My Photo Shoot for Menswear Magazine
So yesterday I was on the other side of the camera having my portrait taken for Menswear magazine. Since they wanted my camera in the shot I thought I would just shoot while I was being shot - confusing?
Makeup - Actually this is not the makeup they used on me. My makeup was by a company called Sherwin-Williams? I don't know much about makeup but they said it gave me a shiny coat and that it won't chip or peel in the most extreme conditions!
This is me after makeup but before changing into my Bob Mackie Original gown!
I never go anywhere without my softbox and scrim. Didn't Veerland say something like "beauty is all in the lighting" ?
The lovely photographer Deborah Feingold and Tom Beebe quietly discussing how to get out of this shoot after reviewing a few of the first shots
The doggy that did wonders to bring a sense of calm and joy to the shoot.

Comments on "My Photo Shoot for Menswear Magazine"
Can you tell us a little more about your shooting setups. For example, what type of softbox using hot lamps? What material is the scrim? How about a post about the technicalities of shooting fashion? This is sometimes more interesting to me than the models or clothes they're wearing.
Very cute. I like the reference to shooting, while being shot. The ultimate auteur!!
I love your wry sense of humor and your ability to poke fun at yourself. Fun is fun, but you are a stunning guy, so give yourself a break.
Ok ok, this is terribly inappropriate, but you look like you might be pretty cute behind that camera lens, y'know. That's you in the blue shirt? Perhaps more of the photos on your blog should be self-portraits!
Found you via the Slate piece...great blog. Makes me miss NYC.
I think I love you.
Sherwin Williams!
i think you're adorable.
aw what a cute doggy.