Lauren Hutton at Calvin Klein

Easily one of my favorite shots i have ever taken. I ran it originally on but I wanted to have it here on my blog also.
Labels: My Favorites, Women New York
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Labels: My Favorites, Women New York
Comments on "Lauren Hutton at Calvin Klein"
this shot is so memorable -- from a series of stunningly beautiful portraits you did in the tents, all posted within a day. and then those photos in the were in the zone, or in orbit, or obviously having some other kind of out-of-body experience, and the results were spectacular.
to me, the california kid if there ever was one.
Love the big folds of her trench.
I met her a few years ago at a CFDA event and we talked about her trip to the Philippines to visit some tribes. She was so passionate and informed, I was impressed. In fact she was wearing ethnic jewelry with her Armani dress, made it even chicer. I'll always remember that moment.
May we all look as great as she does at her age.
OK, I'm clueless. Not as to her identity, but as to why this is one of your favorite pics. Explain, please.
Anonymous said...
May we all look as great as she does at her age.
11:25 AM
ITA with you anon 11:25. :)
may we all look as great as she does at ANY age, and i believe she's from florida.
it's a nice coat, a welcome reprieve from beige
She's always so amazingly beautiful. The gap in her teeth is beyond lovely.
PS: Mischa, just check out the lighting and composition of this pic, for a start!
I think this is one of my favourite photos of yours too. Gorgeous.
Good lord, Scott, what perfect LIGHT! Great shot!
This is one of my favorite of your photos too. Lauren is so graceful and elegant and stylish.
Yeah, it's one of those iconic images that remain etched in your mind whether you want them or not. I'm certainly in the want camp. For that coat, too.
its a great shot of Lauren - was she looking at someone/something?!
she is very beautiful and has a simple stylish look
Im so happy she never fixed her front teeth....
I love it!
I'm with Mischa. Say... I DO NOT deny the fact that Lauren Hutton is a gorgeous person, inside/out, but I just don't like the way she looked at Calvin Klein. Excuse my untrained eye...
The gap between the theeth (in french "dents du bonheur"-theeth of the happiness)... What a charm, what a style...
Your photo is beautiful.
in some way the picture reminds me of 'girl with a pearl earrng'. The painting I mean, beautiful!
Nice shot. She is just such a mean person. I helped her when I worked at Louis Vuitton. She flipped out when not offered a discount.
this portrait is nuts. it's a top notch pj portrait. is it natural light?
Elegance and humor. Perfect. She is the Katherine Hepburn of our day. A classic stands the test of time. Does anyone remember how great she looked in the bucket hat and yellow cableknit sweater and jeans she wore stalking Richard Gere in American Gigolo? She wore a trench in that movie, too. And remember the brown dress? The hair? What's not to love? Even when she's bad (accidentally on purpose) she's great. In a word, PERSONALITY!
Siempre increíble es verla. Sugiere muchos mundos y mucha salud.
I agree with what the previous poster said about her not "trying too hard." I believe the reason she always looks so well-dressed is because she keeps it simple. NY's take note!
One word: PERSONALITY. Women, Lauren Hutton reminds us not to leave ours at home.
wow. Great job on capturing her inner and outer natural beauty. Well done!
i can't believe i missed this ms. hutton!
she is amazingly beautiful..what a great shotar
she is beautiful... i hope i age just as well
classy and sexy!!!
she looks amazing always.... u really caught a fleeting moment.
I love, Love, LOVE her! She is really one of the most beautiful women ever! sunny greetings from hot germany, geisslein
She's so beautiful.
Brilliant shot.
I am Lauren's age. we worked in Paris in the late sixties. Then she went to Africa on a photo Safari and I went to Monaco to race cars with Charlie! Kudos to your photo, and a former colleague! Lauren you look great!
Kitty Curcio Designs
I love tis photo very much.(I am from Moscow)
well done to you..good job!
Is this taken from the airport after her flight?
I have come back and viewed this photograph countless times. Ms. Hutton is chic in a way that is so very purely American. I think if we were all to put our heads together and count, the number of iconic American woman who pull themselves together in this manner could be counted on less than two hands, maybe only one hand.
I am reminded of the late Jackie O and how she used to wear her white jeans and black turtle neck sweaters, nothing else but a pair of sandals and maybe a bit of jewelry. This kind of woman is, for me, someone to look up to even at my "not so young age" and emulate. Lauren is and always will be at the very top of her game.
She looks gorgeous! If only we could get her in our jewelry!
gorgeous women:)
...heart-stopping elegance.