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On the Street......Brown & Blue, Florence


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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

On the Street......Brown & Blue, Florence

Yes, the suit is very nice but it's really about the hair, right?

Comments on "On the Street......Brown & Blue, Florence"


Blogger DS said ... (9:58 AM) : 

Oh yes - the whole look is perfect dirty/clean. I really like this both as a look and as a photo


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:00 AM) : 

Awesomely cool.. Great Colours.. But yeah, its the hair:D..


Blogger Soren Lorensen said ... (10:00 AM) : 

yeah, it is mostly about the hair.

i want a belt on it, but can't see what colour would go.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:01 AM) : 

I like how his phone matches the shirt


Blogger The Couturier said ... (10:06 AM) : 

yes, its definitely mostly about the hair, that and the top two buttons undone.


Anonymous tim sullivan said ... (10:08 AM) : 

personally, for me, it's mostly about the suit/chest hair combo.


Blogger Chad said ... (10:10 AM) : 

It helps that he's, you know, a handsome guy to start with.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:12 AM) : 

yum. I mean, yeah I think its a total look hes got going on. hair included.

and the color coordinated technology is key.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:13 AM) : 

I love how his shirt is being stretched in all the right places
(heavy sigh . . . . . . . . )


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:13 AM) : 

it's the guy...not the hair...not the suit...he is perfect!!!!!!really, really handsome, and he has a great style and taste, just perfect!!!!


Blogger Unknown said ... (10:15 AM) : 

I love his hair! That blue is a very exquisite blue too.


Blogger Kera said ... (10:18 AM) : 

i'm so glad to say that he reminds me of my husband. (sigh)


Blogger James Jean said ... (10:20 AM) : 

I see this shot and I see John Stamos.....


Blogger The Khaki Crusader said ... (10:21 AM) : 

yeh this is really great. so summery. definitely more about the dude than the suit though.


Blogger A Colourful Guy Drowning said ... (10:22 AM) : 

Hi there! I just wanted to ask, what camera are you using for these shot? I love how rich and detailed they are and want to emulate it for some of my own work.



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:22 AM) : 

Everything works, doesn't hurt that he's just so adorable either.


Blogger Unknown said ... (10:23 AM) : 

Right -- and chest hair as much as what's on top of his head!


Anonymous FVAD. said ... (10:23 AM) : 

The Hair & the Smile..

I love the matching shirt/portable


Blogger Zay Smallman said ... (10:23 AM) : 

He pulls off the unbuttoned shirt really well. Some people look trashy when they do that but he rocks it!


Blogger diane said ... (10:24 AM) : 

His smile belies his boyish charm.


Blogger K said ... (10:27 AM) : 

I think I'm in love.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:28 AM) : 

All over the look is good!


Blogger teresa said ... (10:30 AM) : 

... and the dimples ...


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:31 AM) : 

Mostly about the hair, and the smile! The contrast of blue w/brown is also great.


Anonymous mm said ... (10:35 AM) : 

is he sending me his mobile' number?


Anonymous Jessa said ... (10:36 AM) : 

and the smile. the hair and the smile. absolutely.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:39 AM) : 

Definitely the hair and the five o'clock shadow. The phone matching his shirt is a nice touch.


Blogger noelakadjtambour said ... (10:42 AM) : 

it's his expression too


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:43 AM) : 

It's all about italian men!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:50 AM) : 

Gorgeous!!! The clothes and especially him!!!


Blogger pablo said ... (10:55 AM) : 

it's all about the hair and how tight his shirt is around his chest


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:56 AM) : 

I want to marry him!!



Blogger Unknown said ... (10:57 AM) : 

WRONG. It's more about the smile and the hands.


Blogger Unknown said ... (11:01 AM) : 

Hahahahahaha! It IS about the hair! I love the shirt though, and partly because I have one just like the one he's wearing! Same color and same white stripes! I am loving the suit and especially how he wears the pocket square!
check out my trendy blog!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:02 AM) : 

Well, it's all about HIM full stop isn't it really!


Blogger raguandroses said ... (11:05 AM) : 

This is pure Italian beauty with that cutie-mischievous twist...Now that is a smile!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:08 AM) : 

is it the hair and smile? - yes!

or your (background) colour combination? - yes!

btw. can i please have his number?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:10 AM) : 

call me!



Blogger lenmeister said ... (11:15 AM) : 

AH sart, shoes, shoes, shoes! lol Im a fervent advocate that shoes can kill an outfit. I can't appreciate this to the fullest till I see shoeware. The man here is obviously dandy (pocket square, flat front trousers etc) Im sure he made a great shoe choice, just woul've like to have a better vantage point of the whole attire.


Blogger Laura Gerencser said ... (11:17 AM) : 

Can anyone say gorgeous!?!?!? Great smile!:)


Blogger m. said ... (11:20 AM) : 

ohh yes. :) hahaha. cutie.


Anonymous Carine said ... (11:27 AM) : 

what a beautiful man! it doesn't hurt that he dresses well either.


Blogger Simone Rene said ... (11:27 AM) : 

I would say it's about the complete package...sigh...


Blogger celeste.w said ... (11:30 AM) : 

this is the ultimate man. i think i'm in love.


Anonymous Antonio Barros said ... (11:34 AM) : 

Girls will go crazy with this guy!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:39 AM) : 

Yep, all about the hair - on his head and on his chest! Che bello!


Anonymous chalbe said ... (11:46 AM) : 

Hair - head or chest?


Blogger the_eye_collector said ... (11:49 AM) : 

He could wear a garbage bag and I would still love him. In fact, I would rather he wear nothing at all, sigh... ahem. And the clothes are good too, I suppose.


Blogger Karla said ... (11:54 AM) : 



Blogger The Clever Pup said ... (11:59 AM) : 

A really handsome, sexy, NORMAL man.

I love his snug shirt - his chest hair.

He seems to be the epitome of a man comfortable in his own skin and probably wouldn't be caught dead in those grotty cut-off herinbones from a few days ago.


Blogger Candace said ... (12:07 PM) : 

That is a fantastic suit...I adore the color. But you are correct, his hair is the shining star!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:16 PM) : 

this is a classic case of the man wearing the clothes, not the clothes wearing the man


Blogger RetroVintageModStyle said ... (12:25 PM) : 

The shirt is awesome!


Anonymous A said ... (12:31 PM) : 

The hair is perfection !


Blogger junglesiren said ... (12:31 PM) : 

He's super fine! A 10 on the Richter scale. Great hair, great smile, nice suit - no knits to pick here.

I'm so delighted to see actual hair on a man's chest. Calvin Klein (and MOST other designers for that matter) should take a peak at what a man can look like when he's not over-groomed. Ugh, nothing more unappealing to moi than a waxed chest on a dude.... I mean, unless the dude's got a serious pelt growing then yeah waxing is indeed advisable. Hey, if I want to snuggle up to a smooth chest, I'll visit my mom.


Blogger Michael Joseph Owens said ... (12:43 PM) : 

The hair is delicious.


Blogger Joêlle said ... (12:53 PM) : 

I'm in Love ♥


Blogger José said ... (12:56 PM) : 

I've got agree on the hair, but his smile just goes to show that he exhibits sheer confidence.
And that is what one needs when pulling off something that you're wearing.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:01 PM) : 

It's about the hair.. the smile... the chest... and dressing to the left.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:05 PM) : 

I think anything will rock on that man!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:07 PM) : 

Yum, can I just have a little taste?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:09 PM) : 

Very natural, charming- what a sexy picture!!


Blogger Júlia said ... (1:16 PM) : 

all about the hair. and the italian charm. marry me, please.


Blogger Sandrina said ... (1:36 PM) : 

Lord have mercy, give me some of that! What a gorgeous man, thank you for taking his picture and making my day :))))


Blogger Perpétua said ... (1:50 PM) : 

Very perfect... beautiful boy...!!!


Blogger Perpétua said ... (1:53 PM) : 

call me 2...



Blogger a joaninha voa voa said ... (1:57 PM) : 

It's not only the hair, the guy is just... UAU... I think everything he wears will suit him perfectly!
Some people just have 'the thing'... he has =)


Blogger Femstar2000 said ... (2:04 PM) : 

Haha yes, definitley about the hair ♥


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:09 PM) : 

Suit with no belt!!!

Please comment.. does it only work without a tie??



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:14 PM) : 

Italian men like that are made for steamy affairs. It's in their DNA. That and good clothing genes.


Blogger kahartland said ... (2:15 PM) : 

haha isnt it always? ;) i just love the guy pics on this blog! esp. when they turn out to be totally gorgeous!!


Blogger blaqbird said ... (2:16 PM) : 

oh he's


Blogger cabrita said ... (2:33 PM) : 

is the italian Hugh grand, too handsome to be true


Blogger cami falcão said ... (2:36 PM) : 

si, si....but we can't ignore his smile and chest, geeee!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:47 PM) : 

chest hair...not my thing. but that smile, swoon!


Anonymous greendress said ... (2:51 PM) : 

No, it's really about his very beautiful face, smile and hair.


Blogger T. said ... (2:57 PM) : 

Wow...where do I start?


Blogger Ralph said ... (2:58 PM) : 

holy moly....


Blogger Jem said ... (3:16 PM) : 

it is about the hair yes, but he just has that "it" factor, though i think its the smile that does it for me!


Blogger StyleSpy said ... (3:29 PM) : 

Among other things...


Blogger Hickers said ... (3:30 PM) : 

Damn, I always knew it was about the hair.


Anonymous sanmiguelense said ... (3:35 PM) : 

This hair(chest, head) and the dude in general should launch the creative buzz of a million art directors and stylists. The dude embodies every wacky mama's -of a certain age-fantasy. Actually anyone's superbad loverboy Italian dude in a suit fantasy. And who is he calling? Wife, mistress,lover, patrona, headquarters, pimp, broker, coach,agent, his hairdresser? I'm telling you, the guy can spawn infinite editorials.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:39 PM) : 

Yes it absolutely is!! Gorgeous...


Blogger Nur. said ... (3:44 PM) : 

This comment has been removed by the author.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:45 PM) : 

Besides the nice clothing... WOW, that's one amazing looking man! And you're right, it's about the hair haha

But please, show us more of this hot piece! ;)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:02 PM) : 

oh my jesus. lol. absolutely everything about this/him works.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:23 PM) : 

I'm with Isabel, it's his smile and his HANDS


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:26 PM) : 

Antonio Barros had it right: I'm going crazy. Personally I think it's about the Italian hotness, but I especially love the chest hair beautifully juxtaposed against that terrific blue. Where are the men like this in North America? WAAAAH. (And my friends wonder why I am planning to buy an apartment in Florence, rather than a house in Canada...)


Blogger Unknown said ... (4:51 PM) : 

It's the hair. Jacket is about 1-2 sizes too big for this person. It just doesn't settle correctly.


Blogger Kristen said ... (5:13 PM) : 

Perfect, and I mean perfect hair. I would love to meet this man..


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:27 PM) : 

Great color combo, and yeah, the hair really makes the picture. Is it Ralph Lauren Black Label?


Blogger Eva said ... (5:37 PM) : 

He looks perfect.
Wonder what's in that text message he's reading.


Anonymous AnonymousJK said ... (5:46 PM) : 

Yum, yum, yummy! Sorry, the clothes are nice too!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:49 PM) : 

ohmygoodness. what a MAN.


Blogger pakize said ... (6:11 PM) : 

cool..too much cool


Blogger parisgirl said ... (6:33 PM) : 

oh, my...molto sexy!!!


Blogger Crunchy Chicken said ... (6:53 PM) : 

It's the hair. But the color combo doesn't hurt either. Well, that, and a few other things.


Blogger kleymyonova said ... (6:58 PM) : 

Please, tell who this person?
It is model..... yes/no?;)


Anonymous Niki said ... (7:01 PM) : 

Haha. I read your comment about it being about the hair despite the very nice suit. I guess you're a little bit right about that. I mean, his hair just says something about his personality and usually, in fashion, it's really more about the person wearing the clothes than the clothes itself.

He is gorgeous though. Hmm. :)


Blogger kleymyonova said ... (7:03 PM) : 

Please, tell,.. who this person?
It is model...yes/no?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:23 PM) : 

Now this is a MAN!!!!! Fashionable, smile, hair.... all of it!!!!!Very handsome.....thank you...L


Blogger AnnaDoughnut said ... (7:33 PM) : 

& Sexy


Blogger makaimama said ... (7:34 PM) : 

One week in Florence last month, and I didn't see a single sharply dressed man like this, alas!


Anonymous Zenas313 said ... (7:45 PM) : 

Yes, sure but wouldn't you say that the sleeves on the coat are a tad too long?


Anonymous Sara Lua said ... (7:48 PM) : 

This man is 100% delish.


Anonymous Tracy said ... (7:57 PM) : 



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:58 PM) : 

Relaxed and sharp! Anyone know the shirt brand?


Blogger Unknown said ... (8:17 PM) : 

Understated and sexy, IMO


Blogger UESman said ... (8:45 PM) : 

You know, it kinda bothered me at first that his cuffs werent showing........but he's so goddamn confident in this look, that is doesn't even matter.

I sometimes wish I could make my hair do that...without going to a girlish hair salon.....damn.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:04 PM) : 

hilarious! I had not yet seen your comment when I thought 'what great hair...'
great, great shot. Amazing color and sensational style...


Blogger Lisa Blaise said ... (9:05 PM) : 

Classic Italian style. Makes me miss Italy...


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:10 PM) : 

OMG. Sexy sexy sexy! I love it. And Italian men.


Blogger etb said ... (9:11 PM) : 

Anyone know the shirt brand? Love it.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:22 PM) : 

I spend a lot of time in Italy and every time I'm there I see at least one drop dead gorgeous man in great clothes. Molto deliziosi!


Anonymous Colin Chapman said ... (9:23 PM) : 

I assume you mean CHEST HAIR, yes? As for the comment about needing a belt, I mean really. ZZZZ


Blogger pepastyling said ... (9:24 PM) : 

Women like hairy chested men! somehow in america men remove them or don't have them..wrong!!!
This guy is so charming, he knows it...


Blogger Virginia de la Reynares said ... (9:27 PM) : 

He is too gorgeous...!


Blogger greenland said ... (9:27 PM) : 

I remember seeing Nate from Gossip Girl wearing something like that, I think that it was in the second episode of the first season!And I liked that outfit!Her I like it too!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:36 PM) : 

The hair and the blue phone. Nice. :)


Anonymous Jay said ... (9:46 PM) : 

Forget the hair, I love that he's got the cuff buttons popped!


Blogger AmbiguousUrbanite said ... (10:38 PM) : 

wow that is great hair...the suit is nice too, but does it really matter?


Anonymous Ooh la la said ... (11:15 PM) : 

Relaxed elegance, with good looks to boot. What's not to love?


Anonymous Evanka said ... (11:19 PM) : 

He is sooo Italian!!!!!Love it!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:19 PM) : 

Again going to prove that if you are good-looking, you will be good-looking no matter what.

He could have worn a t-shirt and jeans and I wouldn't have cared, for the radiance of his face.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:29 PM) : 

Yes to shirt. No to guido buttoning.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:42 PM) : 

Oh. My. Goodness. He is wonderful!


Anonymous Ramon Wickham said ... (11:50 PM) : 

Cool Style and yes it's all about the hair.


Blogger Yoli said ... (12:34 AM) : 

Oh please child he could be wearing a potato sack. He is gorgeous!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:11 AM) : 

Blackberry-cover match his shirt how nice!And off course the hair!Ciao from a huge fan living in Amsterdam.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:27 AM) : 

definitely about the hair and smile :)


Blogger erin nuts said ... (2:00 AM) : 

oh it is ALL about that hair. and the smile. wish he was texting me on that matching phone


Blogger From Gullah to Ghetto and now Ivory Tower said ... (2:10 AM) : 

Uhhh . . . I can't stop looking at his beauty, the clothes pale in comparison.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:10 AM) : 

Holy crap this guy is gorgeous...I think it's about the beautiful man in the suit...


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:42 AM) : 

hands and chest


Blogger Lady Cupcake said ... (3:29 AM) : 

oh the italians... always handsome


Blogger Joy Mars said ... (3:42 AM) : 

Did his mobile really match his shirt?


Anonymous Elena said ... (4:34 AM) : 

OMG!!! I've lived in Florence for 9 months and never saw anyone similar to him!!! his hair, his smile, his style, his attitude... HE'S AWESOME!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:57 AM) : 

No, it is definetely about the SMILE ;)


Anonymous Aida said ... (4:59 AM) : 

ooh i dont have a clue who he is.. but i just know he is the PERFECT male.-
u captured my dream husbend!
Thanks for neverending inspiration!


Blogger Connie said ... (5:08 AM) : 

My goodness, the hair, the smile, the suit. It's all so lovely.

The Heartbreak


Blogger loletta said ... (5:46 AM) : 

It´s just about Italian men!!


Anonymous TourBalitrip said ... (5:52 AM) : 

It's so nice to see your site. keep on updating... monkaree


Blogger T said ... (6:05 AM) : 

Gorgeous style.
The italian guys know what rules!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:13 AM) : 



Blogger Syuke A. said ... (6:41 AM) : 

couldnt agree more. great look this one is.


Blogger Voyageurista said ... (7:13 AM) : 

I love the shirt (il y a un air francais:)
and the hair, loveable :D


Blogger Uncle Rustler said ... (7:30 AM) : 

I'm in love I guess...


Anonymous Philippine said ... (7:50 AM) : 

the hair, indoubtedly, but also the touch of white in the pocket


Blogger Unknown said ... (8:38 AM) : 

The nonchalant stylishness is undeniably unique to the Europeans! Hot!


Blogger giorgia said ... (8:40 AM) : 

... and the smile...


Blogger Neyra said ... (8:58 AM) : 



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:07 AM) : 

You mean, the hair on his chest? I wouldn't unbuttoned all three buttons, just one or two is enough. Great choice of colors, though.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:18 AM) : 

Why don't men look like this in the U.S.?!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:30 AM) : 



Anonymous christopher said ... (9:42 AM) : 

yes, the hair. especially on the chest.


Blogger  said ... (9:58 AM) : 

Yes mister ! The hair cut is perfect with this wears !


Blogger hc said ... (11:57 AM) : 

i feel button up has been the new button down recently, but i still like the no belt aspect.


Blogger The Louche said ... (12:36 PM) : 

Is anyone else distracted by his too-long coat sleeves? Whatever happened to showing a bit of cuff? Overall, however, this is great.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:11 PM) : 

hair AND the shirt...


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:27 PM) : 

Would do no harm, would help in fact, if his hair were cleaner. Of course, he's French, but cleaner hair could fit within the national esthetic, I hope.


Blogger T said ... (1:58 PM) : 

o yes!


Anonymous Penelope said ... (2:00 PM) : 

looks like james like


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:31 PM) : 

all you have to do is have a perfect body, be beautiful and you can wear anything you want...c'est tout!!!!! igad


Blogger Angeles Almuna said ... (3:05 PM) : 

Florence, Florence!... I have to say that I'm agree about his hair, it is really the key of this complete ensemble...mmmmmmmmmmm...handsome!


Blogger Jadore-Fashion said ... (3:22 PM) : 

yes, so cute, everything works!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:34 PM) : 

Yummy :)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:46 PM) : 

That's one tasty dish!


Blogger Sidereal Day said ... (4:07 PM) : 

Mmmmmm lovely


Anonymous Amber said ... (4:14 PM) : 

Took the words right out of my mouth Sart!


Blogger Steef said ... (4:26 PM) : 

I'm moving from Milan to Florence.... mamma mia as they say!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:23 PM) : 

i would looove to meet this man :)


Blogger pm said ... (5:31 PM) : 

its about HIM. :]


Anonymous Bertram said ... (5:43 PM) : 

Anon 1:27 - How can you tell whether his hair is clean?


Blogger J said ... (5:47 PM) : 

Wow...I'm literally speechless... :-*


Blogger Rosa said ... (6:02 PM) : 

The color combination is very flattering to his skin tone. Although I have to agree, the hair just brings it all together!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:20 PM) : 

It's about everything in him... the hair, that smile, his allure...


Blogger Hayley said ... (7:37 PM) : 

ALL ABOUT THE HAIR (: that color blue looks gorgeous on him.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:24 PM) : 

Very yes, Super yes...the hair makes all the difference


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:55 PM) : 

It is really pretty combination! I love Blue and brown...


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:03 PM) : 

Classic Italian style is always in fashion and he exudes it! and of course Italian confidence and charisma too!


Blogger Sebastian Arnold said ... (11:45 PM) : 

look is very clean and original, btw you guys should take a look at my blog


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:24 AM) : 

so cool! he's an italian - that's the reason:)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:19 AM) : 

Does this man look like an Italian tourist board ad or does he not? Proof they actually walk down the street like this! Amazingly good to look at from start to finish and no stylist just out of shot! and what fabulous lighting.
I think he's telling his mother he'll be out for dinner.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:49 AM) :, definitley not just about the hair.......please post pictures of him on a regular basis! His fashion sense needs to be researched further! lol


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:24 AM) : 

what a handsome guy :D


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:34 AM) : 

it's all in one package.. so hot and sexy... ;)


Blogger Mariana said ... (5:59 AM) : 

love the combo! =)


Blogger B said ... (8:51 AM) : 

Wow, that's what I call exceptional


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:53 AM) : 

DAMN! What else can I say?? Sigh....


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:56 AM) : 

Actually, it's about the rich tones in the wood of the door enhancing the wonderful tones in his skin -- how *do* you compose these shots, Sart??


Blogger Dayes Doghouse said ... (9:28 AM) : 

sure, the hair looks good. but i *really* like the suit. that shade of brown looks exceptionally hot with that shirt.


Blogger soulbitch. said ... (9:52 AM) : 

Amazing smile!! I love this guy and the blue color. it really suits him.


Blogger Keith said ... (10:21 AM) : 

Great look all around.


Blogger Anne said ... (11:28 AM) : 

He is gorgeous!


Anonymous jude said ... (11:31 AM) : 

Not usually a fan of the "exposed chest"...but this one is one that I could tolerate- perhaps the morning after as well! :)


Anonymous RCS said ... (12:22 PM) : 

He's beautiful.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:11 PM) : 

please post more photos of this guy! :)

His smile is wonderful, doesn't matter what he wears.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:14 PM) : 

Natural good looks and style? ...I want him to have my babies.


Anonymous D.tje said ... (4:35 PM) : 

Nice contrast between the shirt and the suit. Too bad the jacket sleeves are a bit long...


Blogger DENNI said ... (6:03 PM) : 

classy.Simple. no worries. love it



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