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Comments on "Arnys Paris"
these older gentlemen look great. I hope to look that smooth at their age.
Are they brothers?
Beard might make people so similar.
Arny's has got to be one of the most unique men's stores in the world. Their mix of traditional with color and flair is as interesting as the two gentlemen you have featured. It is very cool that in addition to covering all the latest fashions in Paris that you made time for this wonderful "institution". Thanks!
fantastic facial hair
Great pics , very classy .... though they should hold off on the foie gras !!
I am very pleased to read the recognition you have received. It is well deserved. If you took pictures of Arny's or Old England, please post.
I do not know the name of the brother but he must love his wide strip ties they make. Ben Silver, Cuffs and George Greene had them and I think they make a great statement.
Best wishes,
the store is great - I'm not crazy about some of the styling but the quality and history are exceptional
I did take photos in the store
they are posted on men.style.com under july 4th
the link is on the post
To: Anonymous 1:15
Arnys is for men who know how to appreciate foie gras. Those who can't handle the foie are further advised to stick to their delivered Zone meals and brands like Dior Homme and the International Male catalog, and shutting their geule.
ok guys lets play nice!
I absolutely LOVE their mustaches!!
They look great!
I say cheers to Arnys, Foie gras, and Dior!
They look like two men from another century, and as a friend of mine said, not an adjacent one. Fascinating.
Anonymous wrote:
"and shutting their geule."
It's "gueule." Otherwise, great comment.
I just looked up the site and learned that they are indeed brothers. Les Frères Grimbert.
Nicely cut suits.
I like how the upper gent wears the high third button stance.
That and the collar look like 1910.
I like the lower gent's tie bar and pocket square.
The pockets look very high and the flaps look big. Too much going on with the pockets in my opinion.
Hacking cut AND ticket pocket on a town suit? They look grand though.
Thanks for the photo and the respect you show for tradition.
These two men look very opinionated about clothing...I'm a little scared.
The man with white hairs looks to much like a cat. But they are both so stylish...
I love the top gentleman's purple tie! Fabulous!
They look just great..Bravo!
First, the steep collar on both of them makes the entire outfits twice as good-looking as if they had a wide collar. Well done.
The gentleman on top pulls everything off perfectly: the dark color and high third button on the suit, the purple tie, the cuff links, and that beguiling pocket square! He radiates classic style.
Unfortunately the fellow on the bottom looks like he needs a new fitting - the jacket (and collar for that matter) looks like it was fitted several inches ago. The really blatant ticket pocket whispers hints of "fishing vest". And the pocket square, supposedly an accent, is this ginormous flaming red thing, by far the most dramatic and attention-grabbing element.