Michael Williams, NO.9 Public Relations

Recently I met Michael Williams, a cool, young, New York trad who owns NO.9 Public Relations. He is the perfect example of how any style (no matter how potentially unhip), if mixed the right way and worn with a certain attitude can work on almost anybody, any age.
The Sartorialist asked Michael a few questions about his personal style.
Describe your personal style
Personal style quirk
I love to change outfits in the middle of the day.
You build your daily look around your?
Everyday its something different... sometimes shoes, sometimes pants,
other times a jacket or shirt.
The first thing I look at in another Sartorialist's outfit?
Overall fit
I always break this fashion rule.
Brown & Black or Navy & Black
I never break this fashion rule.
I really don't follow "fashion rules" I like to wear what feels good
and looks right to me.
Must have item for Fall 2006
Anything from Michael Bastian AW06
Favorite store(s)
J. Press – NYC
Steven Alan – NYC
By George – Austin
American Rag – LA
Cable Car Clothiers – San Francisco
Style icon
Worst fashion mistake
Shirt collars over jacket lapels
Favorite item of clothing
Some great vintage woven shirts from J. Press in the 80s
Favorite "fashiony" movie
Wall Street , American Psycho – basically any 80's prep movie
Guilty pleasure
Tote bags, Denim
Most overrated item in menswear
Made in Italy
Most underrated item in menswear
Made in USA
Most stylish city
New York
When I was high school I wore?
Penny loafers
Shine your own shoes?
Of course
I always dress my best for….?
Carnegie Hall
Comments on "Michael Williams, NO.9 Public Relations"
this guy looks dull. he needs to go back to his closet and change.
Mr. Sartorialist please most more pics from Bergdorf Men's store.
I have too shoot the windows at night and it is coooold at night in NYC but I will do it again soon, I also love looking at Bergdorf windows
I like his look. He's outdoors, sitting on one of those a$$ freezing steel benches, his hair is caught by the wind, he poses for a quick snap... and he still looks good!
I think this guy looks great. I love the Barbour in vintage finish and the little detail of the grossgrain watchband. I even like his answers to your questions. A great example for neo-trads like myself.
I've had the pleasure of working with Michael before and was always charmed by his style and kind manner. He looks great here as I would expect.
I appreciate his answer of JFK for fashion icon, it is amazing how all of the Kennedy's were true Sartorilists... hint hint MORE KENNEDY CLOTHES!