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Comments on "On the Street.....Via Montenapoleone, Milano"
he look great love the turn up of the jean and the subtle check in the jacket
so you are here now... let's meet if you have time..
I have a blog about milan..
What sneakers are those?
Nice palette: small but pleasing tonal variations. Pants are a little too stiff for cuffs like those, though....
well, ive been in milan for 2 weeks this summer and young people dress horribly there. eurotrash would be an understatement. the only people with a great style are older men but the dominating street look was my biggest dissapointment ever.
I will be in London next week and I am looking for a nice men's overcoat, maybe an overjacket is a better term, covert jacket I have seen used. Buttons all the way up to the collar, knee length at most. Are these being shown yet or is it too early, and if so, where?
you can email me at zonsplace@charter.net
Those sneakers are terrible! This man lives in Milan, for goodness sake. Can he not find some decent shoes?
He must have forgotten "bella figura" that day.
not feelin those turn ups.
the guy in the red trousers and funky shoes looks more stylish
I didn't realize we were doing this with our cuffs again...
I'm loving this navy and black combination. Saw it quite a bit in my recent trip as well.
I agree with Ben -- I really think he pulls the whole look together very well.
Something about this guy's overall demeanor says 'hobo' to me. A handsome, fashionable hobo to be sure, but he looks like he just woke up from a nap on a nearby bench. Probably just an awkward hobo moment.
The hair again! Great personality in the hair, that is one fashion statenment that makes some people on that side of the globe unique.
Yes :]
I think cuffs are perfect on unwashed denim. I find them ill-advised on anything but. Now rolled pants hems, that's a different story.
oh golly, he's so great! talk about fit -- this guy has it going on. i think he knows who he is, and he certainly makes me want to know who he is. more, please. and then come home. as a new yorker, i'm beginning to feel jealous and possessive ;-)
i had to go back and look at him again -- so sue me, i'm only human -- and eventually noticed that there were other people in the photo as well, every single one of them looking very good indeed. there is an attitude about them that implies that that's just the way it is, capice?
Why is everyone going crazy over the turned up jeans and sneakers? Number 1: People have worn their jeans that way before [think Marlon Brando in the Wild One] Number 2: Just because not eveyone wears their jeans that way doesn't make it any less. He's doing what he wants good on him not copying everyone with their little tapered legs. Number 3: not everyone wants to wear hard dress shoes. Sneakers are hip and comfortable get a clue
Thanks for the great blog - so interesting to see people on the street. Your mix and your eye are fabulous. Here's my new theory -- I think your work is inspiring people to dress better, in the hope of appearing on your blog. Like the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle applied to fashion - the act of observing changes the behaviour of the observed! Keep up the great work!
Jill... you're so right. Last month I dressed up and stalked the streets of Manhattan hoping to be caught by the Sartorialist's camera, but alas my efforts were in vain...
oooh... he looks so great! This look works for me. Unexpected. I love that he doesn't look like anyone else on the street.
uhhhh why do you think he looks good?
the cuffed denim seems so italian.
nothing wrong with turn ups, just that his are terrible. and the sneakers naff, they aint so hip anymore either, they are played out! get with it!
Those sneakers would look good under my bed . . . .
Nice, nice - a bit of Milanese attitude with each touch; the hair, the roll up cuff, etc. Call it hobo chic if you like but he is pretty hot.
if you're not cuffing unwashed denim, what are you cuffing? does anyone else think we are going to start seeing a lot more black and blue combinations? i can't even remember why that got labeled as a no-no thing so long ago.