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Comments on "What Else Could You Title This But "Pure Grace""
Mature people , when they enjoy life like this , are MAGIC.
She is beautiful.
This is how I'd love to be in 30 years from now! Magnificient!
wow. that is simply beautiful.
i love that you capture such beauty in it's natural element, in the real world. keep it up!
Youve captured through a single photo the definition of elegance.
She is radiant! I love that you have an eye for women and men that carry themselves so naturally. The clothing is beautiful and highlights who they are not the other way around as is often the case in most magazines/fashion sites. Also, the majority of clothing you show can be worn by people of all ages (except maybe that backless dress on 6/28). Thank you for reminding me why I love fashion.
Hang on, I'm having a Mrs. Robinson moment...
OK, how about:
- Thank you, Mr. Bond! It has been a long time... I would not have recognized you.
- Yes, ever since I gave away my cello, I practice on zees scarf.
- A hole in my tunic? (titters) You Americans are so amusing.
And last but not least:
- I'm 58 and Hot. Any Questions?
second that.
she truly is; she reminds me of the lady a while ago from Lauren I believe, who was wearing aviators and a wool suit. Her ensemble is Parisian culture 101-wow...
Love it -- that tiny flash of red at the waist, the flawless posture. Lovely.
Hi Sartorialist,
I too have recently discovered your blog and now I'm addicted. You take gorgeous photos and find the beauty that is not obvious. Thanks for the inspiration!
A new fan from Canada:)
Was she a ballerina? Just look at the way she stands...so graceful. And with the hair pulled back, the flowy skirt, flat shoes, and her svelte body, she really looks like one. I wish I could look like this in 40 years.
I think maybe you should keep your eyey out for women with bodies that are harder to dress... for instance--- short-waisted women who areoverly top heavy, or women who are actually fuller but appear 10 pounds thinner due to their outfit...
older women look great. it shouldn't be a a surprise. i guess i shouldn't even be writing this. we just need more photos.
What elegance. I wish I knew her secret - it's indefinable.
Wonderful! I love it when you show me what the fashion can look like off the runways, outside of the glossy magazines, and in this case, well above the age range those mediums focus on. Thank you, Sartorialist!
Simple is always chic.
She looks a little like an older version of the very stylish Sarah Jessica Parker.
Welcome back to NYC. Gorgeous weekend ahead. Enjoy!
I hope I look that good when I'm her age.
i need to keep this image so i remember how i need to look when i get older!
a beautiful look and stunning woman
tres chic!
This image is an inspiration and she radiant. Great eye, Mr. Sartorialist!
She looks like one of those ballet teachers that used to be a professional and now owns her own studio. Very beautiful.
If I draped a scarf like that over my shoulder, it would look like a blanket. It is her beautiful carriage, her grace and - I hate to say it - her reed-thin body that allow her to get away with it. She really could carry off a hessian sack.
this picture is Sarah Jessica Parker in about 20 years! Bella!!
Down with prescriptive fashioninstic comments. Lets appreciate the NY looks for what they are - individualistic - down to the very last hairpin.
She looks great. Let's face it - to be this thin at this age and have a good sense of style with it is fool proof. The trick is to stay THIN.
Oh yes! beautiful.
I just love how you take words out of my mouth;)