Fast Company's 100 "Most Creative People in Business"
Fast Company released their list of the 100 Most Creative People in Business, and I made it on the list!!!! (barely)
When we got the magazine and started flipping through it to find where I was on the list of 100, it was like a scene in a sitcom. Tracy, my very capable assistant, started flipping through the list. I wasn't surprised not to be in the Top 10, or even the Top 30, but we breezed through the 40's and 50's, sailed through the 60's and flew past the 70's.
In a moment right out of the Honeymooner's, I finally hit Tracy (my Norton) in the arm and yelled, "Come on!! Start from the back!!"
YES! #98!!!
I'm still very pleased.
Actually, I've been reading Fast Company for a long time, and it is a real honor to be in a list with so many visionaries. One of my earliest posts was on an article FC did with Jonathan Ive (who is at the top of this year's list) on the emotional response to design. The article is still available online and I still think it's one of the best design articles I have read.
Comments on "Fast Company's 100 "Most Creative People in Business""
Congratulations!! :D
congratulations!! well deserved.
You are being too modest and those people do not know what they're talking about. You deserve to be in the top 3! Congratulations!
Congratulations!I love your photos
very much and I think you're a creative and professional person at
all.However this blog is top 10!
You totally deserve it ;)
Congratulations! It is great to see your work rewarded. :)
Congratulations Scott - well-deserved. Do not forget that you rank highly in your readers' eyes as well.
Congratulations! It would be interesting to know how many people made their "consideration" list. I'll have to read the article to see who made it.
man, where are the photos you took in brazil!
we wanna see them!
How amazing! Wow! You should be VERY pleased!
congratulations!!! it´s a great notice!!!
spanish kisses!!!
That is awesome and well deserved. Congrats.
ninety-eight has such a good ring to it...such a nice number, i'd say! congrats to you!!
Well congratulations are definitely in order! Surely there was a mistake made. In my books you'd be numero uno!
congrats - you really deserve to be in there. your photos are an inspiration as I chug through some of the less inspiring feeds in my RSS reader!
after following your blog for quite some time i'm happy to see you get on this list. good stuff!
Congratulations! (Although no surprise...)
Congratulations! It's well deserved.
hey congrats!
I saw you on the list when I got my most recent issue! I have loved FC for years and I am constantly amazed that more people don't know about it... The upside of it being unknown- the articles make for awesome conversation starters at dinners and bars- and its not like NYT where everyone rolls their eyes and says "I read that article too"... I try to promote it all the time so that it doesn't find itself in the publication graveyard like so many other magazines... anyway. I digress- Congrats Mr. S!
congratulations!! that's fabulous news, and i really needed to hear some fabulous news today...
Congratulations!!! You are in, and that's all it matter!!
congratulations Scott!! you deserve it- and 98 is nothing to be upset about at all. you deliver gorgeous photos with such consistent point-of-view and we love it
Congrats Sart!! Next year top 10!!!
right on!
because YOU ARE!!! :-)
Congratulations, and well deserved.
big congrats!
You're in the big league now baby, Congrats.
"Start from the back!!" cracked me up hahaha
Congrats Scott.. 98 is just a number, you're at the top!!
Meho xx
Congratulations! You truly deserve it for consistently providing the blogosphere with amazing style photos.
That is absolutely amazing - congratulations!
Fantastic news! Congratulations! Xo!
Sounds like they had the list upside down! Congratulations.
Congrats! I just love your picts!
Congratulations Scott~!! you're in!!
that is an honor! congrats!!
-architectural outfits
-not famous amazing designers
Congrats! Thank you for being such an inspiration. ~Mindy
SO deserved. Even though I'd definitely rank you higher...maybe #2?
congratulations!!!! i have NO doubt that you will working up that list in no time at all. love your images.
WOW! Congradul-fucking-lations! Truly an honor... and for your readers, as well. Keep up the great work!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! It's amazing. You totally deserve it.
that's really good
congratulations i have to say that you are a genious
and someone that i really admire so thank you
You take very nice photos, are (or seem) like a very nice guy, and clearly have talent. But the reality is that you hit a niche at the right time, creativity is the operant word to describe your success, let alone "most creative." I love your blog and follow it daily. You have always show humility and balance, but seem lacking today.
Congrats, Scott!!
Congrats! So happy for you. Keep doing what you are doing.
WOw, that´s so fine! You must be really proud and happy! Congratulations and keep on the good work!
Congratulations !!!
Congratulations. You deserve to be in the top 100 because a lot of people seem to mimick your style.
Congrats! You so deserve it! :)
Well deserved. Your blog is terrific!
Well done, you must be tickled pink - hope that fits what you're wearing today...
I think you deserve it - you have brought an interest in fashion and style to so many previously unsuspecting people like me. Congrats.
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!
well done ! especially as it's a magazine you respect so much.
: )
Ha ha, brilliant! Congrats!
Lovely news for you, congratulations. Is it possible to post a link to both the list and the article you cite?
Congratulations! You are a very inspiring person. I love your work... I discovered your blog in glamour magazine romania :)
Congratulations! That is an outstanding achievement you truly deserve to be proud of. I've written an entry in my blog about it and the unfortunate deficiency in the number of women. Keep up the good work!
Congratulations from Norway!
Bravo, l've posted an hommage to your new oh so rightfully earned title on my blog!
You are absolutely talented! ...Finding Beauty almost anywhere. You deserve to be on that list!
Congrats! Keep it up!!
Like everyone says: CONGRADULATIONS!
98 is pretty damn good if you ask me! xx
Gratz again Scott... Well deserved ;)
congrats :)
Congratulations ;o) You really deserve being on the list.
Congratulations!!!! :)
Well, I don't know the other people who made the list, but it's hard to believe there are 97 people with more beautiful, artistic, or creative talents. Congratulations!
congrats! you deserve it! =) i LOVE your blog. i'd say WE love your blog.! ==)
congratulations! you really deserve it, you know what is to be creative!i love your photos
You'll be moving right up that list come next year!
Congratulations! Thank you for all you have done for blogging, fashion and for most of all for me, photography!
I love your site, and you too.
Congrats very well deserved!
A very well deserved honor. And 98 out of 6.5 billion is quite a nice feet also.
Congrats! 98th is better than whoever landed in the 101rt position.
This year you´re #98, next year #96...and aprox. in ten years or so you´ll be on #1, just be patient. :)
Love your pictures!!!!
fast company is awesome, and so are you! congratulations, your work is a pleasure. I will seek out the article w/ JI you referenced. thanks again for your work.
as a design professor, you are required reading for my fashion design fledglings, so in my book your up there in the top 5,
but enough said, congrats on the well deserved recognition!
Congratulations! I often look in on your blog.
hi there. you may also see the article and an online profile created for Mr. Schuman by the staff at--
My Dad used to say "the guy who takes the longest to finish medical school has the same name as everyone else who finished on time....DOCTOR"
It's 98 out of 100 because there were only 100 on the list my friend
Make it an Outstanding Day!
dude, u deserve to be at the top 5 - at least-..
keep up the good work, we want more pics from london though!..
It's very deserving - I enjoy your site greatly. :-)
Good show!
Where's the link to the winners list?
that's my fathers magazine. (meaning he was the founder and it was his baby.) I (although perhaps obviously,) am a HUGE fan of FC and I'm thrilled to see your name on its list. It has much more real and genuinely influential people in it then many of its competitors. congrats. well deserved.
First and foremost, congratulations! :)
second, i am currently taking on a design course -"profession and theory" and I am very interested in the article with Jonathan Ive, have tried to look it up.
Do you have a link? :S
thanks in advance,
best regards
I am sure people must have got impressed with this blog!
that's a great job.