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On the Street...Rivington St., New York


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Friday, June 10, 2011

On the Street...Rivington St., New York

Comments on "On the Street...Rivington St., New York"


Blogger Stephen said ... (7:23 AM) : 

Is that a bag, or a book strap? This is a nice change from typical 'androgyny'.



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:26 AM) : 

wow dictionary??? otherwise she looks cute


Anonymous Kate said ... (7:26 AM) : 

I imagine her like Oliver but with better hair. So charming.

Ciao from Roma!


Blogger j. said ... (7:27 AM) : 

bag pack <3


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:33 AM) : 

Love this look- casual AND chic...timeless!


Blogger Eli said ... (7:37 AM) : 

Is that Dictionary a bag??


Blogger Chinky said ... (7:37 AM) : 

How lovely! I love the huge book hanging on her back. The hat. The shorts. The hair. Stunning in grey hue! So vintage.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:39 AM) : 

Super chic!! :) love her hair!


Blogger Luca said ... (7:43 AM) : 

I love her style!

start dreaming on


Blogger Unknown said ... (7:46 AM) : 

For some reason I really like that bookstrap (and her style too)!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:46 AM) : 

Just one word for this: WOW!!


Blogger indigo warrior said ... (7:49 AM) : 

What's inside her dictionary?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:49 AM) : 

It's like a vintage SJP. Love her at ease look.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:50 AM) : 

Looooove ;)
amazing look... so chic



Blogger Lavanya Venkatraman said ... (7:52 AM) : 

Love the curls, the backpack and the vest!!! Gr8 look!!


Blogger The Fancy Teacup said ... (7:54 AM) : 

My favorite part of this capture is her dedication to carrying the literature around with her.


Blogger GS said ... (7:56 AM) : 

Dictionary. Madnifique!


Blogger TheRedQueen said ... (7:56 AM) : 

Love this! The dictionary, the hair, the hat... chic!!! I love your art! Please don't ever stop.


Blogger Julia Janku said ... (7:57 AM) : 

Lovely ! So interesting and original !


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:57 AM) : 

Oh! I LOVE the bag!


Blogger Miss Molly said ... (7:57 AM) : 

too beautiful!

lovely snap


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:02 AM) : 

Love this!!!!


Anonymous IS THIS IT? models review said ... (8:03 AM) : 

Wow, the dictionary, her silhouette, the outfit - I love everything!


Blogger Kathleen said ... (8:05 AM) : 

Wonderful! A woman with a dictionary. Books as fashion? I know there is such a thing as a book purse.


Blogger Paul said ... (8:10 AM) : 



Blogger Camilla L. said ... (8:12 AM) : 

So lovely!!!

I hope you'll come to see my new blog

Enjoy it!!

Have a nice day!


Blogger mtg said ... (8:13 AM) : 

Walking dictionary! Sorry, could not resist.


Anonymous Macrobid said ... (8:17 AM) : 

Love the bag that you kept for dictionary.. Its better to use this better instead of keeping in hand.

Mitchell Brown


Anonymous Jordana @ White Cabana said ... (8:18 AM) : 

hmmm - i wonder where this girl's off to. and what's she looking at?


Blogger Tanji said ... (8:25 AM) : 

love her outfit :)


Blogger Alice Olive said ... (8:26 AM) : 

Love the neutral colours here. Perfect for diffusing the humidity.


Blogger SAMANTHA said ... (8:27 AM) : 

wow this is fantastic! you find the people street style. so old-school!



Blogger The Girl Next Door said ... (8:28 AM) : 

Very charming! i love it! one of my favourites. keep up the good work!


Blogger Ly said ... (8:29 AM) : 

Un retour en arrière bien mené, elle est adorable ! Les coupes, les couleurs : jolie harmonie masculine tout en féminité.


Blogger Cybee said ... (8:29 AM) : 

Wow! I really like this feminie men's style look! She did it perfectly!


Blogger Ray said ... (8:45 AM) : 

Love her quirky, androgynous style! .. Her back must be killing her from toting around a dictionary though! I suppose that is one way to get in shape for summer.


Blogger Copper Etiquette said ... (9:02 AM) : 


Copper Etiquette Shop Dresses


Blogger E. said ... (9:09 AM) : 

Oh, wonderful!


Blogger comme fraiche said ... (9:22 AM) : 

Like her hat and curly hair, the vest goes well with her shirt and shorts and what a large dictionary!


Blogger beesandbugs said ... (9:41 AM) : 

Wow, amazing photo! Love the girl's outfit and how she holds the book.
I wish I could see her face too, though :)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:41 AM) : 

I just want to be that thin again. ;)


Anonymous talktomyshoes said ... (9:43 AM) : 

This is what I want to wear today! Love it!


Blogger Klein said ... (9:49 AM) : 

LoVe This !!!!


Blogger DoublClik said ... (9:50 AM) : 

I love it when you shoot people without showing their faces, Nailed it.

DoublClik Photo Blog


Anonymous Fikari said ... (9:53 AM) : 

This is lovely!
She looks stylish and smart (I like the "backpack" she is carrying the dictionary in).


Anonymous Lauren said ... (9:55 AM) : 

Great take on a menswear inspired look.



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:04 AM) : 

One of the few cases wherein a fedora (or is that a homburg?) really works.

But I'm hating the idea of eviscerating a book to create a bag. Holding a book in your hand and actually _reading_ it--that's real style.


Blogger said ... (10:09 AM) : 

was she really strolling around with a dictionary? she looks fab. love the hat and the amazing shot. great job.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:17 AM) : 

One of my all time favs... Love this look. Its timeless classiness totally out powers the seediness of the background.


Anonymous Best of Beehive said ... (10:21 AM) : 

Other than the book strap, I love the hat and the vest. Most people would stop with shorts and shirt.


Blogger Marc said ... (10:40 AM) : 

Love her hair, and you can bet she'll never have to consult her cell phone to find the meaning of any English word!


Blogger Lucy said ... (10:40 AM) : 

LOVE this post and the last one. That bag is amaazing!


Anonymous Designer Dresses said ... (10:46 AM) : 

Haha, I love how the elbow is peeking out from the sleeves. Truly magnificent photo and very androgynous, I wouldn't dare hazard a guess.


Blogger Rachel said ... (10:47 AM) : 

LOVE LOVE LOVE this outfit. Every last part of it. So much fun and so cute without too much effort. Jealous of her hair!


Anonymous mon sac by me said ... (10:52 AM) : 

You're a killer about the chromatic colors !!! so good !


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:00 AM) : 

I don't care what she looks like.

I would be highly interested in this woman on the strength of 2 things:

1) She's not another of the brainless ubiquitous masses, staring into a cell phone like it contains all the world's answers.

2) Love a woman who reads, but more than that, it's the artful way that she's carrying the dictionary. That looks like one of those leather book straps that school kids used to use, waaaaaaaaay "back in the day".

Interested and interesting.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:05 AM) : 

This is Dickens at his finest. A classy street urchin. Or a student.


Blogger Carmen Gloria said ... (11:06 AM) : 

Lovely and wonderful !.
I love her hair and hat !.


Blogger ROXY MARJ said ... (11:13 AM) : 



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:17 AM) : 

Adorable. Not cute like a little girl, but adore-able. I fell in love with this one as soon as I saw her.


Blogger alessandra nitti said ... (11:23 AM) : 

just amazing ..


Anonymous meenal@maison marigold said ... (11:29 AM) : 

you don't need to see her face to know that she is gorgeous..what lovely style! xx meenal


Blogger Unknown said ... (11:42 AM) : 

I love that "dictionary backpack", the coolest!


Anonymous amy said ... (11:43 AM) : 

The bit of elbow....charming.


Blogger Kacie - With Love said ... (11:46 AM) : 

This is fantastic? Dictionary as accessory! Love it.



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:49 AM) : 

I expect her to turn toward us and be Carrie Bradshaw!


Blogger thwany said ... (11:49 AM) : 

she looks great and all, but i really hope that she has a purpose for carrying a dictionary like that (other than an aesthetic attempt to look cool).


Blogger Nomadic D. said ... (12:02 PM) : 

Awesome. Love her whole look, and yes, like everyone else here, am so curious to why the hell she's got s dictionary strapped to her back. Regardless, this is a great shot.


Blogger My Unfinished Life said ... (12:05 PM) : 

nice!!!! btw i dresses similar sometime back..!!


Blogger sweety said ... (12:08 PM) : 

She looks very trendy in this outfit.Love her hair.


Anonymous This is Belgium said ... (12:16 PM) : 

definitely a backpack and not a dictionary... do not see the point... but then, why not?


Blogger Marcel Da Chump said ... (12:26 PM) : 

Timeless Annie Hall


Blogger Eve Brarda said ... (12:34 PM) : 



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:35 PM) : 

Love everything about this.

Dictionary as accessory...who'da thought?

Remember, people who read books are sexy!


Blogger thefriendlyfashionista said ... (12:36 PM) : 

ooooh yes i want to look like this every day!


Blogger HStrang said ... (12:55 PM) : 

Oh she is adorable! I wonder what's up with the dictionary though (like most folks). Perhaps she is heading to a photo shoot? Her hair with the hat and shorts is just perfection!



Blogger Lacey Parr said ... (12:56 PM) : 

i bet she's an english major.


Blogger Unknown said ... (1:09 PM) : 

Great photo! XOXO,


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:10 PM) : 

Cute af·fec·ta·tion/ˌafekˈtāSHən/Noun
Perhaps a book titled "Science" might look smarter.


Anonymous Berlinboy said ... (1:15 PM) : 

Wow, I love that! The book strap is fabulous. Actually the whole outfit. Very Berlin ...


Blogger Monroe Steele said ... (1:19 PM) : 

love this..looks very old world

xoxo Monroe

Fashion Steele NYC


Blogger New York Don't Leave Me said ... (1:22 PM) : 

Love this! She looks like a character from a Charles Dickens book!


Anonymous Cecilia said ... (1:28 PM) : 

That's definitely not a book strap or a dictionary. Anybody know what kind of bag that is? I'm all ears and very curious.


Blogger Playitlouder0902. said ... (1:29 PM) : 

so chic so tailored with that carrie-bradshaw hair... and a dictionary strapped to her back! MY PERFECT WOMAN!!


Blogger Milica said ... (1:31 PM) : 

Love it!


Blogger ash said ... (1:36 PM) : 

i LOVE everything about this photo! although I am confused about the dictionary. is it a fashion statement? otherwise, wow!


Anonymous adele said ... (1:37 PM) : 

She's beauuutifuuull !!


Blogger TPFblogger said ... (1:46 PM) : 

there are words for the way she looks; i bet she could help me to find them ;-)


Blogger cwaycarter said ... (1:46 PM) : 

Love that Dictionary piece. If it's a bag, I love it even more! Love her style! -C.C.

ReFashion Statement


Blogger Juli Photo Diary said ... (1:56 PM) : 




Blogger Matthew said ... (2:23 PM) : 

I love her style. Quick, the definition of umbra!


Blogger V.V. said ... (2:50 PM) : 

Very interesting!


Blogger J.Ro said ... (2:54 PM) : 

The Annie Hall 2011 Summer Reunion Tour. Love it.


Blogger Unknown said ... (2:55 PM) : 

Hello modern Diane Keaton !


Anonymous balthasar said ... (3:37 PM) : 

I would love to see her face!



Anonymous Christina Marie said ... (3:41 PM) : 

Love it. She looks so classic.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:46 PM) : 

Stunning ! Thanks ! Sunny Side


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:49 PM) : 

A bit too costumey for my taste.. Lovely hair, though!


Anonymous 2Gitanas said ... (3:58 PM) : 

Classic! Excellent pallette!


Blogger LCM said ... (3:59 PM) : 

Little boy chic. Charming.
-for art and fashion in one.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:59 PM) : 

That isnt a real dictionary. Its just a bag. Watch closely. Nice idea!


Anonymous The Bohmerian said ... (4:18 PM) : 

Love that he hair is curled pretty red! So chic!!


Anonymous simplystylishmom said ... (4:20 PM) : 

love this look! Is the dictionary actually a book or has it been fashioned into a bag? love the pin stripe shorts



Blogger SaraKateSwan said ... (4:23 PM) : 

Absolutely stunning!! Is that a Dictionary or a bag?!? So cute.


Blogger The Foolish Aesthete said ... (4:26 PM) : 

Gorgeous shot! I love the mystery of not seeing her face. And is that a real dictionary or a bag masquerading as such? Either way, love it!


Anonymous Philishia said ... (4:42 PM) : 

I love that her dictionary bag made me do a double-take. To me, great style, turn heads. If that was the objective, it was definitely achieved.


Blogger M said ... (4:47 PM) : 

Love the trilby and the colour of her hair.


Anonymous Victoria Regia said ... (5:24 PM) : 

I don't like this, and I am not sure why. Might be the combination of the fuzzy hair with the rough texture of the hat - it comes across as disheveled instead of stylish. Also, long unstructured hair calls for uncluttered neck lines, so the vest is also over the top. That bookbag is not doing anything for me, either. The only thing I love in her ensemble are the shorts - looks like she chopped off the legs of a pair of pants on her own and ended up a great new piece. She is very cute and has an amazing body, though.


Blogger The Lifestyle News said ... (5:33 PM) : 

nice look! woody allen inspiration



Anonymous Maria said ... (5:49 PM) : 

I would kill for her hair!


Blogger JJ Roa Rodriguez said ... (5:50 PM) : 

she is pretty cool with that whatever it is... hehehe...


Blogger BRUNO said ... (6:28 PM) : 

If that really is a backpack, I'm so in love with it..



Blogger Sara said ... (6:35 PM) : 

Too darn cute! Please tell me she used an old dictionary and made it into a bag!


Blogger Marcel Da Chump said ... (6:41 PM) : 

Jordana @ White Cabana,
She's looking at Alvy Singer.


Blogger Charlotte said ... (6:42 PM) : 

Very classic, cute look. Not sure about the..bag/dictionary?x


Blogger Megan said ... (6:43 PM) : 

I'm in love with her outfit and this picture. Just perfect. Classic and interesting with the backpack!!!


Blogger Em said ... (6:48 PM) : 

I love the bookstrap!


Anonymous Carol said ... (6:49 PM) : 

1985 Rivington Street: stumbling druggies and T.V. crews from Law and Order. And Carol, getting dressed for work everyday, and walking to Union Square.
2011 Rivington Street: The Sartorialist.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:58 PM) : 

Love the look. I wonder if she hollowed out the book for it to "act" as her bag. If not where are her keys, lip gloss, cell phone, ID, and etc.....


Blogger Evan said ... (7:07 PM) : 

Adorable...X 100


Blogger carolyn said ... (7:22 PM) : 

my parents had that exact dictionary on the bookshelf when i was growing up!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:27 PM) : 

I make art out of books. Wouldn't mind that dictionary :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:45 PM) : 

A young lady in the pursuit of literacy! What a novel idea it is these days...


Blogger The snap style said ... (7:47 PM) : 

very unique style to bring a huge book :)

Check out Florence Street Fashion!!!!


Blogger amelia said ... (8:36 PM) : 

bookstrap? talk about vintage. lots of character here. i love it.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:22 PM) : 

Dictionaries are cool...but I'd go with the pocket size.


Blogger sweet fashion affairs said ... (9:34 PM) : 

She has a stunning student look.


Blogger Liz S said ... (9:44 PM) : 

That is one amazing bag! How very unique--the sky's the limit with all the unwanted books out there now.

The blend of earthy colours and tones is wonderful too.
She - has - got - "IT".


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:52 PM) : 

This might be the cutest girl we have ever seen.

What she is wearing is not a big deal, but it is a delightful unity. The way the shirt fits (a little small), the vest…and the little hat topping her lovely red curls.

Just a really lovely tomboy.

Good luck to her in all her endeavors.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:14 PM) : 

love the book/backpack
she looks like a cool school boy


Blogger Captain Charghli said ... (10:21 PM) : 

Such a cute look. I need to dig out my waistcoats!


Anonymous Lilly said ... (10:47 PM) : 

Love her little leather strap book satchel - and she's beyond beautiful too!


Blogger Margo said ... (11:19 PM) : 

a bookstrap!!! brilliant!


Blogger Grace said ... (1:11 AM) : 

I love the your work! And the pictures are really amazing the way people dress is so unique. Simple but weird. Love it! <3


Blogger Wynter said ... (1:13 AM) : 

i love it!


Blogger lollipop4598 said ... (1:33 AM) : 

Ok. NO ONE carries around a desk sized dictionary from 1959. If people need to look up stuff, they bring a laptop, or Ipod. Not an ancient Dictionary with a bookstrap. Thus it must be a bag that looks like a dictionary on a strap. Awesome.


Blogger MandaPanda said ... (2:43 AM) : 

LOVE her style!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:18 AM) : 

I love it!


Anonymous Olithee said ... (3:27 AM) : 

There is always so much histories behind Ur pics thats amazing


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:56 AM) : 

I think it is a recycled book bag, I found a little shop selling similar bags.


Blogger Marin Dodouce said ... (5:50 AM) : 

Oh le sac! J'adore vos photos! Elles sont chouettes! Et uniques! Urbaines! J'adore!


Anonymous Kim said ... (5:50 AM) : 

I love that you can't see her face. You know she's very beautiful anyway.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:50 AM) : 

Nice! Is she the dame girl that in Hudson street?


Blogger KC said ... (5:54 AM) : 

what a cool book/bag!


Blogger Angela Jessyana said ... (6:02 AM) : 

adore her style!


Blogger elisabetta (elli erre photography) said ... (6:16 AM) : 

Lovely outfit!! :)


Blogger Ami said ... (7:10 AM) : 

I am so happy to see women with curls again! Love, love, love this!


Anonymous Becca said ... (7:32 AM) : 

I love this look! Smart yet twisted into her own personality!
Indeed very cute!


Blogger Michelle Lee said ... (7:47 AM) : 

great look!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:54 AM) : 

she looks cute and the hat works These hats r the chinese slippers of this year.


Blogger Nienke said ... (9:57 AM) : 

That dictionary Backpack is glorious!
Truly original.


Blogger ajdye said ... (11:04 AM) : 

I LOVE that book strap. Been trying to find something just like that. Does anyone know where I can find something like that? Maybe an online store…?


Anonymous Kristin said ... (11:27 AM) : 

I am enraptured with her hair - gives a feminine touch to fantastic mens wear look.

The color of her hat highlights her hair and look perfectly. Adorable.!!



Anonymous Debra Turner said ... (12:57 PM) : 

Fabulous idea for a blog. I've always preferred Mary Ellen Mark work over Annie" Leibovitz's precisely because Mark focus on real people and substance.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:37 PM) : 

Hey...thats me!My name is Davy...and yes that is a dictionary ''book bag'' i made myself! i was inspired my 1940s school boys carrying their books with a belt! i like it because i dont carry around much accept my wallet,phone,pens,ect...and its beautiful to me..! the dictionary i feel brings up the past instead of a plain makes me feel timeless!


Blogger Adele said ... (4:19 PM) : 

awesome look and bag! <3


Blogger M said ... (4:39 PM) : 

Loving the look, it shows a great personality!


Blogger BlaiseRuby said ... (5:39 PM) : 

wow this is incredible, im gonna follow you the second i post this :P


Blogger Unknown said ... (5:49 PM) : 

Love her wool fedora.


Anonymous Carole (NY etc.) said ... (8:06 PM) : 

Everything is so cool about her, her hair, the colors she chose, so far away from the color block that we see everywhere, and the bag. I'm enjoying very much these last "summery" shots.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:41 PM) : 

gorgeous hair


Anonymous Brandon said ... (9:23 PM) : 

Someone should tell her there's an app for that!


Blogger Deja Vu Refinery said ... (10:18 PM) : 

fedora brothasssss


Blogger LXV said ... (10:48 PM) : 

The hair, the figure, the elbow & cuff, length of shorts and shirt, the hat. It's all beautiful. She has lovely hands. I did once carry a large Webster's 3rd edition home from the Strand with a piece of string for a handle. I don't prefer the internet when it comes to language.


Blogger ADJ said ... (11:32 PM) : 

OMG!!! Annie Hall meets dashing diva. I love this picture. It is really amazing.


Blogger Becky said ... (11:47 PM) : 

Can I have her hair too?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:54 AM) : 



Anonymous Lou said ... (8:24 AM) : 

dictionary bag? so cool! >_<b
that goes well with her cute outfit
and i love her hair so much!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:14 AM) : 

The dictionary and the hair/hat make it


Blogger Daryl said ... (9:37 AM) : 

Another successfully recycled look .. are her legs tan or is she wearing hose?


Anonymous Jacob said ... (11:11 AM) : 

I love her style, and I'm oh so curious to see her face.

Besides, I have that dictionary!

Nice work Scott.


Blogger Oh my Dior! said ... (11:45 AM) : 

love it! she is like out of a movie!!


Blogger MARJOLEIN said ... (3:28 PM) : 

i love this style! great pic and great blog!!
i follow you, hope you'll follow back! :)


Blogger CHR said ... (4:40 PM) : 

a very old school look! is great!


Anonymous thefashionguitar said ... (4:49 PM) : 

WOW! Love this tom-boy look!

XO Charlotte


Blogger lollipop4598 said ... (7:05 PM) : 

Ok, I went to the used book store, I have three appropriate leather belts. Nylon thread, and leather glue. Wish me luck. Im going to try to make this work. Im trying it out on a scrap book first before I go for the cool one, I think. If I can figure out how to line it, Im there. Something tells me its going to be harder then it looks.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:51 PM) : 

I would know my girl anywhere. Beautiful Sweet Pea.


Blogger Claudia said ... (9:54 PM) : 

This has got to be my favorite post yet. Everything is charming, yet humble.


Blogger ash said ... (10:50 PM) : 

nice work, davy! i love the bag so much!!!1


Anonymous Christian weight loss said ... (11:19 PM) : 

Really love the dictionary bag - rounds off the student look nicely.


Anonymous Arsavin666 said ... (2:34 AM) : 

a bookstrap,brilliant!


Anonymous Vinny said ... (2:57 AM) : 

love the mystery of this one.


Blogger MELISSA Z. said ... (3:27 AM) : 

this photo os incredible, love it so much! Congrats, great job!


Blogger Zaczynam Odchudzanie said ... (4:46 AM) : 

Straight from 30's.


Blogger Kirstin said ... (5:39 AM) : 

love the whole look, and the 'dictionary' backpack just completes it.

on a separate note, it was such a pleasure meeting you at kiehl's last week. keep up the amazing work, scott.

x. kirstin (hong kong)


Blogger MoandKa said ... (8:18 AM) : 

This girl rocks!
Love it..


Blogger Morgane Melo said ... (8:24 AM) : 

So fabulous!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:56 AM) : 

Lovely and lovely


Blogger said ... (10:34 AM) : 

Captures the imagination of school days gone by. I have come back to look at this so many times. Lovely image.


Blogger jillian :: cornflake dreams. said ... (10:53 AM) : 

love those shorts! fantastic shot. xo jillian:: ps im hosting a judy kaufmann print giveaway!


Anonymous Kara said ... (12:47 PM) : 

gorgeous hair, desperate to see what her face looks like!


Blogger Ms Wanda said ... (1:01 PM) : 

That's an amazing look. I love the hat particularly.


Blogger Ruusu said ... (1:29 PM) : 

Just like Carrie Bradshaw.


Blogger The Dandelion Tamer said ... (10:02 PM) : 

Everything about this shot is refreshing. Love the monochromatic browns, too.


Blogger Style Dilettante said ... (12:55 AM) : 

Such a great assemblage of boyish clothing from another era... charming!


Blogger Michelle.Jen said ... (10:00 AM) : 

LOVE the blend of shades!


Anonymous MElanie said ... (10:01 AM) : 

That bagstrap makes the outfit. Who knew that a scrap of leather could change an outfit that much!!



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:03 AM) : 

nice bag


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:30 PM) : 

so cute. love the bagstrap except the dictionary kills it for me. it just seems campy. somehow i don't see her sitting down in a cafe to read her giant...dictionary?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:48 PM) : 

I'm a sucker for this modern annie hall/hepburn. nice


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