This lovely lady is Sheila Scotter, one of the first editors of Australian Vogue. I shot her when I was in Melbourne last time for a Saba ad campaign. I've become accustomed to posting photos pretty quickly after I shoot them, so sitting on this shot until its campaign release date has been murder. I didn't get to spend much time with Ms. Scotter, but she is definitely a person I would love to see again when I go back to Melbourne for the book tour. I will say that in the brief time it took to shoot her she oozed intimidating old school charm and a sense of formal elegance. Her mentor was Diana Vreeland - so imagine her with an Australian/English accent.
Apparently the world is rediscovering Sheila, and I am happy to have had a small part in making that happen.
Comments on "On the Street.... Sheila Scotter, Melbourne"
So cool
i love the embellished fancy cane. who said octogenarians can't give younger kids a run for their money? :)
I love it. Thank you! This reminds me of my grandmother... she used to study Vogue patterns, then carefully create them (like the old-fashioned way-- by sewing!). I wonder if glamor exists like it used to... it was so dignified.
Wow - she is one classy Lady!!!
she is so gorgeous.
this is why i love your site.
She's 88 years old but so chic !
what a chic lady! I only wish to look that fabulous on my 80s!
"she oozed intimidating old school charm and a sense of formal elegance" wow! Im not sure what was more beautiful, what you wrote, Sheila or the photos. So Rad!
Oh so elegant, I do love your blog so much, I like the real people!
The girl on the cover of the newspaper article wearing platform black sandals with socks...Can anyone tell me where I can find those shoes!!!! The designer? Anything? I had a pair exactly like them from ESPACE and have been searching for years to replace
I want to be as amazing as she is when I grow old. I can't wait until your book comes out in the U.S.!!
how classy is she*
Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen,
what a nice way to start the morning - i was going to say great but let's ease up on the superlatives so that they return to being superlative.
Much like this woman's elegance. I agree with you she has a distinct presence. Like the gentleman with the b&w spectators from a couple of days ago, her style is from a bygone era. For 88, she's holdin' it down very well.
That is a beautiful photo :)
That's my grandma!
I'm a liar. But i would be glad, if i could have grandma like that.
Peace and love!
Wow this is timeless chic ! She does have attitude !
Wow! Such an inspiring woman! I can only hope I am still that fabulous when I'm 88.
These in-depth posts are great. She is clearly a powerhouse.
I like the article: forget models....real people rule!
She's so classy ! I love it.
she looks so elegant! she seems like a very nice lady.
(i must have misunderstood. so you posted this picture almost immediately after taking it and it's already used in several magazines?? way to go ;) )
This may be one of my very favorite features you've ever done. Sheila knows her stuff. Accessories make the outfit. Her beautiful soul shines through in your excellent photo. If I'm half as stylish as Sheila when I'm her age, I'll be thrilled.
I love her even a little bit more because I have a very special Sheila in my life, my mom.
On my screen, Ms. Scotter appeared to the right, and an American Apparel ad, shiny see-through spandex tights and all, appeared to the left. What a contrast! Nothing wrong with the spandex, but the contrast between enduring style and class and the fashion adventures of youth really stood out.
Beautiful photos!
Sheila looks great!
Good for her
Passport Foodie
She holds a certain graceful air about her. Love this.
That's so awesome. I wish the scan article was a bit bigger so I can read it.
Oh my, she is dashing! And anyone who had DV as a mentor certainly deserves our respect! And I *love* the shot of her office at Vogue in 1962.
With her it isn't so much her clothes, it is how she is wearing them. I wonder if it's possible for a younger person to look this poised and perfect. There is a certain comfort in her image and clothes that I adore.
So your name is Scott Schuman, very nice name, I saw a picture of you on you previous posts, it fits you. You have impeccable taste, and it is a pleasure to watch your pictures and read your comments about them.
You have a (I am pretty sure, there are many more though) faithful follower from México.
Thank you for your wonderful blog!!
Shooting Australian Vogue; appearing in UK Vogue! Yes, I read the interview with you today. It was really fascinating getting an outsider's look at how you choose your photographs... approach people etc. One thing that struck me as that a lot of the people whom you shoot recognise you. How did you find it at first when they didn't recognise you?
Thanks for doing the article - it was very enjoyable to read!
what an elegant lady!
She truly is dressed very elegantly.
She's lovely! Very charming!
she's one of the most fashionable person I have seen in your blog...
the old ladies always have somenthing more than others..maybe it's only experience....
I love this post! I ADORE older women who are stylish & graceful and just by looking at her you can tell she is someone who would be very interesting and exciting to talk to! I aspire to be a lady like that someday! :)
First of all thank you Scott for what you are doing for my life..you make me a very happy camper. Your site always gives me something to look forward to. Secondly the picture and articles of Sheila Scotter...what can one say for a LADY such as she. What a dream life. Dito 10:53
very classy look but i have to say i am loving that cane. why stick to a bland brown cane when u can get them to match your outfit. its not a crutch, make it an accessory.
what a lady. chapeau.
I would love to be her, when I grow up. She reminds me of the many elegant women that I idolized as a young girl, all of them in their "Sunday best", even in the heat of a Southern summer...Perfect, in a good way.
amazing , what a woman ... a true lady
thank you for featuring fashionable women over 25. more please.
Stylish! Aside from the gloves (which wouldn't be practical for me) I can completely see me wearing the exact outfit to the office.
So chic!! Love the cane
I love her elegance.
I (almost) want to be her because of this photo.
'Bored and grumpy' I love her description of catwalk models today.
She is absolutely EXQUISITE!!!! And YES...REAL people RULE!!!!
It's a pity more Melbournian's don't follow Sheila's style instead of opting for the unwashed-bad fabric-ensembles that seems so common.
ohhh my, she is gorgeous!
I love the black and white pairing. Congrats on the photo getting featured.
I miss melbourne
nice photo.. elegance and happiness
One captivating beauty~! There needs to be an entire blog dedicated to the beauty that age brings to us.
she wears her age well!
she looks absolutely fabulous!
& love her work, inspiring :)
Wooow! She is sooo elegant!!!
She's great. Very stylistic.
I've to said that I love you pictures of (let me say) old people. You make them look charm, chic, respectful... When I see your pictures of them I feel their personal History... like a calm fashion... Allway great.
PD. Will you come to Spain with your book tour?
Mic Nic - Sweeping generalisation about Melbournians beings 'unwashed'. Perhaps in the circles that you mix!
I just got the new Anthropologie catalog and was amazed to see that it was shot entirely in this blog's photo-verite style. Real people modeling the clothes - who would have ever thought?! Way to go Sart!
As the great Coco Chanel said,
“Fashion fades, only style remains the same.”
I'm so proud to see that this stylish lady is a fellow Australian! I can only hope to achieve such style myself...
I was disturbed by the American Apparel Ads intermixing pictures off little kids with pictures of teenage girls in porno poses. It seems really wrong.
Ms Scotter always wore nothing but black and white. Is this still the case? She was always the legend of my Aussie little-girlhood.
Loving your blog, loving all the people you feature in it! I really look forward to your new post everyday. I love all the possiblities of what one can wear or do with one's outfits! Thank you.
When I grow up I want to be this lady. What class and beauty!
~classic chic.
"Forget Models, Real People Rule"...I like that a lot. So true! We're awesome.
Fantastic! I have a biography of Diana Vreeland in my book collection and when I glanced at your photo of this elegantly posed woman, Vreeland came to mind.
I will soon be adding your book to my collection of books on style and fashion, by the way!
Sart, if you keep posting all these stylish women with canes and walking sticks they'll be all over the SS 2010 runways. Hell, the trend might even blow up by next Tuesday.
"With great power comes great responsibility" -Spiderman
what elegance! from head to toe. she manages to push all of my buttons at the same time, and i absolutely LOVE it!
What a chic woman, an inspiration.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE HER! She rocks and rolls in so many divine ways!
do you ever shot people who do not wear designer clothes, who are not well off? do you ever put pictures from other countries that are not considered first world? or are the invisible to you????
maybe some italian neorealism can show you what real beauty is???
This is great. I love the floor. It makes her scarf that much better
She is fabulous!
she is so beautiful x
so chic!!
Very classy woman!
her style is timeless...
bought that issue of vogue today...your shots in it were amazing. (:
indeed timeless elegance. i love it!
i remember reading about sheila scotter years ago that she only wore black and white. she's obviously continued this aesthetic for all these years!
a reminder of how flattering a well cut suit is.
she s just gorgeous. loved that photo
She's gorgeous and her style is inspiring. =)
She is so refined and elegant. You don't see that very much anymore.
Amazing lady...the photograph really expresses her character.
Brilliant! Living in Canada I had forgotton all about Sheila, but remember her while growing up and always devoure the latest issue of Vogue ( I lived in a country town, so it was all I could get except for the Womans Weekly) She certainly was a driving force behind fashin and design in Australia! Thankyou!
she's fierce! one can only hope to be that fierce at that age!
Wow, what a lovely woman! She looks fabulous!
so cool!
I'm always so delighted to see an older person looking wonderful on this site. More and more, I see older people (women AND men)surgically strip away the history on their faces. I'm going to try with all my might not to do that. Because this woman is really beautiful. And it's partly because she owns her age with such grace.
I love her scarf!
It was so exciting to open the weekly Style supplement of the SMH and see your picture and your work Scott! The photos look great and can't wait to see the whole Saba campaign.
i really think in this way:: getting real people is a new and strong "trend"
rock it !! Mr. Scott
alan nei
where can we read this article for free?
she is not 88! I thot maybe 70,hope I'll be like her at that age!
omg she's so...i can't express the words that describes what i think about these old woman, shes an idol! and it made me remember to my grondmother, she used to have her hair like that.
wonderful lady.Thank you for gorgeous photo.
She's lovely. I can only hope to embody half of that chic sophistication in 60 years!
Great picture of a great styled woman!
We can see the beauty of young every where but it is rare to see this kind of aged elegant beauty.
Thank you, this lady shows me how I could age well in the future.
The best thing about Ms Scotter's black and white only wardrobe is how timeless the pieces can be. Her pantsuit could be anywhere from 40 to 1 year old and there is no real way of knowing as her garments are always both classic and beautifully constructed. Elegance is ageless.
How fabulous is this lady. Such elegance and style.
For me, it's her hair, above all else, that pulls together this very fine look. Perfectly timeless. Of course, her smile, classic suit an belt, all work wonders. Stunning!
how gorgeous she is!
She's the very definition of ageless style...thanks so much for sharing her with us!
fashion comes from your soul - its you.
What an incredibly classy woman. I bet I would be terrified of her as well. Although, while she does give an impression of intimidation, she seems softer than perhaps Anna Wintour would be :)
She has style! Wow!
she is stunning, I am deeply touched
I love her cane! Her outfit and style is elegant and fun. I hope to be like her when I'm old!