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Comments on "On The Street......Prince Street, New York"
I love this bulky scarf tucked in for the "young man meets old man" look!
Was it Careme who said that pastry making was a branch of architecture? (Or was that plasma physics? Hmmmm.)
Anyway, I'd add scarf tying, about which the guy here definitely knows his stuff.....
His wavy shock of hair and the glasses make this look. Looks like he takes good care of it too.... an attractive quality!
I think this is a great look. The charcoal grey suit with a ticket pocket. The light grey sweater underneath. Cashmere? And the rich red scarf. Even his glasses and hair are great. His appearance has a lot of personality.
Sart: It is scarf season! Time for your favorite accessory -- the Scarf. Looking forward to seeing what you find this fall.
well, not a very elegant posture but i think the guy is quite charming. i like expression, hair, glasses and color of the scarf. they make an anonymous look look stylish...
Love the hair, love the glasses, love the scarf. After that, not so much.
I love the serentity of this photo. there is something comforting about his look. Great suit, great scarf. An intellectual out on the street on a Fall day. Woody Allen meets Elvis Costello.
Yes. Elegant. Classic.
i've been reading your blog for some while now and guess if i was thrilled to see that you were gonna be on swedish television? i think it's on tonight, but i couldn't wait so i watched it online instead.
you're awesome! keep rocking.
Very classy! Love the hairdo
i'll bite... very cute. and the yellow of the taxis and walk/don't walk sign complements his handsome color scheme.
LOVE your blog!!!!!! it's great!
keep up the good work!
greetings from Sâo Paulo, Brazil!
I love love love this blog! Thanks for writing it!
I was in NYC a week ago and the weather had just started getting cold. I swear New Yorkers LIVE to wear their scarves, since the very first day of temperatures below 70 meant not a single neck was exposed.
As for the scarf in the photo, love the pattern.
Beautfully done.....everything goes ......this is my kind of everyday style.
Love his "young Einstein" hair!
he looks like an older and far more stylish version of harry potter.
Hey! I have a question for you. I'm just wondering how you approach people and what you tell them when you want to take their picture? (-: Love your photos btw so keep up the good work! Hugs from Mimo in Sweden (you have a lot of fans here)
Calm down everybody, Scott likes a bit of graceful criticism too, right? I think that whilst he looks 'okay' - the reality is that the whole image is very geeky and old-man-ish. It reeks of 'contrived' as opposed to effortless and stylish. He looks pretty cool, problem is he also looks like he knows it. Oddly, if he lost that scarf and opened up his neck he'd look looser and more warm.
Another great style...!
I'm not a fan of how his blazer fits, but the overall look is very appealing to the eye, very subtle and classy
i love this. compared to the other young man from yesterday's post, this guy knows how to do long hair without looking trite
joe's remark about new yorkers and their scarf love is so true. we seem to love our cold-weather scarves in much the same way that french women love their beautiful silk ones.
Does anyone else think that that's a really boring way to wear a scarf? To me, scarfs look best when they seem half trown-on, and not in some sort of folded knot. Their shape comes across better, and they're more dramatic. Anyone?
Indeed, very "old manish." Don't think it was contrived, though. It seems the only things he mulled over was his scarf, hair and sweater (which only those indoors will enjoy).
Not tripping over this, save the specs (oh my, I do have a thing for nice specs).
BTW, he looks very nervous. Look at that hand position!? I couldn't put my fingers that way naturally. Or maybe he's double jointed?
Oh dear! "Young spectacled man posing as an old man," if you're reading this pay no attention to this post :-)
ooh! Sexy nerd!
that is one good looking dude
Ahh Boglioli. You can always trust a Bergdorf Goodman shopper for a fancy suit style.
He's great looking, but looks a little bit too much like a certain type -- you know, Dalton, then Brown, and when all of his friends go off to become investment bankers or McKinsey consultants, he goes to architecture school at Columbia or Princeton or Yale.
Personally, the guy is gorgeous--as to the old man look, I dont know where you guys are getting it--his fresh, new, but mature look gives a comforting edge. As to his nervous hand position---okay that guy should be nervous, i mean to be asked by someone to take their picture randomly, thats nerve-raking. Im in love
Can nobody see that the scarf is not 'architecturally' tied, or studiously knotted - it is simply folded in half, wrapped around his neck, and the ends passed through the top loop... it is one of the simplest ways to wear a scarf. And why does anyone need to appreciate the 'shape' of a scarf, anonymous 8:40? I usually find them in long, thin rectangles.
I'm in love...love the glasses and the hair. ;)
I think he looks great--not like an old man at all.
If this guy were a musician he'd be a trombone player, no doubt. There is an intellectual quality about him and the scarf to me says "lower brass" instrument!
Sound crazy? Well, that's the vibe he puts out.
There is also a meticulous and almost obsessive quality
to his appearance. He insists on buttoning the top jacket even though its tight across his waist.
He would insist on driving his own car through a car wash.
oh my, he is very good looking! hopefully, he is the sort who would go to brown and then architecture school at the likes of columbia, making him beautiful and intelligent. those are the best!
A classy yet humble look that is quite lovely. His hair also adds a certain air of refined-ness.
He looks just like an NYU English grad student I used to know. But cuter.
this is the sexiest man in all new york! if i ever find him he better be ready for a WILD RIDE!