Big Thanks to Petite Mirochka!

If you have enjoyed the photos from Moscow then there is just one person to thank....petite Mirochka!!
She is the Hostess with the Mostess and treated my work for this blog with the same level of passion and concentration as she did the story I shot for Harpers Bazaar Russia.
I think most of you could tell I was a little hesitant about what I would find on that trip but now I now hope to make Moscow a permanent stop on my travels.
Comments on "Big Thanks to Petite Mirochka!"
WOW! She looks incredibly stunning. Perfect style and a great hostess as you were able to capture some great shots in Moscow. :)
I love this look of opaque tights combined with high heels shoes. And also her pink ensemble in the first photo.
she's perfect. youthful and elegant.
i NEED that black dress in the second photo. could any shape be more wonderful for a petite hourglass figure?
love her style, outfit in photo 2 is fab and the whole post is just perfect
Petite Mirochka is ravissante! She would be equally at home in Paris, in all her guises.Young, chic and spunky - who could ask for more? This world is full of splendid women.......
La Petite Mirochka is a fashion force! What great looks you have captured - i adore the plaid in the first photo - the khaki bag is an unconventional choice but really works; the draped coat or cape with a lace dress in the fourth photo is SO elegant and chic. If she made your trip the success it has been then a big thank you from a dedicated Sartorialist blog viewer!
And it's great you intend to go back to Moscow.
she is by far my favorite girl you have shot in a while. maria kerner is up there as well, but Mirochka is PRECIOUS and sexy all in one. Love her. Who knew Moscow had all these amazing fashionistas
I have been to southern Siberia, but never to Moscow. I have always wanted to make my way there. Now more than ever, after seeing your pictures!
Hi Sart,
Congratulations on all your pictures. Your views of Moscow are amazing.
I look forward to more trips. There are so many exciting places out there, so many styles, so many interesting people for whom fashion is not necessarily about brands but about self-expression. You need to open your mind (why those hesitations?!) and capture them.
Keep on the great work!
Petite chic, I love it! Everything fits her so well. Love the plaid ensemble...
Petite Mignonne va.
Great coats !
Great !
She has it all on all levels.
gorgeous!!! epitome of style!!!
i love the bag in the first photo!I like this look!
Petite Mirochka really knows how to make the best of her petiteness. Short,short is really working for her as do the high,high heels. She carries her Hermes with style. I bet these Russian fashion pics have been a surprise for most of us!
Thanks for posting photos of Miroslava Duma, i always love her in Harpers Bazar.
My god! SHe looks glorious, absolutely stunning! Not only her style is perfect but her sillouette, fantastic! Really Scott, that was a great choice...what about Spain, shouldn't you have your corresponsal in spain???
love the first photo. she looks great in all of them, really pretty, lovely sense of style. glad she was able to help you take all these photos from Moscow, giving readers more exposure to style in the city!
love the color combinations in the 1st and 4th, and her jackets...all very lovely
Could you not find any men to shoot?. Very interesting and very illuminating.
She's beautiful!
she did very well with her frame and the season's offerings. however, i found it a bit bland, a bit "off the runway".
She is a pretty looking girl and suits all of this outfits very well!But personally I only liked the 1st, 3rd, 5th the two others was a little too classic for my style, but cute outfits anyway.
OOOh, I haven´t commented for ages, but looking at these pictures, i cannot stand :-)))
1. Envy is a ver bad habit, but i have to admit, i am envy of her style/clothes. I never recognize any brand, but these pieces look pretty expensive/exclusive to me. And they are put very very good together. What should i earn a month to be able to afford these clothes, ah!
On the other hand these pics give me very good inspiration, because perhaps PERHAPS i could find something similar on my Mango/Zara/H&M level as well.
2. Why is she "Petite", why not "Malenkaya". Is the old habit of using french phrases being very noble remained from the old tzar-times (think of Puskin)???
My favorite was the all-black ensemble. Proves you can never go wrong with all black and the right accessories. In her case, the leopard print scarf and shoes. The background's great, too.
Wow, she's so beautiful and she looks stunning in Prada's lace. Hope you'll visit Poland one day ;)
She looks great but that's what you'd expect from an editor of Harper's Bazaar (Russia), no?
she's a little cutie with fierce style!
Absolutely amazing pictures, she is super cute and the dresses are simply beautiful! Thanks for taking the shots and sharing them with us!
I have to say that the coat in the top picture is the most beautiful I have seen in a long time. I love those colors and the girl... of course, is stuning.
My thanks to her as well, then. She also has great style and I really love the top two photos.
Very classy, but still no to uppdressed. It looks delicious, meeow.
i love her style, just amazing.
It looks like she is wearing a little gold Carrie Bradshaw-esque necklace in the first photo; is this a nod to another fashion icon?
She is completely adorable. I loved every photo of her. Who knew you could see this classic elegance in Moscow? We have all seen such bad examples of their new "style". Good job on showing a different side.
She looks fantastic in those photos, man i would love some of those clothes
La Petite Mirochka has a great look, and I must admit that I have never been a big fan of the type of style that came from behind the old iron curtain. I've wondered if that was because of all of those years being repressed under Soviet rule. Of course, there are a lot of beautiful persons that come from those countries.
Gorgeous! Each and every photo and outfit!
wow. love. i wouldnt have even noticed her size because she looks too good. loved every outfit. her style and detailing are original (to me), stylish without overdoing it. i even liked that black lipstick friend. looked like a stylish angry clown/mime.
It makes me so happy that someone like me, petite but not ultra skinny, can actually look that nice.
Darn, I could rock this!
Hello Kate Moss of Russia! Faboolus!
Such stylish ladies :)
she's beautiful
her ensembles are beautiful
not jealous at all, not even in the least
Wow she is absolutely gorgeous!!! She is stunning as a woman, but at the same time has that younger, almost girlish look to her. She is beautiful :)
I have never been to Moscow, but you have definitely put that on my list of places to go.
I love the black lipstick with the blonde woman's outfit.
The rest of the photos are pretty sweet too.
I've loved all of what you shot in Moscow and glad you plan to go back, but I'm also curious about the absence of stylish men from Moscow. Were they somehow averse to being photographed or simply not to be found?
Come to Poland! In Poland people have a good style ;]
So great! Especially love the 3rd pic of her crossing the street!
she's incredibly breath taking and her style only compliments how beautiful she is. The way she put together every outfit is great. Stunning in every picture, especially the last
I love it!!!
Your trip to Moscow breathed even more life into a blog that was already filled to the brim with vibrancy. These photos of the young lady are a fitting grand finale. She's just lovely,
Mr Schuman,
you have saved the best for last !
This is such a pretty girl ! Petite girls are so much more fun ; she's like Coleen McLoughlin times 10...
She's one of those types that get better in their styles by the year !!
I hope so too!
These photos have been great!
Chic, Fantastic, wonderful, precious, exciting, pretty.............
awesome! i love YSL boots!
Everyone from the pictures you have taken in Moscow looks nouveaux-riche to me.
Mira - magnificent and graceful!
I am very glad to strike up an acquaintance with her :)
wow, she has a great style. love it!
i absolutely love the all black tights and short hemlines which elongate her legs...a great inspiration to all petite girls around the world!
she is fabulous.
I love her style -- it's elegant and completely modern.
This girl is good!
This girl, Mirochka, is absolutely stunning!
I am following this blog for a year now and this is by far my favourite...
I love her style (the fourth picture is amazing (I like the colour combination, the preppy and feminine, though very cool look...).
I am glad you have enjoyed your stay in Moscow Sart and I hope it will become a permanent stop in your travels!
every single ensemble she's wearing is exquisite. true inspiration.
Looks great! Perfectly pulled together. She knows what she likes and what she looks good in. Very refreshing! There's nothing overly fussy about these outfits--really like that!
I like her better than the Maria Kerner shots because it looks like her outfits are better suited to a very active and busy schedule (despite the preponderance of heels). There aren't a lot of trappings weighing her down. Perfect!
She's perfect... Petite and all.
FAB! Who makes the plaid skirt and jacket in the first photo??
what a pretty face - this is what catwalk needs - a bit of real and feminine women of real size:), get rid of the lanky bizzare creatures that increasingly fail to resemble women:)) The last picture is my favorite.
Oh, she is so gorgeous! Love her style! Love every outfit from head to toe, just flawless!
Super stylish, but... for someone much older!
She dresses like her older sister... I like the clothes, but no in that girl... It seems too forced...
how inspiring! this russian editor is simultaneously gorgeous and previous! us little people (petites) have hope after all! strap on a pair of four-inchers, and i'll be good to go....... thanks for the reminder!
Amazing...I'm praying for a cold front in Fl so I can pull off some black tights!
Gorgeous and stylish!
love her hair and all the shoes :)
she rocked the prada lace dress without looking granny-like
In a word elegant. I love the black tights and high heels, very french.
Merci, Zoé
Huh..sooo stylish !!!!!
I really like the first pic!
she is beautiful and has superlative style, but all her clothes look (and some definitely are) v. expensive. maybe she is a crafty shopper, but as a student i wish i could see more looks that don't require hundreds of dollars.
Adorable! I've been a fan of Miroslava's for some time now (she is a fellow Moscovite!). Thanks for posting!!!
She look so good in these
Love that fourth photo of her looking at her phone.. sexy hair !
She's got legs and she knows how to use them!!!!!!
The second photo is simply stunning.
I've always admired Miroslava's sense of style...I've been watching her 'evolution' in fashion for several years. Finally, everyone can see why she's so cool!
if i could buy any of those clothes i would absolutely die! she is so freaking chic. i can't wait until i am out of school and can start buying some amazing shoes, bags and clothes.
She's so cute! Her style does that amazing thing where she looks super fashionable but not like she's trying, she's just cute!
She has an incredible sense not only for style but for what fits her type.
With that said, it annoys me that in every single photo she has her cell phone in her hand. Call me old fashioned (and I am) but a cell phone constantly in the hand is almost as big a turn-off as a cigarette.
woahh.. glam fashion squad you have going for you, sart
incredibly gorgeous with amazing style.
nice pictures. moscow seems to be more fashion-inspiring than most people think. i enjoyed :)
As a petite woman (5.1) I know how hard it is not to be a real childish cutie but to develop the upright attitude & grand elegant air most tall women radiate so naturally. And yes: she got it :-)
she is gorgeous, someone's personailty amplifies anytime they know how to be a hostess, just fantastic you got a great helper. love her hair :)
Miroslava Duma...i got shivers when i saw the photos...she's my style icon at the moment!
What a beautiful daytime work-appropriate LBD in photo number 2. Sart, can you do a piece on LBDs?
Chic girl...
She makes me so pleased I'm petite :-)
I like those
I was a bit disppointed by the first pictures you showed of Moscow, but this is far better than some pics you shot in Milan, Paris or New York.
They might even be the ones I loved the most in your whole work.
Great job, and congratulations to this lady.
i love her accessories, especially the rings. My favorite is the long one on her middle finger...I wanna know where she got it...
The plaid ensemble of the first photo looks great.
Where can I buy it? Anyone knows ?
She is by far the most amazing personal stylist you have yet to post. Wonderful job, Sart. More women like this, please! So incredibly inspirational. Her photos just became cataloged into my favorite looks.
oh, i think Miroslava is one of the best dressed in Russia!
her looks are just magnificent!
Simply stunning! Flawless!
Love the thights and the bangs.
So inspiring! To stare and learn.
Her clothes/style are to die for !!
I absolutely adore her "personal silhouette" and her laces, plaids, coats, tights... If I had a bit more time to sew and shop, my wardrobe would ideally look a lot like hers. I'm glad you had such a good time in Moscow!
She's beautiful! and my new style icon! Each of these outfits are stunningly put together, I particularly adore the first photo (and what a colour for a Birkin! I love it!). Her style is everything i'd like my own to be.
Her haircut is also excellent- so glossy and shiny, I wish my bangs stayed as neat as hers. Wow! My favorite person you have shot so far!
Love her style, she is very inspiring <3
... marry me? Absolutely stunning!
Love it! So casual but chic... and very petite. Such an inspiration and beautiful. These feminine silhouettes are fantastic. The checked combo is my favorite - and the hair just completes it perfectly. Bra jobbat!
Most stunning and chic in every photo! "Those Moscow girls make me sing & shout...' (I hope Lennon-McCartney don't mind my use of their song but this girl is definitely inspiring!)
I wold love to have her style, simple and amazing. It looks effortless, but im sure its not;)
she´s incredible!! i love her style! the shoes are fab!
i love the coat on pic4, anybody knows where it´s from? got to have it!!
Could you set me up with her? Absolutely stunning. Fabolous girl with a perfect style. LOVE IT;)
wow! she looks fabulous!
i love love the first outfit
I love her style, she combines looking cute, youthful, and elegant at the same time, all the while flattering her petite stature. A great accomplishment, my favorite All-Star Sartorialiste! Hope to see more of her in the future!
She's gorgeous, looks a bit like Patricia Velasquez.
She is lovely.
sweet face she has there.
love her petitness
Wow! She is gorgeous!!
Congratulations. The first perfect lady on thesartorialist blog!
Flawless! No cigs, no attitude poses.
Beautiful outfits!
I'd marry her!!
I wanna be her!
I love all her outfits, she is a true fashion icon.
What an excellent sense of style. Her look in the plaid suit is my favorite. Ideas on the designer? Anyone?
Like the checked coat in the first photo. With her view in the face and the walk she's doing it looks simply timeless.
I vote her as No. 1!!
she is so beautiful..
Gorgeous! stunnig! i love her style! she is my muse now! i could never think of such stylish girls in Moscow! give us some more examples Sart!
your blog has always been not just an inspiration for me but also a great teacher! me and all of my friends have made up a folder under the names sart or sartorialist and put the best of your shots there! all of these pics will definetely immediately go into our folders! i love her style and her glance, i can she she is not just beautiful and stylish girl,she must be very smart and kind,wish to meet her sometime. maybe next february at new york fashion week! if i see you,Mirochka,ill say you are the best!
The leopard scarf is Louis Vuitton, designed by American artist Steven Sprouse...retails for well over $1,000. Still dying to know who makes that perfect plaid suit!
Oh my god, her style in the last's perfection!!!
Moscow is force to be reckoned with.
Watch out Fashion Capitals.
The girl in the Yves Saint Laurent booties! My mind kept wandering back to her after I saw your image of her on
She is brazilian???
This is exactly what I want to be!! perfectly executed, though not a fan of the pink plaid. I am a tiny little brunette from Canada, and i am always struggling to keep it suave through the snow- I would LOVE to see what she has to offer for outerwear when snow starts following in moscow. she is such an inspiration- completely sleek, completely classy.
Some pics
The first photo of Mira - the Hermes kelly bag is stunning !! Thats how you rock a classic Hermes Kelly Bag !!
Some photo of Mira
WOW, I must say Lady Mirochka is just sooo Gorgeous. And You know what?
I want those shoes on third ppic from bottom to my wife!
Please tell me the brand and I'll love You forever :-)
She makes me proud to be a petite woman, especially the shot of her in the ankle boots. She looks stunning in them and they do not shorten her legs whatsoever. Inspiratinal shots!
is she russian? she doesnt look like russians! she is sooo beautiful!
the only petite woman i loved in my life was Carry Bradshow. now there is one more awesome petite woman!! congratulations,Sart!
Absolutelly stunning!! Sorry to use such a testosterone loaded word but but what a little vixen!! No wait... she's too classy for that. Trully breathtaking.
Wow! She has a great sense of style!!
And she plays with her proportions perfectly!
FYI - her pink plaid suit is from MISSONI pre-fall 2008 collection.
i absolutely love her!
i wanna know all the brands she is wearing at these pictures! i wanna have these beautiful pieces! help,Sart!
have never seen such a classy russian woman,love her!
she is a joke, totally lacks individuality, every look is a vogue composition. Beautiful clothes, zero interest.
All pictures on this month’s are amazing. They are all regular people but actually look like they were models. My main focuses for the picture of this blog are the one of Petite Mirochka. I do not know who she is but one thing I know I sure do love her style. It’s very elegant, girly and with the right fit and style for a young women in their early twenties. She has that inspirational style I eager to want. Since I go to school and have bills to pay I try to work with what I have. The first picture of he how she wear black leggings with a light warm pink and brown stripes, with much elegancy and confidence. Her clothes and hair style, usually I see girls getting straight bang during the fall to winter seasons. I love that hair cut and her coat. Her purse I can’t figure out what’s the brand but its big and brown, just like I love my hand bag HUGE because I get to put in as much stuff as I want. Most of my handbags are pretty big and the more I buy the bigger they get. I do not remember the last time I bought a small hand bag. I love wear black legging under a skirt, shorts or a dress it’s so in style now a days. Who ever came up with it, it’s the latest trend in style. IN the second picture the way she poses in her little black dress, she has a nice dress. That style of conservative, but sexy with elegance and standing out is my style. I so wish I had the money to buy all the clothes I want. But then again all the styles are changing all the time. Which is good but then the top someone buys last month is already old fashion if it worn two months after. Awww those shoes! I love shoes! I don't know where I get the money, but I buy shoes, a girl can't leave without shoe. the a girls best accessory. The shoes up to the ankle are in style so much anywhere you go there’s many different styles with those shoes up to the ankle. This girl who I have no idea who she is has a great sense of style. I really love it. The fourth and the fifth pictures are my favorite. The way how she wears her black lace dress with an under blue collar shirt and the kaki coat makes her shirt and dress stand out. She looks like rich, spoiled girl. And the last... that head beanie with the leopard scarf beautiful!!!! She wears lots of black but it still gorgeous. The shoes and the scarf are to die for!
I love this look, she is so ultra chic!! The animal print scarf and the high heels with the opaque tights make her legs look extra long!! Always belt!!
I think she is beyond adorable and I love the fact that she is always so girly! Yes, her clothes are the lates IT clothes but I think she looks wonderful in them!
Sart, how about more pics of this doll! PLEASE!!!
For those who asked about the brands of clothing:
Pic #1 - Missoni Pre-Fall 2008 suit, YSL shoes, Hermes Kelly bag in Etoupe.
Pic #2 - her shoes are Dior Extreme Gladiators.
Pic #3 - her dress is YSL, her boots are YSL as well. The little black vest she has on is my Russian designer Denis Simachev and her little bag is Kelly Pochette in crocodile.
Pic #4 - Shirt, lace top and skirt are PRADA. Coat is MARNI. Bag is crocodile PRADA satchel.
Pic #5 - scarf is Louis Vuitton, bag is Hermes Kelly in crocodile, shoes are Dior Extreme Gladiators.
YES YES YES! tres tres chic, love it!
Sart,give us more pics of Petite Mirotchka! i no longer can live without her! i need more!
Does anyone happen to know who the designer is of the ring she is wearing on the 5th photo?
The knuckle ring.
It would be great if anyone can let me know!
she is fab.cant stop going through her pictures!she is stunning!
she is adorable! im visiting this blog now every day in hope to see a new picture of her! she is my number 1 style icon now!
AWESOME! 10\10 So chick, so russian!
She is so beautiful and stylish. :)
her boots in the third picture down, which designer??
She has the snazziest clothes
oh,Mira is such a beautiful girl
I absolutely love her outfit
Hello, I just wanted to say these are my favorite pictures on your website! I love your website! Please take a look at my blog also:
She is really well dressed except she gets one thing wrong a few times.
Stockings with peep-toes. That's BAD consideration!
I am petite myself and adore her coat choices because long coats tend to make us small ones look shorter.
Wow! Gorgeous and stunning.
stylish eve thanks you very much
her hair cut is fantastic!!! its simple, yet really versatile.
love it! very smart, and a very cute girl! my favourite pic is the fourth:-) LOVE IT!