At The Collective - Navy Jacket w/ Matching Navy Tie

Here is how to tell them apart - Don't you think this could be a perfect example of how a person chooses to fold their pocket square can speak volumes about that persons personality?
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Comments on "At The Collective - Navy Jacket w/ Matching Navy Tie"
Totally not a fashion comment: the first guy, that's how Liam Neeson will look like in 20 years.
I saw that you were mentioned on today!!! You are listed more or less as the best fashion blogsite. Anyhow-keep up the great work.
Completely agree about the personality thing.
Infact I think you can expand that view further to accessories in general. Scarves, sunglasses, watches etc.
And even though this is sexist, I'll say it anyway. A man who accessorises well is intriguing!
The older of the two pulls it off better. It looks more age-appropriate on him, I think. Regardless, I like the look.
all i know is that the 2nd man looks great.
>Don't you think this could be a >perfect example of how a person >chooses to fold their pocket >square can speak volumes about >that persons personality?
Very good point!
the second gentlemen's only downfall is his shoes. Brown is good with blue in my opinion but these just don't go with that great suit all that well.
If one mashes up his pocket square, then jauntily shoves it into the pocket, points askew, we might draw the conclusion that the wearer is happy-go-lucky, or perhaps cavalier. Alternatively, the man who neatly folds and tucks his square into the pocket might be construed as orderly and restrained. Or not. Depends on how contradictory one might feel on a given morning. And that's not even touching the issue of color or fabric.
I think the individual pieces in the 2nd photo are great, except the suede shoes are a little out of place. Suede shoes with a suit is a very continental or Italian look, whereas the jacket has a more formal, structured, traditionally British cut - very Huntsman.
So I would recommend either a pair of black oxfords with this jacket, or a less structured, more Italian-looking sport coat to go with the suede.
The second chap is actually a freind of mine and I can assure you he thinks about his clothes.... and his shoes, but he does spend a lot of time in Italy.The suit is Richard James,not Huntsman very close though. I like the television fold especially in a business enviroment which is where he is.
but then...
cuffs, cuffs, cuffs, cuffs.
I use all varieties of pocket squares, depending on my mood and the general outfit. For one suit, which has a relatively wide breast pocket, I prefer the square, 1960s, neatly-folded variety. With a double-breasted Armani suit, I offset the formality by scrunching a white square to add a dash of insouciance.
I think, for me, it's the square itself that drives how you fold it; a crisp white linen handkerchief practically begs to be folded into eighths and worn straight as a razor, a soft silk polka dot in brown, otoh, needs to be a little mussier.
I favor an inverted puff--but then, so am I.
I haven't been to the collective in a long time..thanks for reminding me it's still going strong!