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Comments on "On The Street....Outside Bergdorf Goodman, NYC"
Love the jacket! The leggings, boots and the dress are nicely juxtaposed: modern, edgy but still reminicent of very femenine shape.
I personally have issues with handbags being carried like that: it feels so awkward. I've seen so many women carrying bags like that and it always feels like playing an older dame ...like they are in their 50s, or they admire Victorian times. Kind of artificial and totally strict, not fun. Not for me.
lovely sky blue birkin
The dress looks too much like a curtan. It throws off the rest, which is great.
Oh, no I am quite the opposite. I can't help but carry bags in the fashion of the woman in this photograph. It is quite a natural position for holding a bag--right in the armpit of one's elbow.
A quality photograph.
Nice! Is that an Ann Demeulemeester sweater? I kind of wish the bag was a different color, though.
Why is she wearing drapes under her wicked jacket? Furthermore, why does she want to punch me?
The girl,jacket, purse, leggings, and boots are wonderful! What's with the bubble wrap?
she has the coveted ann jacket!
yeah, i don't know when that arm position became the thing -- i think i first started noticing it back when the balenciaga le dix bag was the bag of the moment and you'd see gwynneth and the olsen twins carrying it like that. very-queen elizabeth-with-a-pocket-book stiff and akward. but the woman here could wearing this baby blue (bluejean?) birkin upside-down and on her head and it would still be fab.
Am not a fan of this. The bag is too much of a(n expensive) prop.
she looks like a style victim- that skirt looks like it got stuck in the waist of her tights. and the fabric is another weather than the top and boots and the color of bag just doesn't work for me.
Great shape.
She's lovely and has a nice look, and *I* have no problem with her using an elbow. It's about practicality: Some bags don't work on the shoulder, and at times one's hand tires -- solution: elbow!
My only question here is what she's done with the dress/skirt: Obviously she's repeating the line of the jacket bottom. But, it seems to me the result is to draw the eye to her tummy/crotch, which seems not-so-flattering.
Or do we forgive this, because this is her style statement?
no no no .. except the bag, hair and glasses
if you need your hands free, the crook of the arm is a very natural place for the handle of a handbag to 'sit'. Often my hands have keys, coffee, mail ... or one hand has a tote bag and carrying my handbag in the other hand makes me feel like a bellhop. The elbow was made for a certain kind of bag. If you feel awkward, then maybe a shoulder strap is for you.
I think the woman in the photo looks fantastic.
Looks to me like her skirt got caught in her button or she forgot to take her curtain off this morning. Take your pick. I love the jacket though.
don't like at all. the jacket/cardigan looks cheap, and what's with that dress/skirt? it looks like something you would wear to the beach. The worst thing though is mixing black and baby blue like that.
all this draping pointing up is ratherly funny, I find.
Too fussy. The mix of summer and winter items does not hit it with me. Sarongs are worn in summer for a reason, unless she thinks she's a window and must have a curtain too!
I don't really enjoy the look of the sarong. I find it awkward but, good for her for not being boring!
i think this is lovely. i like how she has a floaty sarong, generally very summery, combined with all black to make a fun unique look for fall.
and for those who think that the bag position is awkward -- for those of us with sloping shoulders (and she does seem to be one), many bags will fall of those shoulders, and they will naturally end up in your elbow.
I'm all for creativity, but this isn't working for me at all. I just don't get the sarong thing - period.
who are you people kidding. the cardigan is the best, most interesting part of the outfit! the status bag has to go... its overdone
Hey that's my girl S. I'll tell her that she's on here. Fantastic.
That Birkin looks marvelous. IMO, you just can't go wrong with one. It pulls together her elements, which include that filmy dress.
whoaa....it gave me a whole new perspective on my sarongs' collection....
I like how the cut of the hem of the jacket echoes the sarong's shape. Awesome detail.
like the sweater but the skirt makes me wonder - is the bag real?
She could have looked chic but instead looks "cute" wearing a shower curtain.
The diagonal makes her look short.