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Comments on "Another Great Seersucker Suit For Summer"
He's charming! Did he have an English accent? Can I invite him to afternoon tea?!
The additional detail of the tie is extremely cute.
I have to say that this seersucker style looks better on older men, than in younger men. It makes older men look playful and jovial: the case here. It is the contrast of the qualities of the pattern juxtaposed with a strong character what makes it interesting.
I sent this link to my husband so he can see how I want him to look when we're older...
That's a great outfit. Yesterday's green seersucker worked better than might have been expected but was gimmicky nonetheless. This is simply elegant. It doesn't beg for attention but enhances the wearer quietly.
I agree. Yesterday's seersucker looks good but a bit costume like. It's the tie. Compared to today's gent, yesterday's gentleman looks too "Oh Brother Where Art Thou?"
Yet you can't overlook his shoes; they're amazing, play well off of the seersucker.
But we know from your previous post that this man cannot possibly be from Milan or England judging from his socks ;)
Why do men that wear searsucker look like they should 1) be an attorney 2) have a southern accent and 3) have an iced tea or glass of scotch nearby?
Don't get me wrong, he looks amazing but that is what comes to mind. Maybe I watch too many old movies.
ooh, a seersucker tie! That's awesome!
Sublime perfection.
Wow, where would you even BUY a seersucker tie?!
Gosh, he is very elegant. It´s very hard to see misters like him in the streets nowadays...
better than that green seercucker
I want that tie!!!
Now see, I was liking everything, including the tie, until I noticed in the closeup that it's seersucker too.
The exact same tie pattern in e.g. raw silk would have been excellent. But matching yr suit fabric & yr tie fabric -- just not quite OK. It's like wearing a tweed tie with a tweed suit. Too much coordinating goin' on.
That's Jim "I love my subway" Lebenthal. Cool cat.
That jacket/shirt/tie coordination is a counterintuitive masterpiece. Bravo.
Seersucker is so volatile a fabric choice that the wearer must be very careful to complement it with everything else he wears, and his grooming. If the wearer goes too sparse he looks cheap, or boring, while going too far or flashy makes the wearer look costumed.
This guy is obviously no new comer to his seersucker look. It's really amazing how he blended his wardrobe choices to make seersucker shine.
Love it.
Yes, that's a great tie and great fabric choice I think. There are also lots of cheap suits for men that have above par fabric quality.