In Paris

I just hit Paris!
And don't forget the men's fashion show coverage from Milan and Paris at
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Comments on "In Paris"
congrats on all the press! fantastic.
i've been a silent lurking fan since the beginning. whatever that means, well beyond the fact that you have a great thing going for you.
best. joe
Shoot for the stars. Do it all. Just please don't ever do reality T.V.
Congratulations on the article. Amazing that keeping it positive and real has in turn provided you with great opportunities. Spread the love.
Have a lovely time in Paris
Non-fashionista, style-lovin' lurker here, dropping in to say how excellent that MSNBC piece is. Congratulations!
You're making great pictures and copy...keep it up! I especially liked the write-up on MSNBC. Have a great time in Paris but take time to smell the flowers.
By the way, I seem to be missing my plaid golf pants and my maroon
"yelling" you have them?
Stay cool...
Love, Dad
serious and suave!!
Hey is that your hotel bedhead in the background?? divine!!!
driessssss oh i envy you.
Hey, I didn't know you were a dad! I predict you'll have your own show on the Style network soon.
I noticed in two (I think) of the men on the street Milan shots on, that it looks like they are wearing their belt out of the belt loop, either above or below it. ??? Want to know more about this.
This news is just incredible. Congrats!
SS, congrats again.....You are traveling fast and we still love you at AAA. I hope this turns into something very special for you....guit
Sart, I'm astonished and heartened and very, very pleased on the geometric ascension of you and your blog. You deserve it.
Now don't get all Hollywood and distant on us!
- Eminence Grise
P.S.: It just occured to me that you bear more than a passing resemblance to the actor Jason Statham (he of the Transporter movies, et al.)
Absolutely Amazing.
Your midwestern roots are part of your success. It's why your site isn't snarky but so positive.
Can't wait to hear about your next big adventure.
(and I love your dad's comment)
i'm a 23 year old from India.. just wanted to let u know that i love your blog.. it's the fifth thing i check each morning. heh. great style.. makes me bloody yearn for the kind of weather needed to wear half the stuff.
been passing the link to my friends. thanks.
We would like to see your own "toilettes". When a pic of yourself from head to toe? Thanks for your blog.
You're getting the whole suave fashion look thing about you.
The next thing you know you're going to be featured in Arena Homme +'s Summer 2006 issue.
I'm envious but have been a fan for a long time.
I'm very happy for you ! And It's nice to know a bit more about you. Like California Gardener I love the message from your Dad.
Enjoy Paris , most beautiful city ever.
you're 38??? Ok, I have to include the "I wanna look like that when I'm 38" to my wish-list :D
Sartorialist, Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Love european style.
I love the picutres and i think your beautiful...
fantastic article. your kid is lucky having *the* sartorialist for a dad. my love of clothing and style probably come a lot more from my dad than my mom (who was always the academic).
keep up the good work,
congratulations once more!
i LOVE the photos on -- it is a shame you have to register on that website to leave comments.
you make the world seem really beautiful!
and i agree with your dad: make time to smell the flowers in paris (though the roses are all gone in the luxembourg gardens), esp. with the weather we're having.
PS I had no idea you were a professional photographer! -- that makes me feel better!
Whow ! You are so near to me !!! I love your blog but I never answer or make any suggestion.
I'm from Spain and now you are next to me ( next to my country, of course ! )
And please; in the next own photo, can you smile a little ?
Marc is showing in Paris? really?!
^i think he meant LV
Overall, I think I prefer the Italians you have shot. They look very sexy. They look like they are enjoying themselves.
When does the parisan stuff appear on Or are they taking a holiday until July 5?
My favorite part of this whole trip has been you posting these incredibly hot pictures of yourself.
I am about to go to Italy for a few weeks and am trying to pack. My question is, are shorts OK? I was last there 5 years ago and shorts were definitely something for stranieri. Should I be safe and stick with pants, or should I pack some longer shorts? What do Italians wear nowadays?
This is a great site btw
Ruggedly beautiful.
You're hot!
saw you in "Esquire" and had to visit. Great site! Congratulations, and thank you. I hope I make it on one day!
All the best,