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At Costume National.....The Character, Milan


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Thursday, January 28, 2010

At Costume National.....The Character, Milan

Comments on "At Costume National.....The Character, Milan"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:21 PM) : 

Wa! Like an awesomr 19th century painting. For some reason he reminds me of a far more stylish "american gothic"


Blogger Angeles Almuna said ... (3:23 PM) : 

What a fantastic character! he looks ready for the next film in his life......


Blogger Hell Yup! said ... (3:25 PM) : 

Excuuuuuse me? What did you say?

This guy is it!


Blogger Sarah said ... (3:25 PM) : 

like the stripes. very classy.


Blogger Unknown said ... (3:26 PM) : 

Almost Don Quixote! The beard is perfect, that raised eyebrow, and the hat is just the right barber's basin shape, but felt rather than metal. How cool.


Blogger kitchenartist said ... (3:27 PM) : 

FanTASTIC. The hat, the scarf, the gaze, the beard, the stripes. Every inch an original.

(btw, I love this blog, but the parade of American Apparel nubiles that appear to the left of your photographs is annoying)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:27 PM) : 

Is this supposed to be a parody of a Hasid, just like that scene in Annie Hall, where Alvy Singer meets the Hall family goyim?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:27 PM) : 

ok... :)


Blogger Elliot - BW said ... (3:29 PM) : 

My word! It's Sigmund Freud!
But sexy. Which I'm sure he'd have a few things to say about...


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:30 PM) : 

any guesses as to what material that scarf is made of?


Blogger Lorena said ... (3:45 PM) : 

At first when I looked at this guy I noticed his beard and thought "old man", but he appears to have very few wrinkles so perhaps he is actually not very old at all? Great portrait.


Blogger Coco and Zaahb said ... (3:45 PM) : 

His suit is great... loving his hat more tho



Anonymous Jenny said ... (3:45 PM) : 

The raised eyebrow is amazing, wish I could pull that off and still manage to look dignified.


Blogger Daphne said ... (3:45 PM) : 

This is GREAT. It looks like a painting. The hat the way the pocket square is hanging over the pocket, and most of all the expression! Love it.


Anonymous Hannasvea said ... (3:48 PM) : 

looks like an actor! love the glimpse in his eye...


Blogger Two Tina said ... (3:49 PM) : 

He definitely looks like a character, those eyes tell a whole story! His suit is very elegant and crisp.


Blogger SaraKateSwan said ... (3:49 PM) : 

What a fantastic face!!!!

Check out

for more inspirational fashion images


Blogger kelly said ... (3:51 PM) : 

love the navy and creme!


Blogger Soren Lorensen said ... (3:53 PM) : 

with a beard like that

I don't care what you are wearing

No wrong can be done

though he is eerily clean


Blogger Unknown said ... (3:55 PM) : 

Hummm "El Quijote" !


Blogger X said ... (3:58 PM) : 

One of my absolute favorites yet! everything is so great - the hat, the beard, the quizzical eyes, the subtle 'beauty spot', the color.

So much to look at here!


Anonymous Shannon said ... (3:59 PM) : 

"I'm on to you, blogger boy" he says.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:00 PM) : 

And not a collared shirt in sight... interesting


Blogger Roman Dennis said ... (4:02 PM) : 

this is what i imagine god to look like !

i love his jacket its beautiful



Anonymous christine said ... (4:02 PM) : 

I love this guy´s style, except for the weird facial expression, wonderful scarf!


Blogger Rob Boddice said ... (4:02 PM) : 

Another great shot. I cannot help but define this character by the flaccid handkerchief in his top pocket and the bite-marks in his hat. A frisson of sexual tension, methinks.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:03 PM) : 

the things that separate one man's style from another can be simple but have drastic effects. take away the hat, beard and the drooping pocket square and i could see myself in this outfit. however adding these simple elements completely transforms the look and makes it personal to him and no one else.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:05 PM) : 

he looks straight from a novel! so distinguishable


Blogger Unknown said ... (4:06 PM) : 

this man's face is wonderful


Blogger Simone Rene said ... (4:08 PM) : 

preparing the lather for that much needed shave ....


Anonymous AnonymousJK said ... (4:09 PM) : 

Costume National meets the Amish - I love this! GR8 shot!


Blogger moreskinnydays said ... (4:13 PM) : 

I like it from the neck down, but from the neck up, I don't get it. Did somebody bite his hat?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:13 PM) : 

The droopy pocket square and bite marks(?) on his hat define this picture just as much as his definitive beard! His look almost dares you to question his unique style.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:14 PM) : 

whaaa! this guy is the coolest ever, i love his expression, the hat, the colours and of course the beard..


Blogger sunshine. said ... (4:15 PM) : 

Looks like a little mouse has nibbled at the end of the hat there on the right side.
It makes it look like there's a story behind it.
Love it.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:17 PM) : 

Are those tooth marks?!?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:17 PM) : 

who took a bite of his hat?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:18 PM) : 

Haha now THAT is inspirational, that will be me in 20 years, once my beard goes white! I love the simple t-shirt under all that splendor, there is balance and humility in it. Combined with his wonderful expression, you can see that he is laughing at himself too.

Leviticus 19:32
Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honour the face of the old man, and fear thy God.


Blogger Peter Rock Ternes said ... (4:19 PM) : 

pocket square and color combo


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:22 PM) : 



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:28 PM) : 

You've captured him. I could write an entire book about this photo. Absolutely amazing. And his hat! It looks like something nibbled at the brim. I want to see more...this is so great. His skin is very young-looking. His beard must be dyed. Not that a dyed beard makes any less an impact on me. On the contrary, he seems more fascinating considering it to be true. Cheers!


Blogger mk said ... (4:33 PM) : 

When I saw this I saw Salvador Dali...something in the eyes/angle of the shot?


Anonymous Rán Magnúsdóttir said ... (4:36 PM) : 

That is an amazing portrait.

I like where you are going at the moment, with the portraits. They capture so much about a person, and their style.


Blogger istanbul fashion addict said ... (4:36 PM) : 



Blogger Jean-pierre MATTEI ( clothings maker who shares some fashion sketches .............................. ) said ... (4:38 PM) : 



Blogger mockumentary said ... (4:39 PM) : 

What character!
Beyond fashion photography. Well done!


Anonymous Elena said ... (4:42 PM) : 

The portrait of a true original...the beard, the nibbled hat, the silk scarf I love. The rest seems overcalculated. With an expression like this, you expect him to be dressed in a way that says "who cares?"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:46 PM) : 

amazing picture..

the more i look at the pic and the details of his attire and the pic... the more i like it..

SFMOMA worth pic...


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:47 PM) : 

I want to marry this man

and stroke his beard.

I particularly like his handkerchief folded to perfection. His hat too..very chic meets amish country.

As for the look you photographed, Scott, I love it. The post of lifting an eyebrown fits this man's least as far as I can tell. Makes me laugh.


Blogger Unknown said ... (4:49 PM) : 

Wow. Looks like a friend of Jesse James. Wonderful!


Blogger C A said ... (4:55 PM) : 

I have never seen that texture on this fabric (and I work in fashion.. lol), He has lots of elegance.


Blogger Beauty Is Diverse said ... (5:09 PM) : 

I like his beard.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:19 PM) : 

another face surrounded by fur?


Anonymous CROATOR.NET said ... (5:22 PM) : 

Great portrait!


Blogger Sarah Grace said ... (5:32 PM) : 

He definitely fits the part. He looks like a hilarious the coat and hat.


Anonymous The Photodiarist said ... (5:36 PM) : 

Wow! Superb portrait. I am excited about this new direction that you are taking.


Blogger John Taylor said ... (5:53 PM) : 

I'm loving your renewed interest in portraits, though many if not most of your best are portraits if not in the strictest sense. Keep them coming!


Blogger Ashley Reese said ... (6:10 PM) : 

ha, very intense!


Blogger Lisa Petrarca said ... (6:17 PM) : 

I think I'll call him the outfit and the facial expression~
"Whadda ya want?"

You could write a whole story just from this one simple picture...AWESOME!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:17 PM) : 

I really don't like this at all.


Blogger modGIRL said ... (6:19 PM) : 



Blogger j4ckb1ng said ... (6:22 PM) : 

Too contrived! I feel as if I'm looking at a character from central casting, not a man.


Blogger Ted said ... (6:35 PM) : 

I Love the combo of the vest, blazer, scarf and hat. So stylish and effortless!


Blogger Villa Nellcote said ... (6:40 PM) : 

I can't get my head around this look at all, but the proportion of the single visible dark waistcoat button exposed over the striped jacket is perfect.

If you turn this photo upside-down (an old Joel Meyerowitz trick), the waistcoat button is the absolute anchor of this image / look.

I would love to see this guy in 10 outfits & understand how he works each look.


Blogger Kathleen said ... (6:40 PM) : 

I love the grand mixture of texture, both human and textile.


Blogger Carynn said ... (6:42 PM) : 



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:58 PM) : 

looks like a slight exposure problem there, though. No bracketing?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:06 PM) : 


the man of course, and the photo (also of course).

i too, am excited to see where this strain of more "conventional" (and yet not) portraits goes... well done, as usual. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:08 PM) : 

Scott, You've done it again - fantastic shot !


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:21 PM) : 

Now THAT is a portrait! But the professor from 'Back to the Future' popped into my head!

aside to WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot: I'm in COMPLETE agreement!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:54 PM) : 


... Its like he know something we don't..

(what is that detail on the side of his hat? Bite marks?)


Blogger E said ... (8:11 PM) : 

lovinnn the stripes



Blogger Unknown said ... (8:38 PM) : 

that beautiful white scarf around his neck and tucked into his vest absolutely makes this whole man's image work for me.


Blogger Kiss Me Cruz said ... (8:41 PM) : 

I love the contrast between his crisp whits beard, and the striped tailored jacket; effortlessly sartorial.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:44 PM) : 

The details on this man are amazing. His thick white beard adds a lot of wisdom while his dark eyebrows and playful expression add a dash of youthfulness that truly brings out a unique character. I love how his pocket square is limply draping as if it were just overly used and watered down.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:47 PM) : 

I love it.

Look at the notches on his hat. So great


Blogger Unknown said ... (9:01 PM) : 

What a fabulous suit/jacket -- love the colors and accessorizing. Great texture, great hat. Thanks for all your wonderful shots -- very inspiring. I'm learning more about color and thinking more about it just from looking at your photos.


Blogger brightlightsbigcity said ... (9:04 PM) : 

That's so comical. HE'S rad.


Anonymous Elizabeth said ... (9:16 PM) : 

Wonderful face and expression. You really captured who he is.

The creamy white scarf, brown hat, blue pinstripes...not many people can pull this look off. But he really does!


Blogger Vinda Sonata said ... (9:58 PM) : 

wonderful is the only word that's perfect for describing this shot. i really enjoy seeing every single details!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:11 PM) : 

I've never felt the need to comment on your site, All your photos are great. BUT THIS MAN IS BRILLIANT!

P. x


Anonymous Indie Mom and the Reluctant Banker said ... (10:53 PM) : 

I love how the clothes matches his beard.


Blogger Unknown said ... (10:59 PM) : 

I love the nicks on his hat and his droopy pocket square!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:25 PM) : 

He looks like the actor Jonathan Pryce in the film, Carrington, except the beard is a different colour.


Blogger Rolita said ... (11:33 PM) : 

I think that the expression in the face is what makes this picture so great!

Love the eyebrow, and the hat!


Blogger adambryant said ... (11:34 PM) : 

cool-looking guy and a GREAT portrait.

...but that has got to be the saddest little pocket puff i have ever seen.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:35 PM) : 



Anonymous said ... (11:36 PM) : 

I think you made him mad!


Blogger brendan stampley said ... (12:58 AM) : 

i love stiped blazers, they can look sliming


Blogger Oh my Dior! said ... (1:09 AM) : 

I love this photo you really feel the texture in everything :)


Anonymous princess glee said ... (1:28 AM) : 



Anonymous Isobel Saoirse said ... (2:10 AM) : 

Interesting man! Awesome picture!


Blogger Charles said ... (2:48 AM) : 

Brilliant character and sartorial choices. The lighting is interesting - how drastically would the interpretation of the subject's expression change if he were to be cast in dramatic shadows?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:58 AM) : 

A modern Don Qixote!!!!!!!!!!!!


Blogger Susana said ... (3:03 AM) : 

Es un Quijote!


Blogger Diane said ... (3:13 AM) : 

Wow, very original style!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:18 AM) : 

it's wolderful! again, great details can make an entire outfit... just look at the way his pocket square is arranged and how his hat has several mouse bites on the side. glorious!


Blogger CAYA said ... (4:32 AM) : 

Simply perfection


Anonymous Dounia said ... (4:51 AM) : 

When it comes to photography, I love portraits. So I look forward to seeing more of the new direction of your work.
I really like the expression of this gentleman's face & the beard.


Anonymous Joanna Roman said ... (5:01 AM) : 

Chapeu bas - Mr. Schuman

The way you captured him makes me think that Annie Leibovitz will be proud of this photo...

so reach in interpretations face of this character!!!

many thanks & luv & respect


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:02 AM) : 



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:39 AM) : 

really good photos! what kind of camera do you use?


Blogger tanïa said ... (5:46 AM) : 

Very fascinating portrait! He reminds me of an impressionist painter like Claude Monet in his later years. I'd love to know if he has a paint brush and an art palette in his hands. On the other hand, his whole attitude gives the impression that he is painted himself right at the moment. This foto is picture-perfect!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:03 AM) : 



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:06 AM) : 

trendy Don Quixote!


Anonymous Key said ... (6:29 AM) : 

The black head is very nice. It seem like a magician. Very cool for old man like him!


Blogger Unknown said ... (7:58 AM) : 

I love his pocket square. Like it's depressed and floppy.


Anonymous Christopher said ... (8:08 AM) : 

I feel like this is Justin Theroux in disguise. I don't like the stripes on the jacket though. It looks like something H&M would have put out in 2003.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:32 AM) : 



Anonymous sanmiguelense said ... (9:33 AM) : 

Excellent Count Olaf from Lemony Snicket! Especially the bitten hat!

I 'm loving the portraits and appreciate the Sargent reference. It's really too bad that some of your readers/followers/fans don't understand that a documentary photographer can also be an artist! But that is their shortcoming and not yours! Alas, there will always be some who just don't get it.

Also--and speaking of not getting it--the awful American Apparel ads are a real bummer. I loathe them.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:45 AM) : 

Why is it that I never run into people like this? I look and look. Time to move from Chicago! love the worn out hat!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:45 AM) : 

"Take one more bite out of my hat and I will swat you with my limp hanky!"


Anonymous lemonforbreakfast said ... (9:55 AM) : 

Funny pic! he reminds me of an old man from the 19th!! :)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:24 AM) : 

Costume in the title seems very appropriate.


Blogger what dia like said ... (10:26 AM) : 

amazing eyes!


Blogger Unknown said ... (10:27 AM) : 

Nice! Sergio Leone meets Virginia Woolf... interesting shot, beautiful clothes.


Blogger Ling Wang said ... (10:29 AM) : 

One of my favorite portrait shots you've taken. This is the equivalent of one of those great 16th century portrait paintings.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:42 AM) : 

Pino Pipoli!!!!!!!!!! great artist!! everytime I see him there's something new and interesting!!

davide l.


Anonymous Avyn said ... (10:45 AM) : 

hat+face+suit= perfect balance
have you ever thought of shooting some some of the Congolese Sapeurs of Belgium and France?


Anonymous Jessica Beyer said ... (10:53 AM) : 

He looks almost amish/western man! haha! But this is my first visit to you blog and I love it!


Blogger thwany said ... (11:01 AM) : 

great shot


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:29 AM) : 

I love him. No, really. I love him.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:33 AM) : 

The new style of portraits are interesting. Nice artistic shots.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:24 PM) : 

What a fabulous photo!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:43 PM) : 

Favorite part of this pic - the little missing pieces from the brim of his hat.
Adds authenticity.
Very nice.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:33 PM) : 

GENIUS! This is definitely one of the most amazing portraits you've posted on here. Love the weathered (looks like a bite mark??) on the brim of the hat. This is too perfect.


Anonymous Ims said ... (3:35 PM) : 

i adore this photo! i think it's his raised eyebrow that perfects it! and his hat...

oh and the beard haha!
beautiful photograph!


Blogger Insomnia said ... (4:03 PM) : 

Crazy! He looks like he just step out of a painting!


Anonymous CAPTAIN RL said ... (5:14 PM) : 

excellent. look at that 'bite' on his hat. the pocket square is displayed interesting and the tucked in scarf is superb. this is why i take the time out to visit.


Anonymous Fresher said ... (5:39 PM) : 

So rad!


Blogger Jeanne said ... (6:56 PM) : 

I agree, he looks like the perfect subject for a rich oil painting. He also looks familiar--is it Mick Fleetwood (drummer, Fleetwood Mac)? Mick's a fairly snazzy dresser, and often raises eyebrows (his and those of others). Love the portrait series.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:17 PM) : 

He looks like Walt Whitman channeling Salvador Dali. Excellent!


Anonymous Jannn said ... (8:05 PM) : 

I bit the side of his hat.


Anonymous Terry said ... (8:21 PM) : 

Fashion is definitely Subjective!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:28 PM) : 

WOW--please keep these coming. I am still interested in street photos and interesting people more than fashion editors.... awesome--thanks!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:48 PM) : 

Amazing! He not only has character in his clothes but personality too! Love your blog, keep up the good photos!


Blogger Tim McFarlane said ... (12:44 AM) : 

Absolutely great portrait!


Blogger nothingness said ... (3:38 AM) : 

pinstriped = alter ego of subtle chic


Blogger alastair said ... (5:25 AM) : 

Really can't make up my mind about this guy! Something about the beard/hat combo especially. I like the elements, but the whole combination, I'm really not sure.


Blogger Tea with Edith said ... (7:10 AM) : 

His beard add pureness to his look. I love his striped jacket.


Blogger J.A.F. said ... (8:05 AM) : 

Walt Whitman in Italian new wallpaper.


Anonymous dannu said ... (8:52 AM) : 

wow!!! amzing...
great blog..



Blogger Prutha Raithatha said ... (10:16 AM) : 

love the expression, the bitten hat and the grey beard!! i love charaters!! so much fun to play one too..

check out my blog too


Blogger Em said ... (10:48 PM) : 

Brilliant. Enough said.


Blogger sarawithoutanh said ... (12:11 AM) : 

Did someone take a bite out of his hat's brim?


Blogger SONGMAKER said ... (12:51 AM) : 

[sigh and swoon]

Sir, you could give me the incredulous eye any day!

And I'd even let you get all puritanical on my _ss too.

[smiling and naughtily]


Anonymous Martin said ... (11:03 AM) : 




Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:42 PM) : 

Did someone take a bite out of his hat or is that my imagination. Cool guy, great photo.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:00 PM) : 

this man is one the guy behind an amazing magazine, new gentlemen's club.


Anonymous The Hype Around... said ... (5:23 PM) : 

He looks like Walt whitman


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:42 PM) : 

I knew I should have bought that hat!


Anonymous kara said ... (9:13 PM) : 

do you sell prints? cause i would like this!


Blogger Unknown said ... (10:27 PM) : 

i wish i knew him!


Blogger Leah G. said ... (5:30 AM) : 

This is one of your best yet! So beautiful.


Anonymous Diana said ... (7:07 AM) : 

Yes, he is younger than you think. But this irritation and his intense and scrutinizing glance make it - except the wonderful style.


Blogger Unknown said ... (10:06 AM) : 

Sart, I'm loving this series of portraiture, they each have such a painterly feeling about them. There is such range of emotion and really rather telling personalities revealed.

Can't wait for the next one.


Blogger A La Mode said ... (4:07 PM) : 

Great beard!


Blogger Unknown said ... (6:49 PM) : 

am i the only one who thinks this is actually Marc Jacobs?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:08 AM) :

I was sure...he is the same guy!!!


Anonymous Sinclair said ... (11:33 AM) : 

YES..All around brilliance. The photograph, the facial gestures, the hat, scarf, crew neck, vest and jacket...The folded over pocket square is genius


Blogger Joel Brüt said ... (11:33 PM) : 

Everything i perfect, the vest matching the handkerchief, the droopy handkerchief, the bite marks in the hat. Pure stease!


Anonymous Helena said ... (4:16 AM) : 

Im not sure what age he's living in but its working. The raised eyebrow and the bitten hat. An interesting man.


Blogger Celine said ... (2:44 PM) : 

are those bite marks on the edge of his hat? brilliant.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:24 PM) : 

Incredible personal style to the nth degree. Really like the t-shirt under the suit and the hat (did I say I love hats?).


Blogger jackieG said ... (5:42 PM) : 

this is so fantastic. quite the character.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:09 AM) : 

Gah! I think that tanish collar of his [or whatever you call it] is amazing. I like that better than a tie.

I know, dumb ?, but anyone know how achieve that? I am having a wedding this year and I would love my fiance to wear his suit like that instead of using a tie.


Blogger Unknown said ... (3:02 AM) : 

absolutely brilliant snap.


Blogger Ryan Heffron said ... (10:29 PM) : 

no offense to daniel day lewis by any means, but 'there will be blood' was meant for this gentleman.



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:40 PM) : 

I saved this page & just had to come back and look at this photograph. Love the colors.


Anonymous Golden Lovejoy said ... (7:27 AM) : 

I enjoy the flaccid pocket square


Blogger V.V. said ... (8:28 AM) : 

Incroyable!son regard, sa barbe, son chapeau, son costume...Just a great inspiring picture


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:39 AM) : 

And his hat which has been a bit eaten lol! funny


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