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Comments on "At YSL Show"
PLEASE post more pics from ysl-- my absolute favourite designer!
Love this candid shot! It reminds me of why I find street fashion so cool; the people shooting are as cool as, or often times more than, the "high fashion" people they are shooting.
Smoking DEchics. Sorry, you can't be chic with a cig in your mouth.
Unfortunately I disagree with Anonymous, above: I am a non-smoker and have no intention of becoming a smoker...but I have to say that there ARE people who make smoking chic. Are you going to tell me that Audrey H. didn't look chic smoking her long cigarette holder in "Breakfast at Tiffanys"?! Come on...no one's endorsing it, we're just saying there are contexts in which it can look cool. And this is one of them: I don't think she could be any cooler.
Please, like city air is good for you anyway. Since smoking is the ultimate evil, shouldn't we expect millions of Euros to drop like flies?
She is SO chic.
great shot - love the ciggie hanging out of her mouth!
smoking might appear chic but their breath sure stinks hehhee
nice shot! pretty LBD...
Please do the world a favour, and don't include smoking as one of the accessories making the woman cool.
I loved the pic and i hope that you keep on taking pictures like this one! loved it! loved your site! love your job! congratulattions!
I gave up smoking after 20 years not because I wanted to, but rather out of fear. (Those delicious little hatchets! If I had two mouths, I'd have smoked twice as much!) Now I'm addicted to nicotine gum. How chic is that?! Everything in moderation, including moderation. She looks great.
- Eminence Grise
The breath doesn't stink with a hint of wine on the lips.
Euro femme with teh ciggy: tres cool!
agree with kathleen! for a non-smoker is such a photo very sexy.
(sometimes a lot of people don't get a point!)
cool gal=)
post more pix pls!!
Let's not be so bloody moral about EVERYTHING, please. I thought fashion, at least, can be free of this constant 'what-message-is-it-sending' worry. And this woman isn't a model. If your problem is with Sart saying she's chic, you're free to disagree, but he has a right to havve his opinion on how it looks regardless of what other people think. A woman who is truly comfortable with herself- as this one looks- could make anything look chic, and if we want to quibble about the smell, I'd like to say that unshowered sweat smells a lot worse than cigarettes, IMO.
I thought it was a blog about clothes. What all of you think about smoking is not in the right place.
It looks like her shoulder strap is in two pieces and held together with velcro.
That's hot.
oh c'mon! being politically correct all the time?! it sucks... and right or wrong the girl has style!
sexy women photographers are the sexiest. as well as cinematographers & videographers.
oh god. that is simply fab!
I think it's the camera that makes her look cool.
I thought it was a blog about clothes. What all of you think about smoking is not in the right place.
It's not just about clothes, it's about style.
I've tried taking pictures while smoking before. It's actually very hard.
All of you who think the cigarette should be an off-limits discussion point are ridiculous. We are all free to agree and disagree on whatever points we want to agree or disagree on. It's perfectly acceptable for me to not like Sart's assertion that the cigarette is chic; it's also perfectly acceptable for any of you to not like my opinion. What ISN'T acceptable is to tell commenters that their opinion shouldn't be given at all, simply because you don't agree.
THAT's who she reminds me of: Lee Miller!
The comments here are killing me. It's about the *style.*
This pic is just an awesome, deftly captured, great photo.
She could have been drilling on a street with a jackhammer and I suspect that she still would have looked great, stylistically.
-AthenaNY (who does not smoke)
I have a horrible feeling that's my ex...
Lovely ....
What camera she got?