At Calvin Klein, Milan

As I'm sitting there I look out to the back courtyard and see a group of painters taking an afternoon break. One guy absolutely stands-out, its the scarf - really, what American house-painter wears a scarf that way to paint! Brilliant.
And that face!
I knew the shot was going to be great and I didn't want to let it get away so I walked out, smiled, and kinda grabbed his arm and pulled him into the space and set him up against the same wall I had shot the other fashionistas. He was a little shocked but also flattered because I took several shots and he seemed very happy to participate.
I don't speak Italian but when he got back to the other painters I could tell they were really riding him! You don't need to speak Italian to imagine they were calling him "model boy" for the rest of the afternoon! Thanks painter guy - you made my day!!
Labels: Men Milan, My Favorites
Comments on "At Calvin Klein, Milan"
Hehe...he is very stylish. the Italians must have it in the blood. :-)
You are indeed scarf-obsessed...
He's got a kind,wise look on his face.The paint on his clothes sure adds character.
Absolutely wonderful story and photo! Thanks!
I remembered this shot from when you were in Milan. It is a great photo! Very 'faces of the city'. I like that he's posed for you and looks quite relaxed/confident.
it is awesome that your explorations go where people are not expected to find beauty. I love this image. Mr painter guy is beautiful.
If I remember correctly Jack Kerouac wrote in the introduction to Robert Frank's book The Americans: You got the eye!
Sartorialist; you have the eye, the humor and you don't seem to take a day off!
j'adore cette photo!!!! pleine de caractère! bravo
aww, he's cute!
see, this post is why i keep reading your blog. your eye for style is uniquely humble and humane. what a great story and a great shot.
what a cutie!! he looks like a "Luigi" to me.
if he he was wearing a cap, he would look like Super Mario :D
I think that is the best photo you have EVER taken! LOL
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder - thank you my dear.
I love it! It's so Italian.
A person can buy nice clothes, but never style.
Great shot!
This guy, whose expression conveys a mixture of honest good-humored openness and puzzlement, pleasure and embarrassment, radiates human warmth. He has something in common with your women-with-great-hair-and-great-smiles, I think.
i love this shot!!!
i'm such a big fan of this site. hope to see more interesting photos.
i like this shot very much. and you have perfect eyes to eye something like that. i like this kinda shots much more than those other model-like fashionistas
Beautiful, I love the half-exasperated look on his face.
You've been fantastic lately on this blog, all the best!
he is so cute! A real italian!
Beautiful, and!
I really like your blog and photos, but you are at your best wity the portraits.
Wonderful picture. How nice would it be if you could print the picture and send it to him?
I second that idea (if I may) to sent the painter the image.
This person shines!!!
This is easily one of the best shots I've ever seen anywhere, forget about on the blog, and I think it's just made by the fact that the man seems to have so much character and you captured it beautifully.I'd third the idea to send him the picture if you knew how to get in touch with him :)
How lovely! I don't know which is cuter, the story of the picture.
and you just made mine. awesome.
this photo is lovely. i love the personality you've captured. its beautiful in a very untouched, indescribable way. of course old slightly wrinkled men are not your conventional idea of beauty, but your ability to capture this man's persona is what makes it lovely. great work.
he reminds me of mario!he looks very happy :)
he looks like my french teacher
He makes me smile everytime i look @ that photograph...i love it.
Oh the story makes this photo priceless! That you can see the beauty in a simple Italian painter(a real person)and see him as worthy of being shot in the same place as wealthy models really says something about you :) The photograph is so beautiful too! I love the paint spatters on his clothing, and the look in his face!
hehe love it! the pic and the story are gorgeous! thx for sharing, lit up my mood aswell =)
very simple and this picture too..:D [hope you could come to malaysia too and raid our styles here..:D]
This image is so rich. This man loves being alive and that just makes him so sexy! Wish that didn't read as corny as it sounds!
Yes, easily my favourite photo. And you recount that moment so well, feel I was there.
I really like your blog and photos, but you are at your best wity the portraits.
Wonderful picture. How nice would it be if you could print the picture and send it to him,
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i adore italian people ..
you captured the 'culture' in this one shot ..bravo !
I love this photo - what a genuine style and happiness he has. It demonstrates that you dont need to be told by others how to be or what to wear to be fashionable. In a world where everything is feeling very deliberate and manufactured this is delightful and refreshing!
He looks exactly like Mario Bros. straight out of the computer game.
This post sums up the reason why I revisit your blog. Let's hope there are many many many more people out there who look at this imperfect world through eyes like yours.