On The Street.... At Valentino, Milan

Labels: Men Milan
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Labels: Men Milan
Comments on "On The Street.... At Valentino, Milan"
I'm a huge fan of the knit tie. Something about the narrow width, the nubby texture, and slight reference to a scarf.
He looks great. I also love how the suit looks "lived-in" but not sloppy. Makes him look more inviting and/or approachable.
All said, he is definetly wearing the suit, it's not wearing him.
I do wish - and I mean this in the nicest posible way - you (Sartorialist, that is) would write a little about why you like this look so much.
Because - just speaking honestly, not flaming - all I see here is a guy in a suit, with a too-long tie and no shirtcuff showing.
You have got to love that patterned tie with that stripe in the suit. The smile doesn't hurt, either! I love it!
I really like the shoulder on his suit.
The whole look was great and he had such a aura in the room. The Valentino show was full of well-dressed men but he really stood-out
Sometimes you just don't notice all the little details when the sum of the parts is so strong
Isn't his pants a little too tight?
damn i love polka dots!
Is the height of the waist different than in other suits? Or are the shoulders narrow? There is something about the proportions that make him stand out...
the pants are worn high and he has masculine confidence (backed up by his package - which is on full display)
and that smile, that smile! it does wonders for the suit as well.
i like that you can see his happy little bulge.
I just found you today (via Chez Pim) and have spent a wonderful hour browsing your posts.
What I love is the sense of exuberance and fun you bring to both the photos and captions.
Instead of yet another "outfit gone wrong" site, you spin your work in an entirely fresh, positive direction. Thanks!
Matteo is one the best dressed men in Italy. Very classical, but in the meantime fresh and clean.
why the obsession with the shirt cuff? men judging other men's style by some inches of cloth seems to me a very political jesture that prohibits
creative sartorial expression
in the name of legacy and ethics.
if a custom is strong enough, by which i mean beautiful enough, it will survive indifferent to popular climate.
The shirt cuff is a good indicator of the amount of dialling that someone has done to get it right. That said this guy mostly looks great and Im excited to see a better lapel on a suit.
i agree with fashmoda... matteo has style and class
I have had the pleasure of working in person with Matteo: what a nice surprise to see him here! This picture perfectly captures his elegance, style and great smile. Perfect pic!
Seems to me that European men ( mostly Italian ) wear their suits a bit on the snug side and Americans a bit on the loose side .... both are quite nice
I love that tie! And the spots with the pin stripes...
Every CEO should be as hot and as sizzlingly PACKAGED as Mr. Marzotto!
sartorialist, you picked one of the young best dressed man in italy right now. he still has a deep classic feel but is able to renew it in a way. i think i saw him dressed even better than that.
Not unsual to see most commenters are more interested in the package than the cuff issue. A good reminder about how American men wear their pants below the package line (we aren't as comfortable with showing off), while British and European men "dress" to one side of the crotch or the other. Apparently, signor is a "leftie." Bravo!
Love the man inside.
The best dressed man in Italy!
What's with the fur hat?
He shouldn't be wearing a knitted tie with a sharp suit like that.
What do you find of special in this guy???
Using a pocket square, may be?
carismatic man!