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Comments on "On The Street... Casual Chic"
A sexy man! weee!
Love the layaring, the open shirt (difficult to do) and his pose. Very masculine and very relaxed. This how casual should look!
Nearly bald dudes + big sunglasses = winner every time.
Perfect layering.. especially love the short jacket over the cardigan.
A little too much trying, I'd say. And the bod's not quite right for the jeans. Or vice versa.
Great look, plus I love a guy who can work with a hairline challenge -- this guy's doing it right.
P.S.- Picked up the new GQ featuring The Sartorialist yesterday! Yay you!
sorry, really can't stand any of that open shirt business at all. it just says "i really fancy myself" to me
Very sexy...
he really looks good! well done!
i agree. so glad it's fall and time to layer again.
if someone described this outfit to me, i would think "boring!", but the way he wears it... the details, the collar, the vest, the belt, and his best accessory... that gorgeous face!
Perfect in every way! If I lived in NY, I'd be asking you for his number. ;-)
Great jacket! Helps make the look complete.
is it me, or does he look a little like william h macy (with no hair, obv)?
the jacket. that jacket
Congrats on the article on Slate @ MSN!!
is that a little cuff protruding from the edge of his left sleeve? if so, well played sir!
When you take a picture from the knees up, is it because the sitter's (or should I say stander's) shoes are subpar?
It's been a bit warm here for all those layers. Look at that bare arm in the background. Didn't you say you got peeved when you saw someone shitting their pants over their new jacket or coat or whatever busting it out way too soon?
Yes, very sexy man!
Sorry, but...
he's really cool and i hope he knows it
I agree with Butch...and he seems a bit too old for such a look?
i love the way his cuello flips in his shoulders. love this blog, love the people and love the photographer! very well put
kinda looks like the bald guy in the safari looking outfit in one of your posts a few months back. great composition and attitude.
J'aime New York et votre blog, c'est New York. Bravo !
I'd love to see what footwear he has gone for...very important to the overall look!
Love the look, love the guy!
a bit pushed and to be honest nothing really to be reported. it's more the attitude than the look..
My hands want to lay down the collar and button one or two buttons of the shirt. As it is now, this outfit looks far too much show-off for me.
Thanks :-)
Perhaps it's just my romantic mood, but don't you think this guy and the blue+black lady would look good together? They somehow fit, in their effortless coolness.
Well, thanks to this blog, I have concluded that black women in New York have no style. While this seem completely counterintuitive to me, I must thank you for the illumination.
its a good look but not on him, i think layering looks best on slimmer builts..plus age is an issue, you dont want to be that "old guy or old chick" thats trying to look young..its too obvious. replace the jacket with a camel wool or light tweed blazer and he'll look more sleek and his age.
Looks like your older, taller, bulkier brother, Scott!
i really wish he would button up that shirt. Otherwise, he would look perfect.
Very cool
Your blog makes me really happy and inspired, I love watching real people looking fantastic in that real-life way.
It's the kind of thing that makes you feel it's worth the time and effort put into defining ones own personal style, you know?
He looks great here but the first thing I thought of was "this guy probably keeps those sunglasses on at night too."
wow very cool. Must show this to my husband. I've never been a great fan of the very skinny jeans on most people (guys or gals), but this guy has pulled it off with this look.
Too Kool for Skool
i have very similar pieces and i can't believe i never thought to combine them like that. well i know what i'm wearing tonight!
Open shirt is a no-no. The same with the 'standing' collar, my hands want to lay it down. Trying too hard is never, never ok on a man.
Otherwise he's fine.
Go Stan!!! He's the fashion director at maxim magazine
Well, that's a really really good look. The only thing... I only like decollétage on women. I don't think he's too old for it or anything. (Old? Duh, ridiculous.) I just prefer to do the unbottoning myself. It leaves something to imagination. As for the rest, well done.