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On The Street......Black Summer, East Village


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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

On The Street......Black Summer, East Village

I love the overall Girl Rocker look.

The top is another H&M loss leader - they gotta be losing money on this blouse. That kind of pleating detail is labor intensive and takes a lot of fabric but it is still an inexpensive top.

She said the same thing as a lot of you about shopping at H&M - the music is too loud, the store is messy, and she has to fight through a lot to find something good but when she does it is usually a real gem.

Comments on "On The Street......Black Summer, East Village"


Blogger Alice Olive said ... (8:57 AM) : 

Yes, she looks great! The hair too. Love the line of the blouse and the cute little cuffed shorts. I'm wondering what shoes she was wearing.

My sister always manages to find something good at H&M but I rarely have the patience for a good search. The general messiness of all the clothes is so offputting.


Blogger MARIA H said ... (9:08 AM) : 

To look that polished in summer plus keep the rocker is kind of a challenge. I would find shorts even more simple, the button on the side is kind of redundant.


Blogger Rafe Totengco said ... (9:24 AM) : 

Wow, she's channeling Pat Benatar or Sheena Easton. The 80's are definitely back.


Blogger Shopaholic D said ... (12:10 PM) : 

pi love it! great look!

...wish we had h&m here!


Blogger Teri said ... (12:34 PM) : 

Absolute agree with you about H & M. But I love shopping at H & M. As you said, you have to fight through to find something good coz the store is messy. However, Not like other stores, there is no limited numbers of clothes for fitting room. You can take as many as you can carry and try it on in the fitting room. I Love it!
I also love the top on her and the way she wears it. Love H & M, Love the top and Love your blog the most.


Blogger atticus_finch said ... (12:45 PM) : 

she looks great!!! Hard to believe its H&M.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:19 PM) : 

I guess with H&M as with most other cheap/trendy stores you have to decide whether you want the 'cheap' or the tidy 'price'. They would have to employ hundreds of personnel just to pick up and put away clothes that people (here especially teenagers), leave untidy. Then it's wouldn't be cheap anymore, the goods wouldn't move and so neither would they be trendy and some time after they would be closed.
My H&Ms are very tidy and not too large.


Blogger Kelli said ... (3:04 PM) : 

I feel the same way about going to Century 21 in NYC - if you have the patience and determination you can find great pieces.

She looks like a cross between Gina Gershon & Pat Benatar. She's sexy and makes it look effortless.

I am also curious about her shoes!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:54 PM) : 

Wow, I really love that top.

And I really love the concept of H&M loss leaders!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:11 PM) : 

She looks fabulous. And I usually hate hate hate black in the summer. She makes everything feel light, including that great solid belt. The airiness with which she carries is what makes the black less oppressive, I think. Huh.


Blogger 'signorina' said ... (8:04 PM) : 

The shorts are fabulous - good on her for having the guts to wear them: she should, they look great on her.

If I am feeling energetic and ready for some work, I enjoy riffling through H&M-type stores - for me, it's akin to a good op-shop/thrift store trawl. But you have to have high energy levels and I agree with the whole picking-the-good-time-of-day thing.

What sh*ts me, however, is never being able to find the right size. It once took me about half an hour to find the world's best denim skirt in my size...and then there was a huge queue for the dressing rooms. When the sales assistant told me I couldn't try it on over my clothes on the shop floor, I gave up and left. Still regret losing the skirt (which I could naturally not find again in my size) but the fight-or-flight mechanism overtook me...


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:51 PM) : 

i love the overall look--she has the legs to pull i8t off. i thin kher hair goes real well with it as well, i wonder what shoes she owre.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:37 PM) : 

I agree that it depends on the location of the H&M. Of the 5 or so stores in Europe and North America that I've seen some were brilliant, others nightmarish.

As I do always walk away with something I'll brave whichever I'm faced with...


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:28 PM) : 

Scott... I'm in love (again)... Thanks man. Made me effin' day. Georgeous... Bring back messy 80s creativity in the girls. Excellent. And that hair. But best of all - The Pout. She's there... (Sigh...)


Blogger Ghoti said ... (4:32 AM) : 

It is nice, but at $2 a day, the labor involved would hardly dent the price.

I love your blog. Attention to fashion has really slipped in the West. Your blog required reading.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:27 AM) : 

Great look. She pulls it off nicely, glasses, attitude, hairstyle etc.

But the shoes? It is usually the shoes that make or break the outfit.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:05 AM) : 

love the blog,love the blouse. haven´t seen it in stores yet though, which is weird, cos I work at h&m.
there seems to be a huge difference between the european and the us stores though.cos our music is hardly there,the stores are messy only on fridays and saturdays and you can only take 5 items to the fitting room(thank god!)
queues are normal though, just don´t go shopping on the weekends, it´s empty during the week.
and believe me-we try our best to keep everything nice, have all the sizes etc. but its so effing hard.
especially with customers that treat us and the clothes like sh** , which they do a lot.
still love my job though and love our clothes.. good thing is-I get them first . hihi..


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:34 AM) : 

Here in Sweden, where H&M comes from, it's clothes are also known for falling apart... One wash, then goodbye.


Blogger Nia said ... (11:47 AM) : 

Hey, Nela. Here in the US the "disposable clothing" store is Forever 21--things just disintegrate after one wash. I've been pleasantly surprised by H&M, most of my pieces from them have lasted for a few years now, although some have fallen apart--it seems you can tell by the feel of the fabric which is which, though, so it's not so hit-or-miss.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:34 PM) : 

pure Geena Gershon. Love it.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:48 PM) : 

Hurray for fashion democracy. I've purchased expensive pieces (suits, tops) that haven't stood the test of time like some of my H&M faves.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:41 PM) : 

H&M is great! here in stockholm we have an h&m-store every twenty metres (as it's a swedish brand).. with all those stores you can always find something good and always with a great price. and messy? no?

h&m in sweden - that's the way to do it ;)I hope the stores in other countries will catch up soon :)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:40 AM) : 

I bought that jacket/top in june or july 2005, in Frankfurt. I still love it, it's made of silk and goes with everything. I think it was on sale too!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:00 AM) : 

I remembered this thread when I went to an H & M for the first time. I was at the Oxford Street shop and I was pleasantly surprised that it was more affordable compared to everything else in London.
Though there were a couple of stuff I particularly liked, I left emptyhanded because of the discorteous staff. I was turned off by the extremely snooty fitting room person and the oh-so-rude cashier.
So nevermind. I don't need the attitude, thank you very much.


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