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Comments on "On The Street........Midtown, New York"
The cut off pants look great. He has pretty good legs too, But his shirt looks like he shrunk it.
that man is hotness personified!
thought lovely
here in Brazil u can see some of them (just) on Rio
He is perfection!
Shorts are the perfect length and he must have cut them to show off his perfect legs.
The belt and the layered tees look fresh.
The topsiders look so right!
i feel like i see a lot of topsiders in brooklyn. williamsburg and park slope. ponder that.
It is great to see the re-emergence of the slim cut. But I do not know what Top-Spiders are. Explain?
Topsiders are the shoes.
Not related to this post in particular: I just wanted to say I wore a pair of brown shoes with a gray suit for the first time ever. I did it with confidence, and it looked GREAT! I never would have done it without this place--thanks for the boost.
This is really fun for me to see! I grew up outside NYC in the 60's and we wore this exact outfit! I then wore it again in the 80's during the Ralph Lauren lead preppy revival. I better look in my closet and see if I still have my beat-up topsiders.......
In response to Jeff, presumably the above poster, topsiders are the shoes the man is wearing. They can be referred to as boat shoes and they are either leather or canvas and feature a rubber sole. And, as far as I know, they must also have laces fed through 2 (maybe three) eyelets, for this is what distinguishes them from bulky car shoes. Hope that helps.
I am not sure he is perfection? Niot bad at all though. Slim shorts are in. Baggy are dated now. Liek the rest of fashion. Still though men please no sandals, we don't want to see your feet - anytime, anywhere
Perfect length for him.. you get a little peek at the quads (very nice ones, btw) but you're not getting the entire thigh. It helps that he has slim, but very athletic legs.
This is definitely inspiring me to ditch some of my longer cargo shorts next spring. I have plenty of khakis that could undergo a little chop job.
Topsiders are a casual shoe made for sailing. The shoe the gentleman is wearing are indeed topsiders. I love his shorts and the belt but that shirt looks comical. I think it is infact his girlfriends shirt.
I love your works! Your photos are increible!.I`m a spanish girl, sorry for my mistakes!
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Isn't that Romain Duris, the french actor? He sure looks uncannily like him...
Hmmm. I think Romain Duris is too hirsute and malin to be that guy. And would a French guy really know how to work top-siders? I'm not crazy about the gf's outfit, but great hair and makeup!
Personally, am not fond of topsider(sounds like a cut of beef to us Down Under)/boat/deckshoes; but love love love the shirt and vest combo, not to mention the belt as point of interest. Sandals? As long as they're not the hideous ones with velcro straps that so many tourists wear ... Have you seen Dries Van Noten's latest? They're scrumptious!
Dull, Dull, Dull .... So American, so boring!
Love those Top-SIders, I think it is the Louis Vuitton americas cup shoes! Bought them myself last august, and loved them but now that they'ven been roughed up a year they look even better. His look in total is so cool. A prep turned surfer.
I'm pretty sure he's wearing the "cotton twill" short from Club Monaco. They have a whole line of slimmish-cut shorts with that freshly-cut-pant-leg look. They've also got slimmish-cut shorts in seer sucker, available in either a light greyish-mint stripe, dark navy stripe, or taupe stripe.
'A prep turned surfer' ? I live in Malibu & sure as hell never witnessed anyone on the beach dressed like that .... He's dressed so boring & shows no individuality - I mean, 1/2 of N.Y is walking around dressed like that ... the outfits pictured are in no way interesting ...
The problem with topsiders without socks is that they make your feet stink to high heaven.
His pants are great. I'm a five seven female and I've had to resort to cutting my pants. I'm glad you've found someone else who has to (and looks good doing it).
I also love what she's wearing. I'm inspired all the way around.
"he's dressed so boring & shows no individuality - I mean, 1/2 of N.Y is walking around dressed like that ... the outfits pictured are in no way interesting ..."
I have to agree with this comment. There seems to be such a love fest on this site that the act of actually being critical has often been lost. This couple, while cute together, is not distinct in any way in terms of fashion. This is cookie cutter fashion at its best.
p.s. I should have been more succinct. They look like a Gap/Old Navy advertisement.
to New Yorker
two things
first, this site is about style not the newest fashion but since you bring up fashion when you see the buyer of Collette at the Juyna Watanabe show dressed just like this guy then maybe this guy is more fashionable that you realize.
second, if you read the post I was mentioning that this went back to an earlier post and discussion of slim shorts and how to buy and or alter shorts to get a slimmer line.
What too many people do is look at a whole outfit and say "yes" or "no" instead of looking at the items and what they can pull from it.
finally I have to disagree that half of New York looks like this - if they did my blog would be a lot bigger
I had a dream last night that this guy was my boyfriend. That is how influential a fashion blog can be!
I agree that he looks cute but, as a Sydney-sider, topsiders/"boat shoes" (as we tend to call them) have a very specific association for me: they are worn by boring, conservative boys from two geographical areas in the city, and they often go hand-in-hand with polo shirts (collars turned up) and chinos. Unfortunately the boring and arrogant persona of a lot of those men has influenced me to the point where I assume this cute gentleman must be tarred with the same brush, simply by wearing similar shoes.
Would have preferred his vibe if he was wearing Converse. But that's just me.
that guy's HOT! unfortunately, his girlfriend is really pretty :/
i know him. he works in fashion. djs too.
The girl's outfit is very "American Eagle." B-o-r-i-n-g. Unintresting and uninspired. Cute shoes though... and she's pretty!
Yeah, hot boy. Cute girl. Love his outfit, even the shrunken polo-type shirt. I need to go on a diet.
love the green belt and the shorts!