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Comments on "On the Street.......Red dot dress, London"
Lovely shot, this. The spots on the dress are lovely, and that blue thing she's got holding her ID or whatever card that is to her neck almost fooled me into thinking it was a scarf. It's a perfect example of casual dressing, and the fact that she's wearing sneakers with the dress instead of the usual ballerina flats/flip-flops just makes the outfit even better.
Thanks Sart for reminding us women that we should and can look feminine and pretty!
My, oh my, she is cute in every sense of the word! Great picture as well, love this site!
Cute. I used to walk down that street every day going to University. It was cool during fashion week. Check out the V&A museum, they used to have a great fashion/style section.
At last, something besides flip-flops!
I can see that this woman has the same issue that I have - the ID badge as a fashion spoiler. You get all dressed, looking good for work, nice dress, good necklace, and then once you get there you're saddled with the ID badge.
You have to wear it or be carted off by guards in decidedly unfashionable attire, but it it's always there distracting the eye from the neckline area.
London Lady - I share your tag!
Very sweet dress. I'm hoping she has some lovely shoes tucked away in her bag.
Welcome to London!
I'm glad you caught some sun yesterday - you will need your brollie for the next few days. I think that yesterday was the last glorious burst of summer sadly.
I love this Minnie-Mouse style dress with the old fashioned sneaker and the red detail on the top of the sock.
Make sure you visit Shoreditch and Brick Lane while you're here!! xx
i hear guys in london are way hotter than guys in new york.
I love London fashion! This dress captures the "desperate to convince myself that it's still summer" thing all the women do.
Can't wait for more!
...or is it a white dot dress?
I love the dots on her dress! They are just the right size!
While she may be beautiful, the dress and accessories are atrocious. The work ID around the neck and the hat (half Gehry half gift wrap bow) seal the deal for me.
So daring...
hmmmmm... dress, yes. the shoes, a big no.
Love the dress, not the bag though...is that pearls around her neck? Not well with sneakers...
What about wearing white shoes after Labor day??
Love the dress! Not so nuts about the sneakers, but she's probably the most comfortable woman in the tents.
I don't like anything about her outfit, but she's lovely. A pretty enough girl can withstand unappealing clothes. And at least her feet won't hurt.
Lily Allen stylee - -
The shade of red is beautiful, and the layered necklaces are relaxed (and not too costume), but I hope she has different shoes in her bag. White "Keds" are for junior high gym.
Welcome to London. Enjoy the rain! and the very pretty young things such as this lass. You do know you have a great job, don't you?
beautiful picture! i'm so jealous...i'd kill to be in london right now. let me know if you ever need an assistant to travel with! haha
This ensemble look reads a bit Chiswick to me (think Stepford Wife). From the pearls, to the bag, to the shoes. I'm reminded of rocker Shirley Manson from the band Garbage, who many years ago in a video, took an eerily similar red dress, shortened it considerably, and donned black boots. Now that look was ironic and hot. This look is, unfortunately, neither.
Mmm - not sure i like this one - a bit too Minnie Mouse for me. And slouching doesn't help either ...
Classic. I don't know many women that could pull that off but she does so gracefully.
Very cute, very comfy-looking, very Spring-like!
I love how she actually plays up the Disney, Minnie Mouse aspect w/ the white shoes. Not for me, but she totally pulls it off.
Very lovely dress and cute pose...but I'm not sure about that shoes with this lovely dress.
I love that dress. And the whole outfit is so casual... love it...
she looks like Ana Wintour, in front row, (Derek Lam fashion show)
greetings from Chile!
The great photographer finally hits London. Soooo looking forward to seeing your shots and off to a good start with the spotty dress. (I see that visiting Spain for Cibeles Fashion week is a no sho. Maybe choosing between individualist London and fashion logo/brand fixationists in Spain is a no brainer ?)
Is it really warm enough in London to wear that dress? It's too cold in NY to wear something like that!
For those looking for an alternative to the ID lanyard: look at teacher supply stores. I bought an ID holder that looks just like a black and clear beaded necklace, except with the hook on the end.
Yeah, welcome back! London needs you especially if you manage to find the only sunny quarter today when the rest of the city was drenched in storms.
Dress is cute. Next does a great version this season believe it or not. Chcek it out on-line.
Just no leggings under skirt shots please. We have our international reputation to uphold!
Welcome Sartorialist!
CUTE!!! I love this girl so much. Thank you.
nice look....and btw, there is no labour day in the UK ;)
aaarghh...americans...there is no labour day in the UK...and londoners are quirky...all these silly rules you yankees follow...and the ridiculus obsession with painful shoes...here, we like a sense of humour with what we wear..
cute cute! love the shoes with the dress. if she were to wear heels it would all be to obvious and straightforward. by the way, to anonymous, from 10:58 AM: spotted-dress girl is perfectly aligned so that the loudspeakers on the wrought-iron fence in the background only make her LOOK like she's wearing a gehry-ish hat.
an american who loves wearing white after labor day.
Just wonderful
Now I will have to buy a red polka dot dress!!!!!!!!!!!!
Positively adorable, and the positioning of the legs just solidifies it.
I just came across this blog and found it very interesting indeed.Thanks for sharing.