At DKNY - Boys Brooks Brothers Jacket

I have seen a few young ladies do this before and it always looks great.
The proportion is spot on for this woman's body with just enough femme/masculine to be perfectly androgynous.
I think the Brooks Brothers boy's department is the last place for women to buy anything close to a Helmut Lang suit.
Comments on "At DKNY - Boys Brooks Brothers Jacket"
Great blog by the way, I love reading it. Yet, I think it's definitely a woman jacket for the right lap overlaps the left one, which makes the buttons are on the wrong side for a man.
I agree, it looks great. Perfect blend of the casual and the playful appropriation of menswear. But, the button placement makes me think it was originally designed for a woman.
This is just right. She's got a great sense of proportion, down to the matter of where the bag "hits" her body....
In re the jacket, I'm always in favor of a successful "steal" from a little--or big--brother's closet....
Sart, I love your comment about the beautifully refined, feminine, contrary-rebellion of "At The Tents.......The Young Lady". Is "At DKNY - Boys Brooks Brothers Jacket" the rebellion? Isn't it just a more common, but ineffective non-event? Can we have some more of the former, ladies? Couldn't this just as well be a used Salvation Army Jacket? No doubt the choices here were well considered, but the beauty is lost on me. Lose the team t-shirt for something silkier and longer, maybe? Lose the flip-flps for some really cute shoesies. Why be so proletarian? Let your beauty shine! - JCH
I actually have every intention of purchasing a few things from Brooks Brothers Boys, as I have too many problems buying in women's or even petites! Great price and quality - who cares if it's from the boys dept?
(see my comments on my Brooks Brothers petite experience here)
my mom loves your blog, we are Brazilian
Nice picture!
The blue jacket/pants against the red bricks is very attractive. The light pillar and her long blond hair add a little verticle.
At the risk of declaring war on flip flops - if it's cool enough for long pants/jacket, then why not a more covered-up shoe?
Good catch on the button placement. Definitely not Brooks Brothers. I'm relieved. I thought I was going to have to rethink Brooks Brothers. I have never quite forgiven the company for "inventing" the button down dress shirt back in 1896.
She kind of looks like Kate Hudson to me...I always love wearing men clothes...Actually, I grew up wearing my dad's jackets which are really big for me...But I love it.
When a woman wears your's sooo sexy!
Well done. All the proporions are odd, but the overall result is great.
She´s a surfer girl in the city.
hi Im from Argentina!
I dont like that jacket..
Its quite masculine ..
so well bye
At first I thought... "hang on, Thom Browne isn't doing his collection for Brooks Brothers till Fall '07. What gives?!"
She looks totally great. I love how the jacket fabric catches the light; her hair is perfect and I agree about her sense of proportions. Rock on!
omigod. we're not back to the early 90s with the women in men's jackets are we...
Hey Sart,
You are mentioned in a WSJ article ("Bloggers Get Under The Tent"). Here is the link:
Nice one!!
Oh, but we are back in the 90's dear shinhy blue black....Grunge? and, get ready for minimalism in a BIG way....
To Shiny Blue Black. it's boy's jacket. not men's.
I dont think her thong slippers do quite well with the whole look.
Hey Sart....
nice mention in the Wall Street Journal today
Hey, Congratulations on the Wall Street Journal mention!!! You've know got (Wall)street cred. ("Bloggers Get Under the Tent" 9/12/06 pg B1)
"Oh, but we are back in the 90's dear shinhy blue black....Grunge? and, get ready for minimalism in a BIG way...."
egads. Exactly why I left fashion behind yonks ago.
You are correct about the buttons; it cannot be a boy's or men's jacket.
I like it all except the midriff. I never want to see another midriff as long as I live, outside of the bedroom or the beach.
Terrific look - spot on!
Girl shirts/jackets buttons are always on the left.
Interesting assumption that it's a Brooks Brothers thing happening here. The woman in the photograph is a British journalist - more a comment on Saville Row if anything...
Nice casual. Interesting and bold mix. Cool
I liked what I was seeing until I scrolled down and choked on my chips at the sight of those flip-flops. Terribly misplaced, I think.
ah don't be so quick to assume women don't shop on the mens side. keep in mind there are lesbians, such as myself, out there that consume clothes with a masculine theme. i swear if i had the power i would encourage a designer to send women (lesbians particularly) out on the runway to model their mens line. this would be genius!