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On the Street.....via Manzoni, Milano


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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

On the Street.....via Manzoni, Milano

Comments on "On the Street.....via Manzoni, Milano"


Blogger Cheryl Houston said ... (2:07 PM) : 

SWOON! what a hottie!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:09 PM) : 



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:09 PM) : 



Blogger Angela R Miller said ... (2:12 PM) : 

Be still my beating heart!


Anonymous Nancy said ... (2:14 PM) : 

Wow. Could he be more perfect?


Blogger Turbo said ... (2:14 PM) : 

I'm not sure what I like better, the Vespa, of the outfit. Both are fantastic.


Blogger Roxy Te said ... (2:16 PM) : 

Oh good Lord, for the love of Italian men and that smile..yummy! Can I go for a spin?


Blogger Comme Coco said ... (2:21 PM) : 

I adore vespa's!


Blogger Chaucee said ... (2:21 PM) : 

Now why can't there be men like this in America?!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:21 PM) : 

gotta get my Vespa for the summer

those white pants make me nervous what if he rides over a puddle



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:23 PM) : 

same coat as: On the Street....Bruno, New York


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:25 PM) : 

WOW I love he!


Blogger Lila said ... (2:25 PM) : 

Hubba hubba! Hey baby!
Lila Ferraro
Queen Bedroom Sets


Anonymous Napo said ... (2:25 PM) : 

...and the Helmets...?!?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:25 PM) : 

Veryyyyyyyyyyy beautiful and soooo smart!!!
An italian!



Blogger EML said ... (2:26 PM) : 

uh la la, someone has a killer smile...


Blogger Unknown said ... (2:26 PM) : 

that's it, take me to milano.


Blogger Heather said ... (2:28 PM) : 

Cool Vespa!


Anonymous nadia said ... (2:28 PM) : 

i love you?


Blogger TheStreetFashion5xpro said ... (2:28 PM) : 

very italian style


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:31 PM) : 

best accessory ever !!! I'm in love.


Blogger Sloane said ... (2:31 PM) : 

The vespa is gorgeous! I like the guy's coat. :P


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:34 PM) : 

A smile to die for. And that colour of the Vespa.......


Blogger WE SPY WITH MY LITTLE i said ... (2:34 PM) : 

What a beauty - the moped that is!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:34 PM) : 

is there a way to meet this guy?
ah, his smile is breathtaking...
~cheers from Istanbul


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:36 PM) : 

OMG..he's cute! Is he gay?


Blogger Ginta said ... (2:36 PM) : 

Oh, thank you, Scott, you've captured my stereotypes about Italy and Italians in one shot! But what a handsomely, stylish stereotypes :)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:38 PM) : 

Enough with the white trousers! How do they keep them white, anyway?? In my case they would be a magnet for trouble: 7:15 spilling cappuccino at Cafè Marchesi; 13:25 dripping mustard from my panino at Bar Magenta; 19:45 final touch with some tomato spots from a good panzerotto at Luini.. Just me?


Blogger Lisa said ... (2:41 PM) : 

Sure he mounted an awesome scooter and is dressed well, but his smile is by far the star of this shot.


Blogger FASHION SNAG said ... (2:42 PM) : 

What a stud with a great smile! Great photo. You really captured him.


Anonymous Cheek said ... (2:43 PM) : 

Why do Italians seem to always get it right? Great portrait.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:45 PM) : 

Oh my!!!! What a smile! I love this photo!

des bises from France


Anonymous Enrique said ... (2:47 PM) : 

Vespas are great accessories. I wonder what came first: the outfit or the Vespa?


Blogger Eric Brewer said ... (2:48 PM) : 

all the colors work. I can almost feel the crisp breeze and hear the buzz of the two stroke.


Blogger Unknown said ... (2:48 PM) : 

Must get me a Vespa!


Blogger BlueRing said ... (2:52 PM) : 

This picture is...exactly what I would think of when it comes to good looking Italy based man going through his daily life there.
I love the transportation mode...and the color is exquisite! Next year, if the funds have reached the mark, I will own my own one.



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:52 PM) : 

Ok, I'm in love!


Anonymous Christian said ... (2:52 PM) : 

A beautiful man on a beautiful vespa. Love the gloves and scruff.


Blogger LZ said ... (3:00 PM) : 

As much as I love his outfit, the most beautiful part of this photo is his smile! What a wonderful photograph. It makes me miss Italy so much!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:00 PM) : 

very very nice! and this guy... :)


Blogger Unknown said ... (3:00 PM) : 

what a cutie.


Anonymous Alison Nicole said ... (3:02 PM) : 

Wow. Epitome of "Italian Stud."


Blogger Café Naïveté said ... (3:03 PM) : 

This is just great! Seems like an ad and it presents a fine combination of vintage and modern.. the guy's smile is timeless and he's charm certainly adds a lot to this picture! Simply great:)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:08 PM) : 

mi metterei subito in ginocchio a fargli un lavoretto !!!


Blogger mangotree said ... (3:48 PM) : 

can I join him for a ride? what an irresistible smile


Anonymous Jasmine said ... (3:50 PM) : 

Gorgeous, handsome, call me.


Blogger istanbul fashion addict said ... (3:50 PM) : 

oh no this is killer! green vespa is the best accessory in Italy.I loved the whole look.So Italian:)


Blogger Unknown said ... (3:52 PM) : 

bellissimo sorriso!


Anonymous Priscilla Joy said ... (3:55 PM) : 

such a handsome man. :)


Anonymous Hildegard said ... (3:58 PM) : 

beauuuuutiful....bravisimo!!! I'd marry this guy just like this!! ;-)


Blogger Mr Sartorial said ... (3:58 PM) : 

This is a very cool dude, hard to find ouside the smile


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:58 PM) : 



Blogger C-Loud said ... (3:59 PM) : 

using scooter without helmet in italy will provide you a serious penality!

nice guy however!


Anonymous Loren barake said ... (4:00 PM) : 

I think I should get a scooter. Everyone looks very hot on them!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:02 PM) : 

WOW! Now that's italian!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:04 PM) : 

it's funny how far a vespa and a good smile can get you... I like!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:04 PM) : 

I'm in LOVE!!!! Great smile, great style, great vespa :)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:05 PM) : 



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:05 PM) : 

He looks like the perfect Italien. The Vespa in this really cool colour and the wonderful fitting jacket match perfectly. He could be a model with his bright smile and the two-day-beard.

Greetings from Germany


Blogger julia :: the long long swing said ... (4:07 PM) : 

oh, my!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:08 PM) : 

oh my good looking is he ???????????????!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous Silvi@ said ... (4:08 PM) : 

mamma mia , what a smile .... give me a ride honey...


Blogger L. said ... (4:08 PM) : 

So classy and charming!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:08 PM) : 

May I marry him, please?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:10 PM) : 

Hubba hubba!


Blogger Kate said ... (4:13 PM) : 

I wouldn't mind being picked up by that!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:15 PM) : 

..tanta roba!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:15 PM) : 

This is how I see myself, honestly, until I stumble (is how best to describe it)my image in a window and am reminded of the vast gulf that exists between my self-image and what I look like. And I am bummed.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:19 PM) : 



Blogger Unknown said ... (4:20 PM) : 

gorgeous! love the colour of the vespa :)


Blogger Rebekah said ... (4:21 PM) : 



Blogger Fred Jezeph said ... (4:24 PM) : 



Blogger ZalinaW said ... (4:26 PM) : 

Come to America!


Blogger Simone Rene said ... (4:26 PM) : 

I don't know which is sexier - the rider and his style or the Vespa!?!?


Blogger Latin American Beauties said ... (4:28 PM) : 

He's cute!


Blogger Unknown said ... (4:29 PM) : 

Cool & lay back..What a cutie!!!!!!!


Blogger Bell said ... (4:36 PM) : 

Uff, very handson man


Anonymous Dam said ... (4:36 PM) : 

He looks as though he would be enjoyable to talk to.

Great Jacket.


Blogger Unknown said ... (4:36 PM) : 

You gotta love the Vespas!!!


Anonymous noegin said ... (4:36 PM) : 

Wow!!!!!!!!! I love vespa...


Anonymous liz h said ... (4:36 PM) : 

oh my goodness....


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:39 PM) : 

OMG - the cutest guy on the cutest Vespa. Not really caring what clothes he has on. Great pic!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:42 PM) : 

I want.....


Blogger Masha said ... (4:42 PM) : 

wow! this picture is really pretty! like from an old movie!!))


Blogger dirty diana said ... (4:54 PM) : 

wouldn't mind taking a ride on that vespa /corrupted smile/


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:54 PM) : 

WOW Look at that smile. He is HOT. I would love to ride his vespa.


Blogger Beth Lee said ... (4:54 PM) : 

Comment fait on pour tomber sur ce mec???
Super Photo Scott!!!


Blogger Beth Lee said ... (4:56 PM) : 

Comment fait on pour tomber sur ce mec????
Super photo Scott!!!!


Blogger MEO said ... (5:01 PM) : 

Vespa.. mio amor!


Anonymous Fashion As a 2nd Language said ... (5:09 PM) : 

This is why I love Italy! This guy's so stylish it hurts (but he makes it look easy). When it comes to sartorial matters, Italians never seem to break a sweat...


Blogger Petitbill said ... (5:10 PM) : 

I lov the vespa. The best scooter for ever.


Blogger sabrina said ... (5:12 PM) : 

He had a great style and he is very beautiful!
I want to go to!

amazing italian!

Sabrina(from Paris)


Anonymous Layli said ... (5:15 PM) : 

Can we get married, Man on Vespa? Prego?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:15 PM) : 



Blogger LunaStitches said ... (5:28 PM) : 



Blogger Unknown said ... (5:33 PM) : 

Very, very Italian!!


Anonymous Miss Blossom said ... (5:37 PM) : 



Blogger Lauren Setterberg said ... (5:39 PM) : 

Happy and handsome! Such a rad bike.


Anonymous Michael said ... (5:55 PM) : 

I really like this look.

Though the following post makes me feel funny about liking it so much:



Blogger Johanna Urban said ... (6:01 PM) : 

WOW! Ok, I think I'm not the only one who want's to MARRY HIM, but... :) HE IS JUST ... !!! WOW

(by the way, great shot)


//Johanna from SWEDEN


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:04 PM) : 

sexier with a helmet!


Anonymous $5 Basics said ... (6:06 PM) : 

alright so we know that we like his smile and his vespa...but what about his clothing? i love the clean lines of his jacket and white with dark, dark denim is so crisp and fresh. in fact, this might be the best "white pants" look i've seen on a man.


Anonymous Janelle said ... (6:24 PM) : 

Now wouldn't we all like to ride away on his Vespa! Gorgeous and so much style... sigh


Blogger Ljubica said ... (6:36 PM) : 

love this - he looks amazing! like from an italian dream!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:41 PM) : 

Very nice shot. Love the jacket but most of all, love his smile and how confident he looks. Also, Vespas rock!

I can't say enough how much I love this blog; every picture takes you to a world of individuality... it's fantastic!


Anonymous hk said ... (6:50 PM) : 

outfit wouldnt be complete without the smile :)


Anonymous Guto said ... (7:04 PM) : 

un ragazzo italiano at his best!!


Blogger iliketweet said ... (7:11 PM) : 

He's a little bit lovely...




Blogger Unknown said ... (7:15 PM) : 



Anonymous aleksandra said ... (7:15 PM) : 

Wow,Italian beautiful, classic,and awesome look. His smile...and his Vespa... absolutly perfection.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:18 PM) : 

More North American men need to bring a European sensibility to there fashion.


Blogger Dolo said ... (7:19 PM) : 

uuuFFF!!!! extremely hot and sexy, too bad Milan is a bit far from Buenos Aires. love!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:22 PM) : 

Oh just stop it.


Blogger watcher reader thinker said ... (7:22 PM) : 

That's it. I'm moving to Milan, pronto!


Blogger Graham Hutson said ... (7:33 PM) : 

Vespas are the perfect accessory!


Anonymous The Photodiarist said ... (7:33 PM) : 



Blogger ADJ said ... (7:50 PM) : 

some people just have the thing. he's definitely got it! love the green vespa! perfect!


Blogger V.V. said ... (8:11 PM) : 

it captures perfectly the essence of a real italian player, great shoot


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:36 PM) : 

"hello, i'm the perfect man." yum.


Blogger By Flavia Tanaka said ... (8:38 PM) : 



Blogger Ananda said ... (8:38 PM) : 



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:41 PM) : 



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:50 PM) : 

I hope he appears in my dream tonight... His horse is the vespa, that smile is me.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:51 PM) : 



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:55 PM) : 

Beautiful photo. The guy is an inspiration.


Anonymous Mal said ... (9:04 PM) : 

What a smokeshow!


Blogger Niki said ... (9:33 PM) : 

He has a Hugh Jackman-ness about him


Blogger JP said ... (9:37 PM) : 

So dreamy


Anonymous meagan said ... (10:38 PM) : 

Seriously, did you just find him on the street? Me-Ow.


Anonymous RACHEL. said ... (10:46 PM) : 

Oooooh! He has such a disarming smile, and lovely clothes too. LOVE IT! ^^

Now where's my passport?


Blogger Sunshinemom said ... (10:52 PM) : 

Move over bikers! Here is a hot scooterist:)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:06 AM) : 

Now why can't there be men like this in Australia?!


Blogger pRiyA said ... (12:39 AM) : 

He is so cool. So incredibly, incredibly cool! Who needs a fancy motorbike when one can look so HOT on a scooter :)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:18 AM) : 

That's it, I'm booking a flight to Italia!


Blogger Unknown said ... (1:26 AM) : 

Bello Figo...


Anonymous AliciaInAlaska said ... (1:33 AM) : 

That is visual perfection.


Blogger Unknown said ... (1:44 AM) : 

He's gorgeous! No helmet!


Anonymous ralukitsa said ... (1:56 AM) : 

That man is just HANDSOME!!!!!


Blogger Nicole said ... (2:34 AM) : 

Woot woot! Sexy


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:38 AM) : 

Mamma mi..che bello...pls take me to bed with the shot!!!


Blogger valpao said ... (2:46 AM) : 

Wear your helmet !!!! that's a fake pic, you can't ride your Vespa without helmet in Milan, especially in Via Manzoni, that's downtown !!!!!
Anyway he looks smart !!!


Blogger Patient x said ... (2:56 AM) : 

amazingly white teeth=p

check out my blog at


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:29 AM) : 

That is just amazing. I have to get a Vespa for the summer.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:34 AM) : 

...and the Helmets...?!?

So fake!
So...I wanna be Dolce Vita!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:39 AM) : 

Ah he looks exactly like me!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:03 AM) : 

Viva Italia, viva vespas, viva Sartori! greeting from croatia, ineida.


Anonymous seminar projects said ... (4:21 AM) : 

a perfect post


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:33 AM) : 

Oh, such a gorgeous man, thanks !


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:44 AM) : 

first question: why isn't he wearing a helmet?

second question: why do I never meet him around town? I have an outpost in via Manzoni, but I never seem to have seen him around.

took him out of your hat, Scott?



Anonymous Magdalenaeyes said ... (5:04 AM) : 

Be Italian...
when you hold me don’t just hold me but...
please be gentle, sentimental
go ahead and try to give my cheek a pa

that's all about this picture.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:21 AM) : 

Is he goodlooking or is he goodlooking!!


Anonymous Robin71 said ... (5:24 AM) : words to say, no words to convey ...this feeling inside I have ...for you.....

I'm always hanging around Via Manzoni...where is he?????


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:38 AM) : 

To die for... what a mega-hottie!!!! His smile.


Blogger ΕΦ said ... (5:43 AM) : 

This is the italian idea! Fellini contemporary! Style, simplicity, smile, and somehow the sense that love is in the air! Mamma mia!


Anonymous Maija said ... (6:03 AM) : 

Ahhah, the greatest comments ever, can't stop giggling!

He IS gorge, you see these vespa guys when visiting Italy but he is one of the outrageously yammy :)
The vespa though is the shining style star of the photo.



Blogger lorax said ... (7:04 AM) : 



Blogger FEDERICA said ... (7:22 AM) : 

Thanks for this post :-)


Anonymous Franklin said ... (7:24 AM) : 

Can anyone check me on the jacket? I thought it might be Gant ... last winter? Tough to get in Oz!


Blogger Unknown said ... (7:29 AM) : 

Any idea what gloves those are? I've seen a pair like them's-handsewn-leather-gloves.asp yet are they Dents or an Italian manufacturer??


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:29 AM) : 

Ha ha. Nobody has commented on his clothing. He could be in a burlap sack for all we care. Maybe clothes don't make the man?? At least in this case!!!


Anonymous Giovanella said ... (7:36 AM) : 

How on earth have you found someone on a scooter without a helmet??!! people dont do that anymore..used to be like this up untill about 5 years was so vintage italy! loveeee!! everytime i dont wear a helmet i get fined arg!!


Blogger l´habitué said ... (7:50 AM) : 

What's not to love about a man in a motorcycle?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:15 AM) : 

exactly the man i would like to marry......


Blogger K'arhol said ... (8:26 AM) : 

Scott , Scott , Scott thats sooo inspirin , never know how weel I feel now , lookin at this photo its amazin !


Blogger nyc/caribbean ragazza said ... (8:47 AM) : 

sigh...that smile! Mi piace molto.


Blogger Copas said ... (9:59 AM) : 

Isn't that the same coat the guy is wearing a couple photos down? The one with the belt on his collar? I love it!! Who makes it?


Blogger Prutha Raithatha said ... (10:04 AM) : 

me want vespa!!!!!!!

this is my fav picture of 2 wheelers!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:24 AM) : 

Just opened my copy of GQ Style & immediately recognised this guy in an ad for Tod's.

Love the Vespa


Anonymous Steph said ... (10:25 AM) : 

I love how Europeans rock the white jean all during the year - it completely justifies the fact that I have 8 pairs! And one more thing...hello...gorgeous!


Blogger Optimal Optimist said ... (10:30 AM) : 

THIS is the reason I have planned a trip to Italy this summer! Beautiful men with amazing style! Thankkkkk youuuuu : )


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:33 AM) : 



Blogger parisgirl said ... (11:06 AM) : 

what gorgessity!! and i love the fact that he's mad enough to wear white jeans...on a winter. ti amo, ragazzo!


Blogger AtoZ said ... (11:18 AM) : 

He is BEAUTIFUL! Makes me wanna get on a plane and fly to Milano to meet him...what a great smile :)


Blogger truffle buttons said ... (11:21 AM) : 

picture perfect!


Anonymous Amy said ... (11:25 AM) : 

Picture perfect!


Blogger fashionfauxpas said ... (11:39 AM) : 

Can someone give him my number!?!?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:54 AM) : 

I'm from Milan and recently moved to London and this has made me so nostalgic...miss good old Milan and its beautiful boys on Vespa!


Blogger Unknown said ... (11:54 AM) : 

John Bartlett has amazing denim sport coats!!!


Blogger Richie Designs said ... (12:54 PM) : 

oh I'm missing my 65' vespa now for many reasons.

hello mr. vespa!


Blogger TorontoVerve Street Style said ... (1:07 PM) : 

I love this scene and the colour. Thanks for sharing.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:18 PM) :


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:23 PM) : 

Never,ever do I see men this perfetto! Italy here I come....


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:24 PM) : 

One word - wow!!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:03 PM) : 

So handsome! And such a well-fitting jacket.


Blogger Unknown said ... (2:10 PM) : 

he is gorgeous!


Anonymous stone11 said ... (2:45 PM) : 

this is why do I love Italy.. hot and stylish guys :)
...happy to be engaged with one of them :P


Blogger Annie Harmon said ... (3:05 PM) : 

Wow, Gorgeous specimen of a man wearing a fantastic jacket.


Blogger Isabelle Lafleche said ... (3:15 PM) : 

I'm in love...


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:47 PM) : 

...but he's gonna lose that pretty mug when he crashes with no helmet!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:59 PM) : 

my husband dresses like this all the time & rides a very cool motorcycle, but i am sorry, in the smile dept. this guy has got him beat!!!!


Anonymous Marine said ... (4:16 PM) : 

Oh my God ! Italian men are really so sexy and elegants... What a shinny smile, i get a sunstroke. Call a doctor !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous rosy said ... (4:48 PM) : 

bello ! love it !


Anonymous brightlike said ... (4:54 PM) : 

wow awesome shot!


Blogger MeRiaN said ... (6:00 PM) : 

STUNNING... hahaha


Anonymous BellaMouse said ... (6:25 PM) : 

I always look at all these cool italian photos and wonder,
why? Oh, why? Don't I live there?



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:52 PM) : 



Blogger Joana said ... (7:19 PM) : 

WOW...everything is perfect, even the vespa´s colour.



Blogger Kwame Panther said ... (8:37 PM) : 



Blogger Unknown said ... (8:41 PM) : 

Absolutely perfect in every way...


Blogger Ozwald Boateng said ... (8:46 PM) : 

You can't beat an old school vespa!


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