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Comments on "In The Showroom....Some Kinda Grey"
I love his well-fitted jacket. Very crisp!
I love the flipped up collar, but I have always heard that this look was unacceptable with a suit?
Oh ... if only he hadn't popped his collar ...
I love your blog, everyday I visit it, it's an addiction! keep up the great work.
From London.
Is it a suit? It looks like separates to me. I do like the saucy collar.
I like the low-rise slacks he's got on. Tough to find pants like that, particularly in soft, daytime-friendly fabrics.
I love the perfectly styled but yet relaxed rich boy hair. Perfect length.
I think this flipped up collar is acceptable because it is not ridiculously oversized and bright magenta with a lacoste or abercrombie logo on it.
e-props for the "saucy collar"! intelligent style.
what showroom is this? what line?
I take back my previous comment about flipped-up polo shirt collars. The fact that he's all buttoned up, as well as flipped, somehow rescues this look for me. Makes his polo shirt + suit combo somehow more pulled-together.
Not a huge fan of his hair, however...but I acknowledge that I should be more concerned with his clothes than with his actual body.
hi!! my name is Hamilton.
your work is very good I discovered your blog by chance...brownsing the webpage of Style.com
What you do is amazing. I think you take what Bill Cunningham does for his New York Time's "On The Street" ...but you do that that individually...amazing
You have people who admire your work in Brazil and that includes me.
take care!!
Hamilton Carvalho
From Brazil.
e-mail > hamiltongc@hotmail.com
Who's suit is it???
I want it-it's great!
the color, the fit, the jacket,the polo-all perfection!
It was only yesterday that I had to talk my father out of "white polo with grey suit"- looks like I was wrong.
anyways, doing something unacceptable with enough enthusiasm seems to work in fashion- sometimes.
Some people shouldn't "pop it like its hot."
I do so enjoy looking at the photographs on your blog.
He looks European. It's the colour combination. I always like simple and clean.
Agree with Kathleen on the hair - is alittle too 'boofy', but that also looks European to me somehow.
He is so cute. I love the polo shirt underneath. If only men in DC were this stylish.
love the pants, love the cut of the jacket, love the collar. the simplicity of it all makes me yearn for womenswear pieces that mirror this sort of attitude.
I love the boy. Can we get in touch with him? Please.
though his suit or whatever it is, is nice and tight and perfect, i think he's the kind of guy who could make the proverbial potato sack look smashing. beautilicious!
i think he looks good.. the collar is okay up but kind of takes away from the unbothered casual-ness of him.
on a girlish aside - he's rather cute.
I like the collar. Its quite unusual with a suit and it gives a modern feel to it. Not sure about the way he closed his jacket tho. Might be better closed with the other one ? However white polo + grey suit is a wicked combination. I wonder where the polo is from, looks very neat. He looks a bit like a stylish french preppy !
Interesting use of the collar. Never thought of doing that with a suit.