Godfrey Deeny, Fashion Journalist, Sartorialist
For the past two seasons I have seen a lot of fashion guys with the loosened tie, perfectly disheveled look but this is the first time I have seen it look really natural and really good. The secret? All of the elements are believable, the coat collar is kinda up, the tie doesn't perfectly match the shirt, the sleeves are a little too long, and the notebook is jammed in the coat pocket.
That's called "living the look".
That's called "living the look".

Comments on "Godfrey Deeny, Fashion Journalist, Sartorialist"
Spot on, Sartorialist. This man is using his clothes instead of the other way around. Very authenticly stylish in my books.
I don't want to criticise your blog, because I come here nearly every day, but could you please post bigger images?
That would help to see the details better.
I post the images as large as the program will let me.
Maybe I can try to do more detail blow-ups.
I think it looks AWFUL.
The trouser legs are too narrow, and the coat looks two sizes too small.
the coat has notched lapels. seems like it has been customized from single to double-breasted
I don't know, I think he looks rathter bad in his outfit. The coat is too tight for one...not for me.
i think there are too many tailors reading this
I don't understand how the pant legs can be too narrow, they are jeans, What you don't seem to understand about the look is actually the exact point of the look.
I am very much a fan of the just loose and unbuttoned top button look. The v at the collars is a mirror of the v that the lapels make.
Of course, it takes a nice steely glare to pull that look off, too.
I like the whole ensemble. Nice to see older men wearing slimmer clothing that doesnt try to make them look like rockstars but gives them a nice sleek silhouette that is usually reserved for younger guys.
He looks great - that looks is both timeless and ageless.
people are allowed to have opinions "the sartorialist" - some people like this look, others don't, doesn't make anyone wrong.
personally i am not a fan, are you going to have a go at me for not "getting the look"?
are you softgrey?
I understand that people do not have to have the same opinion as me. The mere fact I post both positive and negative comments attests to that.
All I ask is that readers make a well thought-out point and if they completely miss the idea behind a post I'll say that too because I'm also allowed an opinion.
besides it is still just fashion, who can really get that upset?
You should be able to post bigger link pictures. If you're using Hello to post there is a settings button to set the size of both the inline and linked-to pictures. If you are using the blogger 'picture' button, again they offer a choice of image sizes.
try clicking on some of the new images like French American , they should open in a new page larger
Simply brilliant.
Can you imagine a world with this much style?
god, this is absolutely brilliant --one of the most (personally) sartorially inspiring photographs that I have seen in a long time. Maybe because this is exactly my look (or what i would like to flatter myself by thinkingis my look), translated for men? I dont know,but anyways
some excited observations-
I agree with you about the sleeves-fantastic. overly-long tight-fitting sleeves have become quite popularon girls where I live, but I just realized that I have never seem this phenomena transcended into mens apparel.
I do not know much about recognizing fabrics, but the fabric of this coat, whatever it is, makes the look. it shows care and stress, it shows how snugn the fit is. you can see the natural wrinkles of movement--thanks also to your great skill with light- in the material that give the sense of motion and, again, fit. the "i am busy and have a lot things that require my attention" thing. the single row of double--breasted buttons--unique and thoughtful. i love how the fabric and fit show off the book :) again, the tie like youv'e noticed too.
but as your eye travels down the page..boom the white pants then the greatbrown leather shoes. it shows thought, previously hinted at by the coat buttons. it gives a whole nother context and dimension to the top half. and the slimness of the pants, and the defined crease down the middle of them --juxtaposed with the rumpled ease of the coat...
wow. i can't believe i just said all of this. thats slightly embarrassing!
you've inspired me, sartorialist.
i dont know how i missed this in 2006!
one more thing, sorry! I've figured out how, despite others protestations otherwise, the long sleeves work so well (atleast for me). its that they are super fitted, really snug. thats how girls wear sleeves that long and pull it off, and thats what he is doing. mmost mainstream guy clothing, especially coats, isn't that fitted. (at least in rural GA, where I hail from). that would explain why i haven't many men trying to pull this look.
sart,what is your take on this? (if you dont mind responding to a two-year-old post!) would you wear your sleeves that long? if they were fitted that closely?
Godfrey Deeny, love! He has a cool blog called "The Peripatetic Fashionista"