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Comments on "At Moschino - My shoot-out w/ Gilles Bensimon"
Incredible. I had no idea Gilles Bensimon was so old. His work with Elle magazine has always been the best. No one uses sunlight like Gilles.
begs the question ... what was in your breast pocket?
cheers ... keep it up ... i love your commentary and the pictures, virtual people watching. thank you.
peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'
I read your posts regularly and I have a small question. Isn't it the actress Indira Varma in the yellow dress in your post on www.style.com on september 9th ? I love her, she's extremely graceful...
i think he loos great - love the colour of the jacket and the stripe texture in the shirt - nice cuff showing to.
loved your pics on style.com i think its always interesting to see how the audience dress reflects the show they are at really noticed the difference from marni to moschino. Also though tALT looked great he is such a character on he could get away with the purple jacket which is all the more remarkable cause he is like 7' - love it
Very elegant suit - I hope you were wearing one to match...
Love him.
Your shots are keeping me going... most of the shows so far have been such a let down!
Keep up the good work!
"virtual people watching" thats perfect!
One can see, from even an abbreviated glimpse, that the jacket's tops....
Hello, Gilles has been shooting for Elle since the 70s or something. I'm just happy he's still around and still loving it. My previous PR girl is now his assistant and says the best things about him.
But more importantly, where are those Prada pics you promised?
Is the suit grey or brown?
The pencil is an incredible touch. Even if it was an accident. Even if he was lying and made up right there on the spot the whole "grey weather" business, it's still great.
But the best part is, he's probably telling the truth.
Delightful. Positively delightful.
Ooooh, Gile's jacket is sharp!
Great shot, nice focus and d.o.f. Wonder what camera Gilles is using there? Also, he looks great--the jacket is superb and the cuffs on the shirt (seersucker?) are killer.
Gilles and Regis P. changed the way fashion magazines were printed...they revolutionized color separations and matched colors with such precision.
it's perfect. and i love the detail - the leather lace...
Man, he looks good.
His role at Elle shows how photographers can truly be appreciated for their 'view'. I love his signature 'on the street' shoots.
Mind you, in recent times have felt that Gilles could perhaps use a few photographers in Elle who don't literally copy his own style. I appreciate that he uses a range of photographers so we get different interpretations of fashion and beauty. However a carbon copy of Gilles' style is not original.
That is perfect. I love that he said that.
When someone responds so well to a question or takes the time to think about such a funny little detail, it's like a little gift. I find a great deal of joy in perfect details.
it looks really good on him. love the colors, and the weather idea =)
I'd be cool to see the pic he took of u, taking one of him, lol.
wonderful shot.
does anyone know what camera he is holding?
i love it...wow.
Nice shot!
The camera looks like a Ricoh GR.
he took my photo with a camera like at new york fashion week...i wonder what he will do with it