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On the Street....Denim Italiano, Milan


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Friday, August 27, 2010

On the Street....Denim Italiano, Milan

Comments on "On the Street....Denim Italiano, Milan"


Blogger Jason Laucht said ... (9:30 AM) : 

whoa!! this is like my fave post in the entire week! ;))


Blogger Unknown said ... (9:31 AM) : 

No wonder they say Italians are the most good-looking men! ;)
Love this shot!


Anonymous Cheryl said ... (9:33 AM) : 

I'm in LOVE 4 times over! Those men are H. O. T. And they look good in their denim as well! Favorite look is on the far right with the denim shirt and slightly worn jeans. The jacket and hanky! Very sweet.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:35 AM) : 

espectacular collection of denim, are those his kids?

PS...Brad Pitt?


Anonymous Archibald said ... (9:36 AM) : 

Great! Denim is just so wonderful with a double breasted navy jacket and brown leather shoes.


Blogger La_Flaneuse said ... (9:38 AM) : 

I love this coordinated-by-accident look. Fabulous photo.



Blogger Inspiration exists said ... (9:38 AM) : 

Really admire the Italian innate sense of style. Great pic.


Blogger Bigio said ... (9:38 AM) : 

Incredible... Great photo and amazing outfit! I love it


Blogger Nicola said ... (9:40 AM) : 

Only in Italy.


Blogger Lauren said ... (9:42 AM) : 

OMG I'm dying. This may be the sexiest picture ever featured on this site. The style here is out of this world.

Hand drawn:


Blogger BrooklynBlonde said ... (9:42 AM) : 

Man i love this photo!!!


Blogger Eleanor Blackham said ... (9:45 AM) : 

Stallions in denim!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:45 AM) : 

Sorry - Only one of them pulls it off
the clue is - brown shoes


Blogger Nedda Ebo said ... (9:46 AM) : 

Those italians always know what's best when it comes to fashion!

Mustart x


Anonymous Lee Oliveira said ... (9:49 AM) : 

They are the fantastic 4 more stylish men around Milan


Blogger SabinePsynopsis said ... (9:51 AM) : 

That's an amazing denim ad - the full spectrum of shapes, colours and cuts, all topped with fabulous sun glasses.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:52 AM) : 

Very elegant! A mixture of styles, but somehow they all flow well together.


Blogger Mary Grace said ... (9:53 AM) : 

Oh la la! So sexy yet with class.


Anonymous Splendid Sass said ... (9:54 AM) : 

Oh yeah!


Anonymous Melissa said ... (9:56 AM) : 

I love the second man to the right. Not only does he look like a cross between Tom Cruise & Brad Pitt, but the navy jacket with the dark jean and casual looking loafers is fantastic.


Blogger Sonsira said ... (9:58 AM) : 

oh ya! so stylish, so Milan!


Blogger VerseaStyle said ... (10:01 AM) : 

pure hotness!


Anonymous Read said ... (10:01 AM) : 

Funny how even a casual blazer--on an italian guy--can make a Canadian Tuxedo look good. But where's the bolo tie?


Blogger Aline Dahl said ... (10:04 AM) : 

such a wonderful picture!


Blogger kates said ... (10:06 AM) : 

Oh my goodness - I'm dying here! Love, love, love.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:08 AM) : 

i like the style!


Blogger My thoughts... said ... (10:09 AM) : 

Never has it been easier to answer the question, "Why live in Italy?" All four gentlemen are smashing. My favorite: the one on the viewer's far right. There's a lifetime in that look.


Anonymous Ellen said ... (10:12 AM) : 

Personal but still elegant! Love the jeans shirt to the jeans trousers. Fab!


Anonymous TipoDeInteres said ... (10:16 AM) : 

Be Serious ! Not all the men in suits are fashionable neither elegant.


Anonymous kelli said ... (10:18 AM) : 

I love all of these men! Super stylish.


Blogger UESman said ... (10:21 AM) : 

I love it! They're all so comfortable in what their wearing.....and the shades are perfect as well.

Even though they are all wearing some combo of a jacket and jeans with shades...they each have a character all their own...Its not a long stretch of the imagination to see this as the poster for a new movie...if they were actors.

I also love that the white-haired man just doesn't care about that missing button. I share a similar sentiment about the buttons on my own clothes!

They all look like they really live in their clothes...alot of people should take a page from their book.


Blogger Lia said ... (10:23 AM) : 

Wow. What an amazing group of men. If this is casual I'd love to see what they wear out on the town.


Blogger I Love My Frames said ... (10:25 AM) : 

Fabulous! Love the shades :)

Check out my blog


Blogger Unknown said ... (10:26 AM) : 

only italians look soooo FAB in denim :P

xoxo from rome


Blogger Topaz said ... (10:32 AM) : 

Can I get a package rate?


Blogger M. Roseleine said ... (10:39 AM) : 

What a stylish group of men!! Olala!


Anonymous Dawn said ... (10:41 AM) : 

OMG. I need to go to Italy. NOW!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:42 AM) : 

Italian men! :)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:47 AM) : 

What is there to say? Men (US) take note. No dad jeans here. This is how to dress for casual friday, saturday, sunday! Perfection.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:47 AM) : 

I think it works because the men are well coifed as well, no mangy looking hair here. And all the jeans are clean, even if they are ripped. I don't see the usual baggy knees. Finally, the men are wearing jackets, in varying shades of blue, which dresses up the denim. And as for Canadian tuxedos, well, I'm Canadian, and haven't seen every man wearing denim.


Anonymous Megan said ... (10:51 AM) : 

I love this pix. It's screaming STYLE!! Style definitely can cut through age! Great pix, really!


Blogger Lucy said ... (10:56 AM) : 

LOVE IT! Definitely going to "accidentally" forward it to the other half to inspire him! ;)


Blogger InStudio Blog said ... (10:58 AM) : 

I'm having this photo tattooed on me.


Blogger lintmag said ... (11:20 AM) : 

Gorgeous men, but please, no more pre-faded denim! It never looks realistic and does no favors for anyone's body.
I think the best look would be the glasses from the man on the right, the shirt and tie from the white haired gent, the dark jeans of the man next to him and the sneakers of the man on the left - molto bene!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:26 AM) : 

Hail the Italians. Love their fashion style, their country, their food, and their men.


Blogger Teresa @ good-grace said ... (11:26 AM) : 

oh dear... I'd *love* this if they'd button up their darned shirts a bit. oy. (I realize I sound like a prude ... but the phrase "slick rick" comes to mind... sorry.)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:28 AM) : 

It looks effortless.
They look immaculate.
I want to be a part of it.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:30 AM) : 

...are they doing a re-take of :
Godfather?!Bello raggazzi?!


Blogger sammy wammy said ... (11:33 AM) : 

Yes, they all look really, really good... But. This is obviously in contradiction of what everyone else thinks but I do sometimes think that sometimes sometimes the look that some French and Italian men can adopt can be a bit... obvious. A bit cheesey. It's like the codes of what is a 'sexy'way of dressing was written in the 70's and is still being adhered to: the shades, the shirt open to the mid chest, the medallions. It can look even a little sleazy sometimes.

But, that said, I've got to admit they look good.


Blogger Ashleigh said ... (11:35 AM) : 

As Liz Lemon would say "I want to go there." :)


Anonymous jimjims said ... (11:37 AM) : 

these guys in a band or what?

great variety of denim, shoes, blazers, and sunnys.


Blogger Suzie Sweet said ... (11:41 AM) : 

i love this photo. well done! hope more people get to see this!


Blogger Angeles Almuna said ... (11:42 AM) : 

Wow! fabulous stylish men! Each one has something to say with Denim!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:52 AM) : 

I'm a college kid: Quit giving me urges to leave the country for fashion and sexy men. I can't afford it!


Blogger Alex Ingram said ... (11:52 AM) : 

Great Blog and Dope Photos!
Be sure to check out and follow mine
@ and on twitter @ tuxandtie


Blogger Stephanie said ... (11:53 AM) : 

What a lovely group of men.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:13 PM) : 

Magnínifa foto. Respira estilo italiano por los cuatro costados.


Blogger Unknown said ... (12:14 PM) : 

moi... I like the way you think. A tattoo of this would be nice, but I can imagine it looking good printed on a t-shirt or blown up to poster size... possibly with the words 'Boys are back in town' printed underneath. X


Anonymous Annelie said ... (12:21 PM) : 

Looking fabulous, boys :-)


Blogger Alexandra said ... (12:22 PM) : 

Such an amazing shot, and such amazing style and class! All these men are so fashionable and elegant, even, despite some of the age differences, in a very modern way.


Blogger Erik Mannby said ... (12:30 PM) : 

I love the double breasted jacket and the dotted tie (is it knitted?).

- Erik


Blogger nyc/caribbean ragazza said ... (12:40 PM) : 

che bello!!


Blogger TheStreetFashion5xpro said ... (12:47 PM) : 

I love denim...great post


Anonymous carole said ... (12:51 PM) : 

can i meet them please? :)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:20 PM) : 

How can they manage to look so different?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:31 PM) : 

Great style - I would love to share a glass of wine with this group!


Blogger FASHION SNAG said ... (1:38 PM) : 

The chicest group of men I have ever seen!


Blogger Style Realist said ... (1:47 PM) : 

this reminds me that i need to add a good pair of boyfriend jeans to my shopping list...


Anonymous Juaniria said ... (1:49 PM) : 

wanna be part of that family! gorgeous men! Italian way.


Blogger Unknown said ... (1:52 PM) : 

so chic!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:59 PM) : 

I want one.

Any one will do.


Blogger ATTITUDEINABUNDANCE said ... (2:04 PM) : 

You always capture guys looking so suave, I love it, wish I would see style like this more often.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:25 PM) : 

I think the two younger guys with the open shirts are closer to sleazy than to stylish. Especially, the one in the darker jacket with the loafers and no socks. I don't like his look at all.

I love the two older guys, though! The older gentleman is a classic. The one in the denim shirt put together the best outfit-- interesting and a perfect mix of casual and stylish.


Blogger Giovanna said ... (2:27 PM) : 

Love this picture! All the styles are great!
Boho Market Blog


Blogger Kathleen said ... (2:33 PM) : 

Okay, I have died and gone to heaven. These men all look so fantastic in their various denim looks. From the young fresh "torn" look, to the complete denim suit, to the older more refined denim pants and DB blazer. Love them all, and every single man is sexy beyond belief. Ah, Italian men.......... I am in love with them all!


Anonymous Joanna Herrick said ... (2:38 PM) : 

Italiano Hotto! I'll take one of each please!

And if anyone had doubts on how to pull off the denim on denim, look no further!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:48 PM) : 

It looks effortless but then I wonder if they did not get dressed together. I doubt this happened by accident.


Anonymous dishly said ... (2:49 PM) : 

wowww love the middle two outfits especially!! but they do look good together aha like the cheerleader effect, when you have lots of girls in a group it makes them look even better than they do alone, but wow!


Blogger nemee said ... (2:54 PM) : 

This is great! The look on the far right is my favourite. I love that they are all wearing the same pieces yet they all look completely differently.


Anonymous b briccola said ... (2:59 PM) : 

Italian men are always dressed as if ready for a photo shoot!


Anonymous Laurent said ... (3:01 PM) : 

Again, "they must be Italian" people, have you been to NY or anywhere? In NY and Miami, all the men I know dress like this, and better and are also great looking and no not all gay, this is a uniform look, because it works! I am sorry if some of you live in parts of US where men wear baggy old man jeans and dirty t shirts or worse, have some guts and complain, or move to NY SF LA Miami or at least find a place where grown up men hang out, you don't have to go to Europe. I like the light seersucker?jacket on left w ripped jeans, that's Miamish


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:03 PM) : 

all these men..dressing alike.. preppy metro.. As a woman, I don't know why but it turns me OFF.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:20 PM) : 

best family ever!!!


Anonymous evalyn said ... (3:28 PM) : 

Let me just say this (no offence meant): Yum.


Blogger Renata G. said ... (3:41 PM) : 



Anonymous liz h said ... (4:03 PM) : 

ha ha ha! i LOVE this! no wonder people in italy go out for walks in the street - with this kind of eye candy out there!!! now, just need to educate the guys in newcastle, australia to get out of their board shorts and into this gear....


Anonymous Annie's Online Clothing said ... (4:11 PM) : 

italians are really great looking and whatever clothing they make and wear, they look stylish and trendy, very cool dressing ideas


Anonymous Annie's Online Clothing said ... (4:12 PM) : 

italians are really great looking and whatever clothing they make and wear, they look stylish and trendy, very cool dressing ideas


Anonymous Key said ... (4:19 PM) : 

Oh man... such a gift. Thanks for a beautiful fantasy, Scott!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:27 PM) : 

Cool! but the third gentleman is missing a button!


Blogger LE CALZATURE said ... (4:44 PM) : 

Fantastica Foto....


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:47 PM) : 

Really cool guys! Respect!


Anonymous Matilda said ... (4:57 PM) : 



Anonymous Laurent said ... (5:03 PM) : 

AGAIN! "they must be Italian!" "I want to move to Rome" I thought they were NYers leaving work on casual Friday!Change the location in the photo title and you'd never know. Yes, this is the metro/preppy look,which works, Except for the neckchains and 70's open shirts Gentlemen! Sorry that most commenters don't meet men who dress like grown-ups and not 10 year olds-
Be bold and tell them how to dress! Buy your man a jacket!Visit NY LA SF Miami- (Most)all my friends are good looking, fit, groomed, dress well and are Gentlemen-(no, not gay)but some of the gay ones are handsome too! Ha! nice BLUE study this week. Like the light blue (seersucker?) and worn-out jeans and the guy on right, the guy with the double breasted has reached the max on waist tolerance (the button gave up) and should retire from the DB's until he loses a few Kilos,(sorry)ALL TOGETHER a nice group.


Blogger UESman said ... (5:06 PM) : 

This should really just be a poster for how really good menswear staples can be brought together and made fresh in different ways.


Blogger angie said ... (5:10 PM) : 

amazing! my favorite is the 4th guy on the right!
denim over denim and a blazer.. it looks amazing!


Blogger Shawn said ... (5:15 PM) : 

Love those torn jeans and that old guys tie!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:24 PM) : 

mamma mia!!


Blogger saudade said ... (5:31 PM) : 

Well Hello, boys!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:41 PM) : 


I want those loafers!


Blogger Notes From ABroad said ... (6:09 PM) : 

Mmmmmm .. lovely ... the denim is nice too.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:54 PM) : 

'my three sons' en Italiano! What a handsome legacy: young, old, it doesn't matter, they're all lovely!


Anonymous Leigh said ... (6:59 PM) : 

great post! i love all the fashionable men!


Anonymous Dana said ... (7:05 PM) : 

These fellas look great and related (?). I especially enjoy the two men to the right. Denim was a useful and cool invention.


Blogger Louise said ... (7:09 PM) : 

Ok, so I am booking a flight to Rome!! Just shows there are men of all ages, who are consistently stylish!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:12 PM) : 

4 reasons to go to Italy right now!!!


Blogger choppie said ... (8:14 PM) : 

This photo is impressive with all of them together. If I may.. when I look at each one of them, makes me correct a few details to make them fit into my own taste, like I think the gentleman on the right side would be perfect if he wore casual shoes or if the seesucker jacket were not so tight on the chest of the youngest looking gentleman,or if the double breast jacket gentleman had sewn the lacking button. But you know what?
What the heck. The four together look so charming. And I think that's the soul of this photo.


Blogger everyday a floor show said ... (8:26 PM) : 

uomini know mama is home ironing next outfit!bravo.


Blogger Tipsformywardrobe said ... (8:51 PM) : 

Too much posh to my feeling


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:52 PM) : 

OMG... I do love italian style... Thanks GOD that my grandparents came from Italy


Anonymous colbrij said ... (10:06 PM) : 

The older gentleman looks the best of the bunch.


Anonymous John Wesley said ... (12:13 AM) : 

From left to right:

(1) Not lovin' it! (I was sick of seeing shirts outside the pants 3 years ago.)
(2) Kinda gigolo Italiano.
(3) Perfection.
(4) Proof that you can wear denim with denim.

--John Wesley


Blogger thwany said ... (12:19 AM) : 

they all have great hair as well


Blogger Caddy said ... (12:20 AM) : 

Several generations so sexy, well dressed men! This just puts a smile on my face!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:22 AM) : 

Wowzie! Hotness - new and weathered! (The denim, of course).


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:30 AM) : 

HOT HOT HOT HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:33 AM) : 

can't get more italian than this


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:51 AM) : 

Oh my God! Did they call each other the night before? They look awesome, don't get me wrong.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:29 AM) : 

I reckon this photo would work equally as well if they weren't wearing any garments.
Just sayin'...


Blogger LIQUESandMEG said ... (4:09 AM) : 

Ugh! Fabulous....and speechless


Anonymous the motel sisters said ... (5:04 AM) : 

looking sharp and v. v. HOT!


Blogger MELISSA Z. said ... (5:28 AM) : 

cool guys! love denim! <3


Anonymous Sílvia said ... (6:08 AM) : 

Cool italian guys! Amazing shot!


Blogger Gary said ... (6:13 AM) : 

I simply love their sun glasses ! And the man on the left is... mmmm, nice. I love the fact that he's wearing sneakers. He's so different from his mate next to him ! ... All the sun glasses realy rock.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:25 AM) : 

In 4 out of 5 cases it's the excellent shoes that make the jeans look good. A universal lesson.


Blogger Jane Kilpatrick Schott said ... (6:57 AM) : 

What a great way to start the day!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:10 AM) : 

Best summer photo ever! the older gent is Mr Adriano Fracassi, good post scott.


Blogger Amalina said ... (7:47 AM) : 

Funny how they're all dressed in the same colour palette...must have been a sight to see. xo


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:16 AM) : 

Adriano and sons: the scientific demonstration that the fashion genes exist. R.


Anonymous joe t said ... (9:22 AM) : 

Can it get any better,,,, American men take note,,,,


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:23 AM) : 

Italians are the best!
They all look fantastic! beautiful picture.


Blogger SIMONE AND SJANNA said ... (9:49 AM) : 

They look a little to slick for us! But its nice to see men of all ages make an effort to look stylish.

Sjanna & Simone from wehavebeenexpectingyou


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:06 AM) : 

If this is a family portrait, then it is true that "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree". I think the dad is the most beautiful and elegant.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:29 AM) : 

Collectively they're style supreme.


Blogger Global Girl said ... (10:29 AM) : 

This is how you make denim look chic.

Bravo gentlemen!


Blogger Ms. Mig said ... (10:31 AM) : 

This definitely proves my dreamboat husband wrong! One can wear blue clothing with blue denim. And look delish! XOXO Ms. Mig


Blogger Jacqueline said ... (10:38 AM) : 

If this was lookbook, I'd give you a heart for this post...


Anonymous Isobel Saoirse said ... (10:41 AM) : 

I love it when men do the "denim-all-over", and tit looked gorgues with the blue blazer on top! A winnin look!


Blogger Jess said ... (10:57 AM) : 

love this!<--quirky Miami vintage


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:03 AM) : 

I especially love that the two gentlemen on the left match.


Anonymous James Taylor said ... (11:31 AM) : 

I think the two men on our right (their left) look good. The other two look a little forced and sloppy.


Blogger Marika said ... (11:32 AM) : 

Very stylish guys!

Btw, don't forget to check out my new project! - The Fashion Passion


Anonymous alexa said ... (12:16 PM) : 

great photo! Love the shade son the guy on the far right!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:36 PM) : 

Not sure I love the head to toe denim outfit. The best is the second from the left....but he needs to button up his shirt (lol)


Anonymous coudremode said ... (2:23 PM) : 

If these men are family I want to marry into it!


Blogger Mer^ said ... (2:54 PM) : 

Mamma mia!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:10 PM) : 

be still my heart !!!!


Blogger Javi C. said ... (3:59 PM) : 

Estas fotos son estupendas. Deberías hacer más fotos de este estilo. Gente con mucha clase y estilo.


Blogger Julián Arquez said ... (4:27 PM) : 

Estos hombres italianos si que saben como vestirse con buen gusto y verse sexy todo el tiempo.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:52 PM) : 

Their outfits are gorgeous! :) Great photo.
xoxo, Goody -


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:19 PM) : 



Anonymous sabrina said ... (5:31 PM) : 

soooooo smart!!!perfetto
particularly the man in the left!!!!

very elegant


Anonymous princess glee said ... (5:39 PM) : 

"Aw shyte! Ya see, dis here is how ya do denim right. Who dat? "
The words of my brother as he passes my computer monitor.


Anonymous Lee Oliveira said ... (7:32 PM) : 

Loving the light blue jacket on the guy on the end. Great shot. They look awesome.


Anonymous @parmie said ... (8:49 PM) : 

Classic Milan style, and this is how the men really do look!


Blogger Ashley said ... (8:53 PM) : 

Great Shots!!


Blogger Unknown said ... (9:15 PM) : 

love Italy . . . especially in summer!! I have to say - the Italians always look great - even when they are dressed down!! . . . liz


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:56 PM) : 

super style, I love


Blogger Nicola said ... (11:19 PM) : 

Fiiiiiiiiiiit!!! Boys rocking denim. First time visiting your blog and I love it

Ahh, going for another peep

Nicola x


Anonymous Marie said ... (11:23 PM) : 

a nice sense of style, j'aime beaucoup


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:56 PM) : 

Italy! The only place I actually stopped in my tracks, turned around multiple times to stare at the men!! This picture is so true!


Anonymous MI VIDRIERA 2 said ... (12:02 AM) : 

Incredible... Incredible... Incredible...


Blogger Tracey said ... (12:35 AM) : 

Hot damn! Why don't North Americans dress like this???


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:07 AM) : 

Italian always look better.

go azzuri


Blogger FBJ said ... (2:51 AM) : 

that man is rocking the denim on denim! his sunnies are rad!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:52 AM) : 

phhh wondering why so much excitment over this particular men style, which I find typical italian and somehow boring becase I know what to expect. If I see these guys in the street it would not take me more than a sec to realize they are italians. I think the best looking men is the guy on the far right. Maybe if the other two young ones on the left would not have the shirt open I would then change my opinion. I find nothing classy about open shirts on a men on the contrary......


Blogger Kay Richardson said ... (9:00 AM) : 

This image makes my eyes fizzy. That's a good thing.


Blogger Pink said ... (9:07 AM) : 

che bello gentlemen!!! love their looks:-)

check out my fashion blog at
just updated the new post today!!

or follow me on twitter at TTOFindulgence


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:00 AM) : 

Beautiful men with super glasses


Blogger Unknown said ... (11:31 AM) : 

Italian all over !!


Blogger AUGENBLICK said ... (1:00 PM) : 

WOW!Beautiful Man!!!


Blogger Stephanie said ... (1:58 PM) : 

typically Italian!


Anonymous macris said ... (2:31 PM) : 

I love this photo!! they all look great!!


Anonymous Alexandra said ... (4:01 PM) : 

I miss Italy :)))) :P


Anonymous Dana said ... (4:19 PM) : 

Italian men are just so stylish while looking sexy. Glasses, the fluency of the photo.


Blogger Unknown said ... (4:51 PM) : 

wow, everyone of them has his own very very good style and sense of fashion.what a picture


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:16 PM) : 

Well-fitting jeans, brown shoes, a pressed shirt, and a blazer is an Italian UNIFORM, people. I love it, it looks good on almost every man, and PLEASE, Men of North America, take some inpsiration from this picture before heading out on the weekends.
Thank you Scott!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:22 PM) : 

so chic, im so jealous of italian wardrobes


Blogger maticki said ... (6:16 PM) : 

oh, this is way too Italian for my taste...


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:39 PM) : 

Different ages = Different ways to wear denim!
Great picture!


Blogger Satan said ... (8:02 PM) : 

ew old people in sexy clothes :D just kidding. but i do love their clothes.

i'm really digging the brown leather shoes at the moment

srsly. i need a pair.


Blogger deca said ... (8:21 PM) : 

pizza spaghetti ....


Blogger carrieitly said ... (8:22 PM) : 

There's a reason I married an Italian.


Blogger YeastInfectionNoMoreTreatment said ... (8:31 PM) : 

Is this really "on the street"
could be at a shoot!


Blogger Thumb said ... (10:09 PM) : 

LOVE THE LOOK!! you should also see some of the hell bunny clothing range.


Blogger Diane said ... (10:17 PM) : 

I'm in lust....


Blogger Miy said ... (10:43 PM) : 

Ah.. Italian man in their denim.. gorgeous!!

The Picnic Girl


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:51 PM) : 

mamma mia!


Anonymous VABENE SILVA said ... (11:23 PM) : 

Shoes without socks ! Love it ! So fashion ! Just great ....


Blogger Annie said ... (11:40 PM) : 

Great group but think the seersucker jacket on the left is a bit small. My favorites are the 2 on the right!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:08 AM) : 

i find it interesting that the shades of denim correspond with their tops, dark with dark, light with light.
this should be an add for jeans diversity. distressed, ok! dark wash, ok! light wash, ok!
very validating.


Anonymous This Time Now said ... (12:21 AM) : 

Italians may be the most stylish but nobody, NOBODY, wears denim like Americans.


Blogger elizabeth said ... (1:04 AM) : 

italian men are fearless and so chic. not afraid to dress beautifully. american men, take note.


Anonymous EVA said ... (3:14 AM) : 

Great pic!

About the style: I would say that the two on the left really have it!!But the two on the right...shirts open, lofers without socks Style? No way! It's not only about which clothes do you's about how you wear it.
All the glasses are cool!


Blogger jennyk said ... (4:46 AM) : 

I love it, i love it i love it!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:51 AM) : 

The power of a nicely fitted jacket and well chosen sunglasses. Not to mention trousers of the right length and width.

But, the man with the spotted tie is missing the button that Should be buttoned in his jacket.

Replace it, and the jacket would look much better.


Blogger Liv said ... (5:49 AM) : 

It's the amount of men together that makes it! On their own it wouldn't be anything special but this looks very sexy.


Blogger Miss B. said ... (6:03 AM) : 

Denim looks great on any age if you have good taste ;)

Miss B.


Blogger Roberto Pires said ... (7:43 AM) : 



Blogger Noumia's papers said ... (7:53 AM) : 

Italian chic, You know ! They are classy !



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