The Fulton Street Fish Market

When I first saw this kid (above) he was sitting just exactly as you see him in the photo. The guys that worked at the market were so use to photographers that they never paid attention to them anymore. Now that the fish market has moved to the Bronx to a state-of-the-art temperature control covered space it just doesn't hold the same gritty appeal as the old spot downtown.
Labels: Scenes of New York
Comments on "The Fulton Street Fish Market"
he's gorgeous!
baby face with french lines.
the way everyone in new york is talking about the move of the fish market uptown reminds me of the french talking about their markets removal from Les Halles to Rungis. in both cases it was a necessary move in the age of sterilization, but the cities lost a bit of their character and last-century feel of human contact with produce and people. it's good to know that the fulton market was so documented by photographers and artists, a way to keep something alive.
Wow if only the people in Malaysian fish markets looked like that, i'm sure it'll soon be called a mear market instead.. lol
love this shot. Love the way he has placed his hands. reminds me of an old james dean shot or something iconic like that.
he should be a model
i bet some model scout has seen this pic and headed straight down to the fish market!
i mean why work at a fish market with a face like that?
This photo can't be real.
It's amazing, archival even!
this picture is a mixture of marlon brando and james dean... like time just stop right there is just amazing, fanstastic work
The smoke hurts me! He is so beautiful, such a form and figure!
he's quite lovely.
He's got the Mick Jagger pout. All the guys in the photos you've taken at the fish market are fit for modelling.
this is beauty, when clothes aren´t necessary.
This photo looks like it could've been shot in the 30's. It looks very classic. Great job! you and guy
WOW..shame they moved to the Bronx. What a shot! are ever so inspiring
It seems that Fulton Fish market was the choice of all purchasers.
Wow! It very stylishly