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Comments on "On The Street......Terry Richardson, New York"
'Fraid this doesn't do it for me--sorry!
ah, the man!
i have a feeling he wouldn't even know where to look to find this picture of him. Or know why you were taking his picture.
I didn't recognize him without the vagina mustache
About Terry: porn is the new black!!!
Say want you want about Terry (and he gives you plenty); there is no other remotely like him.. An original true and true eye say
"Ode to a Canadian?"
This one's very borderline but I think Sart was taken in by the specs, as am I.
This weekend, my dad was fixing the sink, but before he finished, he decided to go get bagels for everyone.
This is what he wore.
Very nice intensity ... love that face! I think the fashion statement is in his glasses. The rest of his get-up seems very Ben-Gazzara-as-trucker -- it has a certain amount of timeless charm. Love how you dig up all the variety, Sart!
i'm pretty sure you wouldn't have photographed this man had it not been terry richardson.
... and this blog is also educational beyond fashion: Terry, it turns out, is a celebrated photographer, who has a special eye for the exotic and erotic. See www.terryrichardson.com ... so this snapshot is about a whole lot more than Terry's glasses.
Love his photos but not his dressing style...but Terry rocks!
Terry looks like Terry has for 15 years. Just like his photography.
I love how the real beuaty is shown by what and how people wear their outfits rather than the beauty that is normally shown.
Something must be amiss. He looks so...sweet. And touchable. Very touchable.
I love him!!!
i saw him last night at gagosian opening for warhol..i'm a big fan..he must be making the rounds this week
I personally really like terry's work and i also like his style, simple but classic, which cannot go wrong.
By this photograph, you just know it is terry. Even if he does look the same for the last ten years, he has done it well.
Just because something isnt daring, it does not mean it isnt stylish.
There is no negative judgements on Terry's work here, yet there is lots of arguments defending what he does... interesting.
His personal style is urban american with a low brow flare. His work has the same traits;its value might be assed differently by people.
I don't recognise him without his cock out. Are you SURE this is him?
He's wearing clothes!!
I actually have those sunglasses! 70's chic, LOVE it.
I actually have those sunglasses! 70's chic, LOVE it.
Terry is one cool dude - his dress sense makes him look like a truckie though but his photo campaigns are super cool!
I love how his lumberjack shirt peeks through. He's a lumberjack and he's ok.
Loving Terry Richardson! You gotta admit..he is definately original.
Haha! So here I am thinking Mr Richardson displays much better sense of humour than Mr Clark and it's quite devastating to be told the opposite. Oh shucks.