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Vanity Fair - Best Dressed List


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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Vanity Fair - Best Dressed List

So what did we think about the Vanity Fair Best Dressed List. It seemed all the people listed were famous or rich or royalty or all three.

Does it matter to you that the people listed have to already be celebrities?

I would rather see 5 images of some unknown person with truly great style than another bunch of tired George Clooney images of him in a tux or boring grey suit.

Except for a few like Sofia and Kate to me the list is about "bought style". Even Kate and Sofia are given a ton of free clothes but at least with them they do seem to bring something personal to it.

While we are at it, what did you think about the Kate Moss love letter. She is an icon and very beautiful, but she is such a tragic figure I have a hard time looking at her in ads or editorials now and not feeling sad. Am I wrong?

Comments on "Vanity Fair - Best Dressed List"


Blogger grace said ... (9:22 AM) : 

Yes, I'd much rather see REAL people and the style they put together, rather than a celebrity that was just given an outfit and put it on without any thought to it. Give me real anyday....


Blogger MARIA H said ... (9:43 AM) : 

Kate, Kate, Kate...Coke Kate!


Blogger Unknown said ... (9:57 AM) : 

I do think what is so exciting about style blogs that capture non-celebs is the way real people interpret style without the benefit of professional stylists.

For me, it's kind of like an ethnographic exercise. We get a glimpse into another person's culture.

That said, I must say, am a fan of the Kate Moss look; specifically loved the boots with the shorts look. I think Kate really does bring a lot of her own personality into her wardrobe. Wish she would really "own" herself enough to get away from the negative influences surroudning her, though.


Blogger Dr Skylaser said ... (10:04 AM) : 

Oh, wow, a non-celebrity-ridden Best Dressed list would be a great thing. You should do one!


Blogger Georgiana said ... (12:05 PM) : 

Lappo Elkan (did I spell that right?) was on the list. You've featured him before, right?
Otherwise, I agree with you.


Blogger Ina O' Murchu said ... (12:15 PM) : 

Isnt this what your blog is all about celebrating the style of the individual?


Blogger ENID P. said ... (12:34 PM) : 

I have a total different opinion of her. When I see her, I say "poor little pretty girl". Looks beautiful in the outside...but in the insude something isn't right.

About the cover, I think it looks like a Winter cover...

I think the Best dressed list should include "celebrities and real" people...



Blogger Resplendato said ... (1:11 PM) : 

There are strange similarities to the W cover and the Vanity fair cover..just look.


Blogger whyioughtta said ... (3:26 PM) : 

Coco Chanel said something to the effect that true elegance is about revelling in hidden luxury, rather than ostentation. Who could be more of an oracle than the woman who brought fashion into the 20th century (at least for women). How did she do it? By breaking rules and being true to one guide: her own sense of comfort and beauty.

Today, 'style' --at least in a lot of the fashion mags--is often conflated with $2,000 purses, $700 shoes, 'It' bags. But what your site proves is that money and fame has nothing to do with true style. Maybe GC has cottoned on to this...Maybe we're seeing the beginning of something really new and exciting. A style democracy???


Blogger Ardian Kastrati said ... (5:12 PM) : 

About Kate: I think that her private life is private. Doing coke is not good, but in the end it's her choise. And people around her like her now ex boyfriend Pete isn't a good influence on her.

But what matter in the end, is her work as a model. And that is always great. She is a profesional.

As for the list: I totally agree!


Blogger Saffron said ... (5:13 PM) : 

Have seen Coke Kate in London. In real life she looks wasted. Sart, you of all people should know how that what you see in magazines are all Photoshopped. The sad thing is that young girls want to look like someone that does not exist.


Blogger Alice Olive said ... (5:18 PM) : 

The other thing about the 'celebrity' aspect is the stylist. Okay, so Kirsten Dunst (just plucking her as an example out of the air here) arrives at a red carpet looking fabulous. But she hasn't picked any piece of her outfit. She hasn't done her hair or make up. It's all done for her. Takes the edge off abit. That's why the 'on the street' shows real (as in original) style.

Still really like Kate Moss (drugs or no drugs - cancelled campaigns or no). I was happy to see the new Calvin Klein ads with Kate again.


Blogger whyioughtta said ... (6:59 PM) : 

Oops...meant GQ not GC...I must have keyboard dislexia...


Blogger 'signorina' said ... (7:16 PM) : 

What I am one-hundred percent over is the Rachel Zoe look: Lindsay Lohan, Keira Knightley and other assorted children are all fine on the long as they can actually dress themselves. I have no interest in reading about Mischa Barton's fashion picks if they're actually being picked out by a cookie-cutter stylist who can only work with the kind of physical looks she herself possesses.

Kate Moss IS one of our style icons - she imbues her own clothes with a personality and it can vary from the one she gives clothes she's paid to wear. Bring models back to covers, let them do what they're good at.


Blogger elena said ... (8:00 PM) : 

We don´t need all those boring lists.
We are lucky, because we´ve got The Sartorialist :)


Blogger Claire said ... (6:18 AM) : 

It makes me think of the recent Mischa Barton thing where she turned up in Australia to promote Aussie designers - paid 52,000 (dollars or pounds - don't know) to do so and when she was asked what she was wearing she had no idea! It was reported here:


(Got out of the styling game for just this reason)

I think Sofia Coppola has great personal style. She deserves to be up there even if she does get loads of free doesn't matter how much money you have, it's what you do with it - just look at Paris Hilton!


Blogger MARIA H said ... (10:57 AM) : 

Besides money, self promotion and blood lineage, is there something else to determine style? Everybody seems to forget even how this people are some sort of role models (moral status) :the true zeitgheist!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:40 PM) : 

Ortensia at 6:21am...I don't understand. Are you saying the Beckhams are "American"? Also, I personally think you can find Andrea's "style" at almost any Ivy League university and/or prep school.


Blogger Blue Floppy Hat said ... (5:39 AM) : 

There are glaring mistakes in that list all right, but I'd never disagree with the choice of Kate Moss. As people have said before, her clothes actually feel like an extension of her personality: my mum would say she wears them, they don't wear her.

Too much celebrity dressing these days is about how they'll look to other people, while true style is really about individuals and how they choose to present themselves. And that's why so many people come here: the people might be attractive, but they're real. Faults, foibles and all, they actually exist, they have classes and offices to go to, work to do, and a real life to live, in which their clothes are important, perhaps, but not paramount. And even if Kate Moss is Cocaine Kate, it's not for us to judge her- leaving her personal life out of it, the mere fact that, in her thirties, despite the wastedness, she's still one of the world's most sought-after models (possibly THE most, too) speaks for itself. I remember comparing the black-and-white Burberry ads shot with Kate to the ones in which she was replaced by Gemma Ward after the coke scandal, and the difference was stunning, simply in terms of the fact that even though they're both beautiful women, Kate just brought so much character to her shot, while Gemma just looked well, pretty and bland. I suppose in some ways that's what we all react to in Kate and in the people photographed on this blog- the individualism.

Cheers, Sart.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:33 AM) : 

i don't have a copy of this issue but yes i think we rely too much on celebrities. in today's hollywood there are no cary grants or fred astaires for men and catherine hepburns for women. the only current celebrity who has style now is reese witherspoon. for a person her size she does pretty well. i'm not sure if she gets her clothes from designers and even if she does she knows how to wear them because she has style.

as fas as GQ, i think going back to real male models instead of celebs for cover is the way to go.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:42 PM) : 

All those who feel sorry for kate moss - please! she wouldn't want any of you guys to feel sorry for her ... she is one of the most admired models in the industry today in terms of being down to earth & the same girl now as she was when she started ... it's rare that you find female models so down to earth ... as for the drugs ... unless you work within the fashion industry I dont think you can comment ... cocaine abuse is rampant within the fashion industry - not just the models but the the designers, fashion house bosses etc etc ... as for the poster that commented on her appearance in the flesh ... I have seen her many times in the flesh around london & she always looks amazing ... I also think we should remember that she's not a media whore like many models / celebs .... she has done virtually no interviews in all these years, instead concentrated on being a model first & foremost ..... I challenge anyone to actually find an interview she has given ...

as for the list ... i'm glad lapo elkann & charlotte casiraghi made it ... she is absolutely breathtaking in the flesh, the camera certainly doesn't capture it.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:51 PM) : 

I have to say that Anderson Cooper belonged on that list. I have seen him a number of times at Bouchon Bakery and he is ALWAYS perfect.

As for the rest of the list, consider the source. It's Vanity Fair. You have to love the magazine for exposing Lapo then putting him on the best dressed list.


Blogger chanchow said ... (6:47 PM) : 

Kate Moss has great style and individuality. I can't say the same for Sofia Coppola. Yea, Sofia often looks effortlessly chic, but who wouldn't (a) with a closet full of Marc Jacobs and (b) if you wore a little black dress all the time? At least Kate Moss can mix and match, Sofia is like a one look, one label gal.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:20 AM) : 

I suppose another reason why people are getting tired of celebrities is because of the whole stylist phenomenon- starting with the ubiquitous, and now loathsome, Rachel Zoe. Celebrities have always been style icons, it's just that in earlier decades they used to dress themselves- the Hepburns (Audrey and Katherine), Brigitte Bardot, Sophia Loren and other women whose looks defined the decades they worked in used to pick their own styles for the most part, even if studio stylists did occasionally enter the picture.

Another problem? The very definition of celebrities today. I mean, if you look at it most of them have done very little or nothing at all in terms of substantive work, and their only claim to fame is getting their picture taken and printed in assorted glossy magazines. Most of them are famous precisely because they're media whores- which is one reason why I respect Kate Moss; she's done fantastic work which speaks for itself. How many people on that list can say the same for themselves?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:54 PM) : 

Chanchow, I have to strongly disagree. I went to CalArts w/ Sofia Coppola in the early 90's, long before the Marc Jacobs muse thing, and that sense of effortless chic was as strong then as it is now. It isn't just the clothes - it's her ... she is luminous. Just look at those images of her on pg. 352 & 355- breathtaking! And she is wearing neither Marc Jacobs nor a black dress.

Sartorialist, thank you for your beautiful images and insightful commentary!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:56 PM) : 

i COMPLETELY agree with whoever said they're tired of seeing celebrity fashion and that is why they are here. i enjoy real, on the street fashion so much more!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:47 AM) : 

I bought the latest VF number at the airport and paged through the "fashion" issue. It was the most unengaging issue in recent memory. If you had Lapo Elkann's money of course you'd have a decent wardrobe.

Rich people have cool clothes. This is not news. The real challenge is to do more while having less. Keep it real.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:26 PM) : 

As i read the best dressed list i thought that many of the photos reminded me of your blog. Kate is doing exactly as she pleases, I do not feel sad for her, I feel happy she's not trying to be someone else


Blogger Queenie said ... (1:31 PM) : 

I like Kate and respect her ability to remain herself.

Yeah, yeah, here in 2006 this is bad, that is bad...but you know what...I was raised by sixties people, and they are alive and healthy and did a little experimenting too back pre-puritan.

As Kate grows up, she'll even out like all the rest of us---or maybe some of us. We all got some kind of demon.
This era's bandwagon needn't be her bandwagon anymore than her bandwagon needs be ours.
Kate'll get all of her bills payed and money left to eat.
At the end of the day, whatEVER demons she has in her private life she can afford to be buried, and that's more than I can say.
(But then I'm not ready to be buried any damned way)

Aside from that, I HAVE TO SEE LUDWIG!


Blogger Kate said ... (9:40 PM) : 

I would love to see more celebrities taking clothing risks... championing really unknown designers, or even having fun with their high profile "power"... taking the Bjork swan dress route! They seem to play it so SAFE, fearful of appearing in a cheap magazine with some idiot's comedic critique of their wardrobe.

Go to an art school or a design school and see what fun, risk, and self expression is about...
How about a category for "best dressed with an annual income under $50,000?"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:51 AM) : 

love Kate, always have. She looks like a doll, and like the "love letter" says, she doesn't make excuses or spin the PR mill after being outed. People shouldn't be so judgemental...


Blogger admin said ... (5:24 AM) : 

yes! it's so easy to look chic and fit when you're a VIP :(
and that's why I read so avidly this blog, stilish, fresh and bold from the first post to the very last one


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