Maybe I'm not a big denim guy but I haven't seen a lot of dark grey unwashed(?) denim. This is one of those pure inspiration posts - I don't know if I would wear this look but I love the dark grey denim with the brown leather boots. It makes me want to find some dark grey denim (maybe APC) and work it with brown shoes, socks (maybe), blue button down-shirt, navy blazer, and a crisp white pocket square for Fall. A younger, sportier alternative to grey flannel pants.
It is like 100 degrees in New York and I'm already thinking Fall!!
A lot of times when I shoot something it is because I'm trying to figure out how I can use a detail from that look to effect my own wardrobe - this is a great example.
Comments on "On The Street........Grey Denim, New York"
are those leather suspenders?
I have some lighter grey denim Sevens, but I like the dark grey wash - esp. on men - my vote is a deep purple shirt with black blazer and shoes - for a nighttime look. Bellissimo!
All the fall editorials have indicated that grey will be huge for fall. Personally, I am rather fond of grey denim, it's edgier than plain ol' blue denim.
grey denim, white cuffs (with the selvedge showing of course) and brown leather make for an interesting match.
i second that APC idea. their jeans rock.
I like his look a lot. Are you sure that's grey denim and not dry black denim? If the weft is white and the warp fibers black, it can take on a dark gray-ish effect. I don't think I've ever seen dry grey denim???? His jeans almost look like my Slim Jim dry black...but it's hard to make out the proper details from the photo to say for sure. Regardless, nice look....I like that he cuffed his jeans to have no break
for dark grey, unwashed denim for men, there's Hope jeans and Acne. they're pricey but look sharp .
Oh so sexy...I love the style, you wouldn't think this combination would look this good, and yet, it's smashing...it has a Gavroche feeling (or is that just me?)
I am really inspired by your pics, thank you so much...(sometimes, you really make my day)
You are not the only one thinking about fall...colder weather only means: more clothes to play with...
He looks great. The shoes and shirt look well with the jeans, don't they? APC has been pushing grey denim for ages, I guess it is good to see it working well!
about apc jeans:
the raw demins are nice, but, as ken said, not very convenient to wear. my boyfriend has an apc jeans in a sort of used, faded out grey shade which where on sale. but the have become his "jeans i wear when everything else is in the laundry"-alternative, because unless your bum is a little bit on the chubby side so it fills out the jeans, stay away from them. the legs are narrow and the bum is saggy, leaving your behind looking like as if wearing pampers.
I have a great pair of Helmut Lang jeans in dark grey denim from about 6 years ago. I wonder if this season will include the dark grey again. Helmut Lang jeans are classic--mine are still as current now as they were then!
I agree that APC's raw denim can be uncomfortable in warm weather, it's incredibly stiff and thick.
Regarding the big bottom sizes, there are now a variety of cuts, including a "droit" or straight leg style which may suit you better. If you are very brave or built like one of the Ramones in their prime you could get away with the extra thin sizes!
Crikey, that is really great.
faded gray denim is huge in sydney at the moment but I dont really like it - this guy's jeans look much better in the dark gray. Interesting shoe choice.
I'm in Seattle and I'm already thinking Fall. It's been 90 degrees here and I'm so sick of wearing tanktops. I've already unpacked all my Fall clothes and I can't wait to start layering.
LOVE your blog, by the way. I posted a link to it on my blog, so people can enjoy it as much as I do.
I heard a great idea for denim the other day - grab some secondhand clothing in dark denim (black is ideal), and dunk it a couple of times in a dye-bath - dark colours work best: forest green, purple, really dark blues, dark greys, etc.
It comes out of the dye bath with the darkness/blackness of the denim, but almost "shot", as it were, with the colour of the dye. A colleague has some great denim jackets that she's done in purple, a skirt that she's done in green, and a pair of jeans that she's done in grey. I don't know about anyone else, but I often seen great black denim in thrift stores or at markets - but it's not a denim colour I'm inclined to wear. The dyes just add the perfect touch.
Sorry for the rave - suddenly feeling a little earth mother (as if I'm approaching a tie-dying hobby, or something truly tragic). It's just his jeans reminded me that I can actually achieve something like that myself.
Just don't turn the cuffs up. Cuffs are for suits, not jeans.
I don't know how this brother is rockin' an undershirt, a long sleeved top and denims. The devil rode up to my place on a camel this week, it has been so hot. What in the world?
haha, I know this guy, he's a designer and we went to Parsons together for Fashion.
This guy's "look" is taken directly from that of traditional skinheads of the late '60's - early '70's. It was a fusion of British working class attire with that of ska / reggae stars of the day. The boots, often Dr. Martin's, were appropriate for ruckus between fans of opposing football clubs.