echo each other...
ok...so this silhouette is amazing. i love styles that say "I'm not even trying..." they just look good
Super Green
I would have brought the leather "up" instead of stopping it at the arm. A black leather neck piece of some sort.
ooo, i love satin pants. i got a thang for em. glad you posted someone in them. reminds me...this girl in my class wore skinny leg red satin pants with some sweet sneakers and they looked great. i wanna pull that off!
Dude, are you located in rural illinois? like springfield or something?
Would never have put the white with it - but of course, that is what makes it hers and unique and worth noticing. Like her palette, (after referring back to 11/15) nearly all pieces are interchangeable and unbeatable.
Is that the fab gal from Le Figaro? She is BEYOND!!!
Amazing lady! Maybe one of the best dressed in your blog. And a woman who is not afraid to stand in a pose different from the usuall little-girl-toes-turned-in pose that so many affect just for fshion's shake.
Wow, what a confident look. I don't know who this woman is or what her job is, but doesn't she look like everyone else you've photographed who works for French Vogue? Unfortunately, despite her great beauty, impeccability, and supra confident demeanor, this is what I see: cookie cutter Vogue associate. My kingdom to see a vulgar bangle or a new twist on the platform peeptoe shoe. Maybe some color??? Hello? Please?
Be still, my beating heart. Beautiful!
She is beautiful and graceful.
The outfit, however, hides her figure and makes her legs look like thin sticks.
I like the layering
how the peeking tutleneck is white
yet the cuffs of the short sleeves are black
they balence each other out
I have a pair of pants like that
but her's certainly look great cropped
This very elegant woman is Virginie Mouzat, the fashion editor of Le Figaro Madame.
she do look really put together, and that ´tadaa, sure, just take one snap before I light this cigarette, dahling boy´ but really substancial.
Hey Sart, I hope you shoot in Chicago. I know it's no Paris or NYC, but there are a lot of stylish people there. ;)
!! Whos' that Princess!
I love her....... could you please give me her cell phone number ? ;- )