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Comments on "What Every American Boy Dreams Parisian Girls Look Like"
awww very pretty
what a gorgeous coloured dress!
What is she waiting for?
Perfection!!!!!! I'm pea green with envy...
Great blog! like your take on fashion and the pictures.
she's so romantic.
I saw you at the face hunter ;)
Very nice (minus the H&M flip-flops)! This is also what every American girl wants to run away and be like.
The look is lovely. I think the hairstyle really makes the outfit. It reminds me of the 1920s.
what strikes me even more than her outfit is the way she is sitting and that wistful expression on her face. lovely.
Everything about this image is fantastic. The dress, her beautiful face, the ambience.
She looks like a cross between Maggie Gyllenhaal and Audrey Tautou. Very cute!
she is lovely, the style effortless but not sure of the sweeping statment???
I love the colours, her hair, her face - a beautiful picture!
I love how french girls are more laid back and not putting all their assets "in four face" as many american obsessed with "victoria´s secret" sexyness are.
There are many ways to be sexy, and not all mean that you have to be bone thin, blonde and riding on high heels.
This girl has some flesh on their bones, her hair looks like she did it herself, she wears a comfortable dress and flipflops. She looks comfortable with herself, and that makes her quite special.
I love that color.
Wow. You got that caption right, Sart. She's stunning. Makes the heart pound.
The sandals are underwhelming. What would have looked better?
She was waiting for her American Boy. =)
Very pretty woman!
it's a funny things...
I'm a french boy, and I don't hink that french boys really dream of this "type" of girl...
Yeah, pretty much.
her dress is wonderfully understated, and the fact that she looks healthy, not emaciated, is a relief.
she's lovely.
I don't think one should generalize that all "french girls" are effortlessly stylish based on these pictures. These are Parisians. You can't compare all american women to the women in these pictures. A more fair comp would be parisians to new yorkers.
That said....she's sooo gorgeous. And I really want that dress.
I'm very late to your continental party, Sart.
What an enjoyable morning I've had catching up!
Xoxo - desertwind
She looks a bit like Leslie Caron, doesn't she? Very pretty.
She reminds me of Amelie. I love it. She looks absolutely French.
I gotta say your blog is my favourite one.
Congratulations! Keep on posting please! :)
Xènia from Barcelona (Spain).
As pretty as Audrey Hepburn. Im always glad to see perfect bone structure in a short cut.
Long hippie hair needs to go. How do we stop this menace?
very Audrey Tautou!!
American boys dream of Catherine Deneuve
hey sart,
go to Les Deux Magots Cafe around 8:00 to 10:00 AM and you will be amazed with the stylist Parisians there. just have breakfast there but make sure your camera is ready.
She looks like the British actress Amelia Warner. I think her beautiful skin catapults the fantasy factor.
I can see that pic in oil on canvas.
She's cute.
But my American boyfriend just came by and said "uh, no" when he read the caption. He was however, loving the Alex Wek looking woman who was featured a few months ago. Different strokes.
I love it all, except for the shoes. A pair of ballet flats would be very of-the-moment - but perhaps simultaneously a bit too fashionable for this lady? This is why I hate summer: the endless shoe dilemma.
She's very cute, and I love the colour of her dress, and the fact that use the usual 'clothes-hanger=fashionable' formula. This is what I meant when I mentioned I'd love to see more 'normal' bodies.
"I love Paris, in the summer, when it sizzles."
Good, but too referenced Scott.
Oh, no! Flip-flops! What a let-down!
so lovely! i adore the dress...
Agree with Kathleen's comment son the shoes. They keep her on the brink of Parisian chic.
She's adorable, but would look much better without the side part. It looks like she's trying too much to look like Audrey Tautou. Yes, she's gorgeous and looks very French, but I don't see as much of the French individuality that I usually love here.
Very instructive to me about American taste (I'm French and the way she's dressed has nothing special to me... but I agree she's cute).
Love her ... even with the flip flop!
love yr title... so apt!
Les sandales donnent l'air de spontanité. La rigidité des femmes par apport des vêtements peut être effrayante.
The sandals are hardly a Bad choice. They're just not the "perfect" choice. And, sometimes, being "perfect", especially when so young, creates a contrived impression. Better yet to be sneaky; playfully botch a charming detail. One is more accessible when deliberation behind dress doesn't shine through. There will be time for perfectly coordinated outfits, eventually.
An homage to M. Sartorialist for the picture. The foot, almost free from the sandal is genius, it makes the picture, and shows what the girl must have intended with her shoes.
I'm in love with the dress!
She looks like the original "Amelie", Leslie Caron in "An American in Paris" with Gene Kelly. Exactly.
good blogging on Dreams Parisian Girls..