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On The Street.....UPDATE Summer Dress, New York


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Monday, August 14, 2006

On The Street.....UPDATE Summer Dress, New York

One of the comments about this dress was that it looked "slovenly."
Again I think we have to remember that these are real people in real life situations. I think we should look at these photos in more of an inspirational and not so literal manner. I think it miss a lot if we just make each look a "Yes !" or "No ! ".

I think we also have to be more open-minded about the situations that these people may be wearing a particular look. Everyone I shoot is not just going to/from work or for an evening out on the town.

In this look ,for example, I see red bathing suit straps around her neck and she was near to and walking in the direction of Central Park. I think of this as a very chic way to use a dress as a cover-up for a girl on her way to a day of sun and fun in Central Park. On her way to the park she can pop into a few shops (dry cleaners, newstand, nail salon) and on her way back pick up some groceries all the while looking cute as can be. New Yorkers do a lot of multitasking, we don't usually have a car parked nearby to drop off or pickup the gear for our next task. I have seen the way most people dress for a day at the beach and by comparison this is a pretty good look.

Comments on "On The Street.....UPDATE Summer Dress, New York"


Blogger Loulou said ... (11:01 AM) : 

i wish there was some thing added ontop to further define the woman's shape in thsi dress. righ tnow its this too voluminous, shapeless, overly short thing in a so-so color. ---on her. i feel like if thsi dress was on a woman lacking curves and fullness it woudl be great--i.e. how nicole ritchie drapes over her lack of womanliness with rich fabrics..... as a woman with such an adorable, youthful build, maybe she should get a tailored cardigan/top with perhaps a belt on top of that to give it shape. the shortness only accentuates the sweelling of fabric around her hips...
i love her glasses.. the personality coming out in her outfit. she seems soo adorable.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:23 PM) : 

I hate her sunglasses, they make her look like a bug. The dress is fabulous but these flip flops totally ruin the outfit... i with americans would learn from the europeans.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:17 PM) : 

i think she is waifish enough for this dress, and it is the perfect length. really cute except for the flip-flops.


Blogger Lady Apple said ... (3:28 PM) : 

i do think she looks cute, but i do agree that the dress is too shapeless. the girl looks like she has a nice figure she should show it off.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:21 PM) : 

She looks awesome, very beautiful


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:45 PM) : 

She looks great! I'm GLAD she doesn't look like Nicole Ritchie. This is a real person who has dressed herself adorably. "If this dress was on a woman lacking curves and fullnes it would be great" ??? What??? I'll pass on that :D
I do think it would be nice if she had wedges on--anything but those flip flops.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:06 PM) : 

shapeless is hot right now, if you really want to know ..


Blogger Frida said ... (9:14 PM) : 

I like this, one of the best pictures in a while =)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:51 PM) : 

I dunno, is it just me? I don't think it's cute or stylish -- the only word that comes to my mind is "slovenly." For the most part I appreciate the male style that's photographed here, but sometimes the women just look like bag ladies, to me.

Or else I'm stuck on a different planet than the rest of you sartorialists. :)


Blogger Anastasia said ... (11:56 PM) : 

is the heatwave subsiding?
she looks cold!

i do love the extreme lengths you've shot this past summer - maxi dresses and super minis....


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:49 AM) : 

Anonymous that thinks Europeans don't wear flip flops: the faux pas is not american only.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:50 AM) : 

she looks great, kind of like Lily Allen.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:13 AM) : 

Hello , i am from sweden. And just have to say that the necklace was gorgeous! The dress was really nice, but it would look perfect with att grey/black cardigan. i am sorry about my english...but i am only 14, so... Bye !


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:53 AM) : 

Thank you SO much for saying this!
One of the main reasons that I love your blog (and check it daily) is that it refreshingly positive, and generally stays away from the snarky criticism that a lot of writing about fashion seems to enjoy. Your genuine appreciation for everyday style really comes through in your blog - thanks for holding the rest of us to the same standard!


Blogger Kelli said ... (10:18 AM) : 

That's a nice blue color, the puff sleeves are fun and the flip flops are perfect on her. It seems most girls leaving Central Park after sunbathing pull on a jean miniskirt or plain shorts and a tank top - this is a nice alternative.


Blogger Alice Olive said ... (10:51 AM) : 

Yes, you're right. It's very easy to be the armchair critic (desktop critic, whatever!) and I do like the swimwear cover up idea.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:35 PM) : 

I think it's just adorable and I agree that she's off to the park for some sun and maybe a couple of errands on the way home. She looks fresh and comfortable, but chic. I do agree the glasses are a tad large for her.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:06 PM) : 

She looks adorable. Obviously it's a summer weekend look on a HOT day, not something to wear to a cocktail party. Your eye is exceptional!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:32 PM) : 

Hi, Sartorialist!

Maybe "slovenly" has too harsh of a connotation -- how about "untidy"? :) But seriously, I meant my comment to be a little tongue-in-cheek (hence the last sentence). Maybe that didn't come through so well, so I'm sorry if it sounded snarky instead!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:01 PM) : 

that girl is really pretty :) at first when I saw her I thought about how the flipflops were ruining it all and blabla. then I thought again. why be so negative? this girl sure aint dressed for being photographed and judged by us. this is a really cool outfit considering that to her, it's just everyday.

thank you sartorialist for telling us off when we get too mean. I would sure as hell not do it better myself and I would probably wear fliflops too (AND I'm european, Swedish to be exact). thanks again, I really like you're blog!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:30 PM) : 

it all works on her because of her vibrant, happy and fun attitude. not my style, but she can carry it off. it doesn't matter how expensive her clothes are, or what kind of shape her body is. unlike the poor girl below in a similar style dress (short and loose-waisted), but in drab colour and get out of my way look on her face.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:40 PM) : 

You're very observant, Sart. Love reading your commentaries.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:58 PM) : 

I feel most sorry for flip flops. They seem to be getting the most hate-comments on this blog! : P


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:08 PM) : 

Hey! As a straight male I finally get my turn!


Whos cares what she's wearing! She's a hottie!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:24 PM) : 

You guys better stay out of Sydney where 'flip flops' or thongs as we call them, are ubiquitous and even necessary in summer.

Keep up the great work Sart! Come down to Sydney if you ever get a chance, there's much to love. xx


Blogger ENID P. said ... (12:08 AM) : 

It looks so chic on her.... I always think that this type of dress will make me look heavy, so I never even give the dress a try. Next time I see this type of dress on a rack I will give it a try.....I love how it looks on her....



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:08 AM) : 

Love love love this outfit. Love the colour, the cut, everything.

Very chic!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:52 PM) : 

As a New Yorker, I gotta defend the flip-flops.

We walk everywhere, it's really bloody hot on the street (and even hotter in the subway,) and the streets are completely filthy. So your everyday summer shoes have to be comfortable, open, and relatively disposable.

If I bought a nice pair of open shoes in anything lighter than dark brown, they'd be unwearable within two weeks. (This is also why New York women tend to wear very dark polish on their toenails.)



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:04 PM) : 

I'm writing from Santa Cruz, and this is a look we see a lot of here (beach town) so it doesn't knock my sox off, though it's perfectly adorable on her at her age (and I love that blue). I'm actually writing as an exiled pedestrian San Franciscan, to say that what I really love about your blog (in addition to the absence of snark, as noted above), is EXACTLY the photos of a wide range of regular folks - different sizes (tho mostly skinny - all that walking?), ages, ethnicities, gender presentations - going about their usual lives, all mixed together on the street, and all with an individual sense of style. The richness of life and humanity, the great smiles, the girls on bikes - you make me miss city life! Keep up the good work!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:51 PM) : 

Stop complaining people!
I think the dress is very cute and the sunglass too. She is not looking as a bug if tou ask me!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:51 PM) : 

kjStop complaining people!
I think the dress is very cute and the sunglass too. She is not looking as a bug if tou ask me!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:57 PM) : 

It's a really carefree, sexy ensemble. The blue is gorgeous and the flip-flops help to continue the line of her legs. Delicious, all in all.


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