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On the Street....At Café de Flore, Paris


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Monday, October 05, 2009

On the Street....At Café de Flore, Paris

Comments on "On the Street....At Café de Flore, Paris"


Blogger sofiasophie said ... (1:38 PM) : 

This man has un je ne sais quoi romantic, his pose, his quiet look?

and his costume is lovely, love the colour and the little mouchoir a pois in his pocket.....


Blogger Manuel said ... (1:39 PM) : 

too british, I like very much


Blogger Decorum said ... (1:40 PM) : 

this is perfection. what a beautiful image.


Anonymous The Photodiarist said ... (1:42 PM) : 

Dapper, indeed.


Blogger Soren Lorensen said ... (1:46 PM) : 

spots on the tie and spots on the pocket scarf - excellent

he is very lion-like


Blogger Simone Rene said ... (1:51 PM) : 

very very snazzy..wonderful overall color in the image.


Blogger Jules AF said ... (2:15 PM) : 

I love this. It's so beautiful. Definitely saving this image and showing it slyly to my boyfriend.


Blogger FASHION SNAG said ... (2:26 PM) : 

This is a gorgeous photo. Love the light!


Blogger Michael Limaco said ... (2:44 PM) : 

He looks like the type of guy that doesn't care what he wears; it just so happens that he's wearing a very nicely cut and color coordinated suit. That's the best situation in fashion.


Anonymous Lilisfashion said ... (2:46 PM) : 

He is looks perfect, but he is not French non?


Blogger Gerund O'Malley said ... (3:02 PM) : 

Love the way he put his outfit together - understated, stylish, conservative (like his haircut) - and what an expression! Is that the beginning of a smile, or mild disdain?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:08 PM) : 

I'd wear the outfit, but can't say the same about the haircut. Reminds me of a mushroom cut from the 90's with the buzzed sides


Blogger Brummagem Joe said ... (3:10 PM) : 

I won't say perfection since everyone else has but he is indeed the picture of elegance. This is how men should dress for a business or more formal environment. He could be English or French (my guess would be French but definitely the style Anglaise) but it hardly matters. This is how it is done.


Blogger N said ... (3:12 PM) : 

I love your French photos but where is the Toronto love from when you were here in the summer?! I'd love to see your interpretation of Canuck style. Keep up the great work! xo


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:27 PM) : 

Classic chic!


Blogger Christina said ... (3:31 PM) : 

Why can't all men dress like this? Suits that fit correctly, pocket squares, and a nice polka dotted that too much to ask? Well done!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:02 PM) : 

He looks very fresh and innocent. I love the hair!


Blogger zincink said ... (4:10 PM) : 

Very sweet and a warm colors


Anonymous Mary said ... (4:22 PM) : 

It is nice, but a little bit Pee Wee Herman


Blogger G. R. Mardock said ... (4:30 PM) : 

I'd wear this. It's mature, yet youthful. Very classic.


Anonymous Caroline said ... (4:59 PM) : 

I'm not quite sure I see what makes this suit particular. I like the detail in his handkerchief, but brown suits seem less interesting...


Anonymous Mike R said ... (5:08 PM) : 

A classic look -- a bit too Brooks Brothers/East Coast for me personally. I also concur with an earlier poster -- the hair needs to be as refined as the outfit. To the 'salon de coiffure' monsieur!


Blogger Angeles Almuna said ... (5:14 PM) : 

Classic and elegant!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:36 PM) : 

unbutton when you sit, no?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:40 PM) : 

BCBG, non plus.


Anonymous Holly said ... (6:21 PM) : 

I think his hair style shows his character. With that suit he would end up looking stuffy with a more polished hairdo. He looks very approachable and I like that!


Blogger Brummagem Joe said ... (7:07 PM) : 

"Mary said...
It is nice, but a little bit Pee Wee Herman"

.......Er no.....flood pants and drainpipes are pee wee herman.....this is how adult, real men dress


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:37 PM) : 

HER HAIR IS GORGEOUS!! oh he is okay too.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:16 PM) : 

I really love this colour combination - brown and blue! It is sooo beautifull!


Blogger C A said ... (8:51 PM) : 

Hi, like some one said, BCBG. ;) @ Paris Fashion Week


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:54 PM) : 

This is how it is done indeed. Fiercely masculine regardless of trends.



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:09 PM) : 

Sitting at Les Deux Magots or Cafe de Flore, you can watch the fashion go by. I learned a lot fashion tips from stylish Parisians.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:49 PM) : 

Absolutely darling. I love how he plays with polka dots.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:13 PM) : 

i strive for this kind of simple elegance

very kewl


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:14 AM) : 



Blogger Nick Leonard said ... (2:34 AM) : 

I'm fond of his tie.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:19 AM) : 

An advertising for Hackett?


Anonymous Dylan said ... (10:14 AM) : 

Wonderful! I stopped there last week with some of my friends to study and to people watch. where would one go this week if they would want to run into some fashion weekers?


Blogger Miss Y. said ... (1:03 PM) : 

it wouldn't be half as good without the little mouchoir :-)


Blogger Siru said ... (1:45 PM) : 

He looks lovely!

juliet xxx


Blogger Unknown said ... (2:05 PM) : 

Very nice. Extremely classic and BCBG as others have written. I think the weather in Paris is just now becoming perfect for tweeds.


Blogger Thomas Modeen said ... (2:46 PM) : 

A suit for fall, in Paris...



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:16 PM) : 

He is a man wearing a suit rather than a costume. He is coloring within the lines, and doing it very well. Less "look at me" and more "this is who I am". He is truly inspirational -- none of the elements is particularly striking, but the combination looks so carefully put together. The light brown is just the right color for right now with the blue, and it makes the rather prosaic tie look rich and warm by contrast -- perfect.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:21 PM) : 

I would say so parisian a style



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:18 PM) : 

The hair is a throwback to the 1940s... most American and Western European men had this cut at that time. (Look at old WW2 photos.) The haircut goes great with the timeless suit. I love it when the characters in a photo play to timelessness in a way where you couldn't tell if it's 1940 or 2010!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:03 PM) : 

Lovely, lovely.


Blogger Joy Mars said ... (12:57 AM) : 

The pocket square is the daring piece.

Nice touch.


Blogger Unknown said ... (9:09 AM) : 

Is he wearing some worn-out sneakers underneath...?
That would really make him sympathetic.


Blogger Gary K. said ... (8:58 AM) : 

Great! He looks like a young Christopher Isherwood. Or Michael York playing Isherwood.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:45 PM) : 

Very English country gent - sharp, but too safe.


Anonymous SRobert said ... (9:49 PM) : 

This is my grandfather's look, and I mean that as a compliment. It is so difficult to find the ruggedly elegant suit that country gentleman used to wear (and by gentleman I do not only mean members of the gentry). As to Jack's comment about the sneakers, I do hope he was wearing something more poised.


Blogger Jasper said ... (8:09 PM) : 

a wonderfully english look - superb!!


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