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Comments on "On The Street......Nolita Couple, NYC"
Great pattern mix!
The guy looks great! love the cool patterned sweater!
Her blue sandals a great accent color to all the neutrals.
Sorry, but that just looks messy and thrown together. Perhaps they were doing it for the fun and had a f*ck them all attitude, in which case you can admire their humor and be amused.
But to take it seriously and complimenting their "pattern choice" is a bit much, no?
Fashion is supposed to be fun, remember?
Thank God that there are still people around who like to mix it up and play around with fashion.
There was life before head to toe black.
I'm wiith you, Sartorialist. Thank you for your eye for fresh individality!
I'm not a fashion expert or anything but everything on the lady from her yellow scarf to her blue sandals works. I love it!
o gosh, and her pigeon-toed japanese stance--
they seem a little old to be "fresh fruits" but i like them all the same!
She looks like a Marni girl... The perfectly mismatched patterns are a tough look to put together but they did it. Hats off.
Hello? Have you people in america never heard of indie?
love her shoes.
Dude, we invented indie.
As far as "fresh fruits" is concerned, who said style and fun is the sole province of the young?
Fashion is all about spirit and what you feel on the inside as well as outside.
i think they look great and happy.
i love them, i like the very balanced mix-n-match style. the downtown look with a worldly viewpoint!
question to readers:
at what age does a man have to "surrender" his will to be a creative dresser, and to adopt a more "established" way of dressing?
i suppose i will also ask this question of the female readers too.
is there a magic age when you have to sartorially "grow up"?
Can't agree that America invented indie! Though where it came from doesn't matter much as I'd say that this is a good example of bohemian dress, not indie, whatever that is. Indie tends to mean drab intense and morose people with guitars to me - this lot have far more in common, as someone else says below, with Japanese influences..
The dress is from H&M. It's a 60's style dress. And yes, they are soooo indie. I can tell you what kind of music they like just by looking at them.
Na-ah Thurston, can't say that they did. But I agree with anonymous that it really doesn't matter from where it came in this case. But they certainly look the definition of indie to me. Except they are not accompanied by guitars.
She looks great. He kinda looks like he spends too much time at Urban Outfitters.
I think you should always try to evolve your style as you live your life and at some point start to zero in on classic pieces that suit you and build a wardrobe around them adding new things as you go.
A good look in the mirror will tell you when things start to look too "young", but who wants to wear now what they wore when they were twenty anyway? A well developed sense of style is timeless.
cute cute cute. i esp. love the girl's outfit. the way she's standing with her hands in her coatpockets too - tho i could do without the pigeon-toed stance which i am sick of seeing every ingenue celeb take.
I love mismatched patterns and colors, if it's done right. And why can't I find a guy to "do it" with?
love love it... i think it's crucial that we start forgetting rules and start inventing our own way of dressing. street fashion beats everythin'else in the fashion world