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Comments on "At The Collective - The New American Banker"
I like the length of his pant cuffs. Luciano Barbera said that Europeans maybe wear pants too short and Americans too long and that's why he chose to wear his with a "mid-Atlantic" length. It seems that this gentleman pulls off that length with ease.
I think his suit looks ill-fitting.
as a former American banker, I wish I had dressed this well!
I love the length of his pants and his crooked bowtie. This could have very easily made him look like Steve Erkel, but the slim, one-button suit really makes him look sharp.
I think I'm in love.
I've never seen an Asian man wearing a bow tie. He has a great look.
Wow, he is like the stylized version of a man who works in Silicon Valley.
Something about the suit makes it look askew. I saw quite a few bowties at the Collective. In fact, I wore one on Sunday myself!
Well, I'm an Asian man that wears bowties regularly...
Love the bow tie with that leather bag! Oh and the glasses! Oh and the hair style! Oh and the pose!
It wasn't a racial thing that I said I had never seen an Asian man wearing a bow tie....it's just that I haven't. And it looks good on him.
Love the tote with the suit. Gives him a relaxed attitude. I wish more guys would wear leather totes instead of stiff briefcases or those horrible black nylon computer cases.
Of the men I know who wear bow ties, most seem to be either doctors or lawyers. My stepdad (Asian) is one. He has salt-and-pepper hair and a mustache. So cute!
"American Banker"?
I guess because his outfit looks like an old-school banker and b/c I only know what American bankers look like since I'm American.
Is there something about this look that screams Canadian to you?
What an adorable (and polished and professional) look. The bag he's carrying reminds me of a leather bag that L.L. Bean used to carry. I think it was called a "log tote" or some fancifully rustic name like that.
To digress, years ago, L.L. Bean made a very simple cotton backpack that came in red, and possibly green. It was wonderful. Why they stopped making it I'll never understand.
It would be a funny coincidence if this fellow is Canadian because one of the most stylish men I know happens to be Asian-Canadian. He's more of the vintage-tie-with-tie-bar type than a bowtie wearer, however.
This fellows name is Kenny and happens to be Japanese.
He is a highly respectable buyer from the Japanese Store called Beams.
He has an incredible eye and incredible style!
not liking the hair, but the outfit overall suits very well.
His hair is so cute ! Looks like my hair =)