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On the Street...West 18th Street, NYC


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Thursday, October 23, 2008

On the Street...West 18th Street, NYC

Comments on "On the Street...West 18th Street, NYC"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:02 AM) : 

oh my, to have the kahunas to wear this ensemble and then pull it off with such attitude. i so wanna dress a tad more bravely tomorrow. how long does he take to come up with a look like that?!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:04 AM) : 

If you can't say something nice... don't say nothing at all.

Shall we sit back and count the Grace Jone's comments.


Blogger le rakun said ... (9:05 AM) : 

good god! it's about time. luv at first sight.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:09 AM) : 

Stunning and original. The colours, the textures, the Style (capital S is intended). Wow!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:09 AM) : 

Channeling Grace Jones!


Blogger Valentina said ... (9:12 AM) : 

He reminds me of Jerrell from season 5 of Project Runway.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:14 AM) : 

Amazing. I'm floored. everything works, thats for sure.


Blogger beths said ... (9:16 AM) : 

Love! Who is this guy? I see him every once in a while on the sidewalk, and seeing him makes my day.


Blogger Unknown said ... (9:20 AM) : 

This happens? This happens, in the States? I'm appalled. I love the pants. And, I'm so glad he's not wearing boots. If he had boots, he would be a drill sergeant. But, those shiny, pointed, buckled shoes make it amazing. I want him to be on a white horse. Jesus. Normally I would hate the girdle wrinkling the jacket, but with the sleeves like they are, I love it. And the peacock feather -- the only accessory -- played too well. The hat perched on his perfectly shaped head. This is incredible.

Thank you.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:21 AM) : 

Nice shape and jacket cut!!
Very interesting Belt....hunting world details are great!
Too technical trouser...not well matched with shoes!!


Blogger Simone Rene said ... (9:23 AM) : 

Inspired by this from the waist..eeeeer hips up..wonderful!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:23 AM) : 

i like... but i dont use...


Blogger Ivy Lane said ... (9:25 AM) : 

He actually pulls that outfit off better than most women would! :)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:29 AM) : 

What a stylish man! maybe just a little too feminine for my personal eye but the overall look is stunning and pefectly matched


Blogger Unknown said ... (9:29 AM) : 

The most stunning and original Sartorialist in a long time. Thank you!


Blogger nae said ... (9:32 AM) : 

Yes, this is definately a Grace Jones look. Seeing a lot of this look lately


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:34 AM) : 

A bit too try-hard


Blogger lauren ashley said ... (9:37 AM) : 

i immediately thought of jerrell from this last project runway as well!

i want this ensamble ... it is quite an amazing androgynous look! ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:40 AM) : 

If you can do it, then do it! Gosh what I wouldn't do to live in NYC!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:48 AM) : 

Could he look any more contrived?


Blogger Jaime Randle said ... (9:49 AM) : 

This is perfect in every way and would be amazing on a woman (*cough*me!someonesendmeallofitnow*cough*) I am really not enjoying it on a male specimen.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:53 AM) : 

I'd want to go to a party that was planned by this guy. I love the details: shoes, belt, hat, and brilliant (!) peacock feather! Yeah!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:53 AM) : 

Why not pop into Helsinki, Finland as well? We've got some original, stylish people too, as you can see in


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:54 AM) : 

I'd like to see this guy on a horse.
This would make a good look for a movie set 50 years in the future.


Blogger Unknown said ... (9:57 AM) : 

all i can say... is YES.

i want to hug this man.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:01 AM) : 

For a quick moment, I thought that was the fabulous eccentric Grace Jones. Fierce!!! Confident!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:04 AM) : 

OMG This is FIERCE!!!


Blogger My Name is Cat said ... (10:09 AM) : 

When I was a teenager, my mom made me some jodhpurs just like that(still have them) and I wore them all over my small Mississippi town. People thought I was so weird.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:20 AM) : the hat and peacock feathers. maybe im too boring to like the whole piece. just seems to ""costumey" for me. definitely give him points for creativity and guts though!


Blogger Pat & Reg said ... (10:23 AM) : 

He reminds me of Jerrell too, but the first work that popped into my head was "Fierce!" In this case, it's not a cliche.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:28 AM) : 

Ah, that's GORGEOUS, the style, the attidtude...and the peacock's feather is the best, it KILLS me! "He who has beheld beauty with his own eyes is already in thrall to death.", August von Platen once said.


Blogger lisa said ... (10:35 AM) : 

love it!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:36 AM) : 

Fine for a catwalk, I guess. But for real life it is horrible. What I have always liked about you site is that you show fashion in the real world. This is not real world. It is a costume.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:37 AM) : 

Well I'm beside myself because of this creature. One look at this photo ignites my shock, confusion, jealousy, envy (and I'm a woman!), repulsion AND erotic desire (AND I'm a woman!) I don't know WHO I am anymore looking at him! Excellent work!


Blogger ERman said ... (10:37 AM) : 

He looks like a mannequin..which is good. *i think.


Blogger norawoah said ... (10:38 AM) : 

FABulous! Maybe a bit much for day to day wear, but WHO CARES! He rocks my world.


Blogger Arethusa said ... (10:46 AM) : 

I would do him in a heartbeat. Outstanding.


Blogger mand said ... (10:53 AM) : 

Ever been to Brighton (Sussex, UK) or Liverpool?

I love looking at well-dressed people so i'm delighted to find this blog. Happened upon you via Laura's Cafe au Laine. I'll be back again. 80)


Blogger John B Pritchett said ... (10:57 AM) : 

Wow! Always uplifting to see such daring, especially here in the U.S.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:03 AM) : 

Brilliantly brave and the bottom half is incredible but I don't like the belt breaking up the jacket.


Blogger VIVI said ... (11:09 AM) : 

It's funny becuse you don't know what it is.
Man, woman who knows??


Blogger reverend dick said ... (11:20 AM) : 



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:32 AM) : 

Simply Fabtastic!


Blogger S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) said ... (11:34 AM) : 

Amazing with a captial A. Now THIS is style!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:35 AM) : 

I did a double take...awesome outfit. Love the cinched belt with riding pants!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:37 AM) : 

Love the peacock feather, love him.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:57 AM) : 

F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S !

Terrific, Sart. Big Breath of fresh air after all the head to toe fashion week looks. Bring it on!


Blogger la mode est dans le ciel said ... (11:57 AM) : 


the shoes, the pants, the belt, the blazer, the hat, the FEATHER !

this just made me supremely happy.


Blogger Jorge from W Palm Beach said ... (12:06 PM) : 

About a year ago, I declined to buy some old Ralph Lauren jodhpurs, telling myself I would not wear them. I still regret it. I like how the point of the shoes somewhat echoes the line of the pants. The cinch belt is a brilliant touch. While my boring self would pair the pants with a stiff white shirt and maybe a Harris Tweed blazer, this is a great look! Jorge from W Palm Beach


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:11 PM) : 

OMG, I love everything about this outfit - including this amazing guy who wears it.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:14 PM) : 

Wow...Im surprised that this is in USA. I can't believe it. I thought it only happens in Europe or Asia.
Kudos for him..he really looks great, very stylish and fashion forward.
Im in love with the pants particularly ....but the whole look is stunning..


Blogger southerngentinL.A. said ... (12:21 PM) : 

Couldn't do it myself. I admire the cajones though!


Blogger Dominica said ... (12:26 PM) : 

Strike a pose, there's nothing to it ... Vogue ...

I use to have some trousers like that, same colour and all...have to dig them up again...:-)
I *adore* his belt, anyone knows what brand or where I could find one like this in this specific colour ?
His shoes are also to die for ...


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:30 PM) : 

I really dislike the bare skin at the ankles and chest. Imagine this with the jodhpurs full length and a foulard or even some kind of shirt, and he'd still look out there and interesting.


Blogger Hadley Makes said ... (12:33 PM) : 

What panache!


Blogger CCP said ... (12:43 PM) : 

only thing worth saying: incredibly fabulous.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:55 PM) : 

I'm going to with TOTALLY AMAZING. Why are people saying this is "too much" for day-wear? This gentleman is, for reals, like, the coolest person I've seen in a long time. His patent shoes and his peacock feather AND his scrunched sleeves AND his hat all are whimsical and delightful. Plus, look at his face. He knows he looks good!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:57 PM) : 

Well...I like the peacock feather.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:57 PM) : 

Right ON!


Blogger The Spicers said ... (1:11 PM) : 

Words fail me.
I want to hang out with this guy.


Blogger Loulou said ... (1:11 PM) : 

i love that outfit--but i think it overly feminizes his build. i think it is meant for a lanky women. it gives him the allusionof curvy hips.

besides that--- lovethe shoes worn with it.


Blogger Kathleen said ... (1:16 PM) : 

No. Way. Man.


Blogger Jeremiah William McCarthy said ... (1:24 PM) : 

so fantastic i am at a loss for words. exceptional, in every way.


Blogger Unknown said ... (1:28 PM) : 

Costume, yes, but what a great look. He has it, he flaunts it, and looks fierce doing it. Love!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:39 PM) : 

It's not my style but the shoes are nice.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:41 PM) : 

even though i think it's female clothes it is fabulous anyhow. every single piece of it


Blogger Pam said ... (1:47 PM) : 


You are simply on FIRE these last few posts! Love this pic!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:48 PM) : 

he is fabulous. seeing him makes me wonder what his voice is like.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:50 PM) : 

Now this is fashion self-actualization. Amazing. Lots of daring angles, and a touch of peacock in case you didn't get the message. My man!

I wonder how he's keeping his hat on his head...


Blogger Unknown said ... (1:54 PM) : 

Oh my goodness!

This look is something that everyone loves because its so rare that you see a person making bold fashion choices.

I take my hat off to him for being so daring and looking GREAT while doing so.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:21 PM) : 

You all, this is neither "stunning" nor "original." The shirtless look with that belt placement (and type of belt) plus the tilt of the hat is too trendy femme. If the shot was taken knee-up I would just have assumed he was wearing high heels or platforms.

It looks like he spent too long in front of a mirror composing himself - which is never a good thing.

And the riding breeches are just plain weird here.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:57 PM) : 

i must disagree with those calling this man's outfit contrived or costumey. some people just fall out of the womb fabulous, and i believe this man to be one of them. he knows the difference between fashion and style, yet plays with both. this is by far the most interesting individual i have seen in months of looking at this site.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:05 PM) : 

fun fun fun. but pants are no for me. would take him seriously if there were a straight pant, same fabric.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:09 PM) : 

Fantastic in every way. I especially love the silhouette of the pants. And those shoes, those beautiful shoes! Even though this man is slim to begin with, I love that this is an outfit essentially anyone with the gall and attitude could wear well. But you've gotta wonder: How does the hat stay on?!


Blogger M said ... (3:13 PM) : 

I love this outfit! Surprisingly, it has both masculine and feminine elements. I could imagine borrowing some of them - especially the trousers, I wish I could find breeches like that for riding! This used to be the traditional shape of riding trousers, but nowadays they can only be spotted far away from the stable yards.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:22 PM) : 

I'd to see a week's worth of what this guy wears. Maybe it's okay for him to come to work dressed like this, I don't know. Sometimes I'd like to more about the people in the photographs to know whether or not they're not just a one-hit wonder.


Blogger Jonas said ... (3:28 PM) : 

too contrived? pshht. please, it's fashion: it takes some thinking and effort.
what would you want negaters? another dime a dozen American Apparel sloppy hipster in a 20 times washed out v-neck, perhaps smoking a Marlboro 27?

too feminine? whatever. one's sex is of little relevance as to how one should dress. this man is ignoring social constructs of gender. more power to him. because none of us are purely male or female as far as gender is concerned. we are a tension between the two opposites.

oh, modern dandy...


Blogger tal said ... (4:30 PM) : 

Those shoes remind me of the way feet were drawn for the soldiers in Disney's Sleeping Beauty. They almost look cartoonish - I love it!

THis guy's sense of style is amazing. I wish I were fierce enough to pull it off!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:42 PM) : 

I LOVE whatever this man wears! I'm a big fan of Shimmy!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:50 PM) : 

We give it two snaps and an around the world with a twist.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:53 PM) : 

This is one of the reason because I love New York. His style is fantastic, I can not deny it is a little bit over the top, but that is the funny part. The pants, the jacket, the belt and the shoes... everything is just amazing.
This outfit real is the DNA of fashion, perfect if you live an stylish life.


Blogger nicole said ... (4:59 PM) : 

yea he looks like jarell from project runway...
but his style is CRAZY AWESOME!
you are so lucky to have met this guy haha


Blogger Style Salvage Steve said ... (5:00 PM) : 

I'm amazed (in a good way) by the lack of negative comments. A few months back and I'm quite that there would've been more thumbs down than thumbs up. Tastes must be changinf for the better! This is the most original and accomplished look we have seen on here for some time. I love it.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:02 PM) : 

This man is awesome. I love him!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:09 PM) : 



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:10 PM) : 

Hi everyone!

I do not want to comment on outfit, which is seriously brave.
Just wonder where do poeple like him work? Or what could his profession be?
Or did he just simply walk of some runway or theater? Even being from europe I just can't imagine how to pull this of on a work day...give me some enlightenment.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:12 PM) : 

i think: there's no soul. it's not lighting fire. it's just a styling "job" brilliantly done for the job's sake. no soul.....


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:44 PM) : 



Blogger Yan said ... (5:51 PM) : 

times are changing..



Blogger Bellarmine said ... (5:54 PM) : 

Nice style...but on a girl.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:11 PM) : 

I do like a feminine touch on a man's outfit, but not the belt at the waist! Men don't have tiny waists to accentuate, so they should play with what advantages them. Hate the peacock feathers, love the shoes, adore the face. Very elegant hands too.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:30 PM) : 

I am really surprised at how many positive comments there are about this outfit. The last ambitious man in heals was boo-ed by many! What is the difference?

The man himself is gorgeous but the clothes that adorn him are not. It strange-ly uncomfortable. The pants look like bad composite of skinny jeans and dress slacks. How does he keep the hat right all day?
too much work!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:33 PM) : 

I would love to commend this guy for actually wearing this in public, and I suppose it does take a lot of confidence to carry it off, but when it all boils down to it..he just looks ridiculous. I would love the belt if it was with a flowy dress, and the blazer is decent as are the shoes. I think those pants are absolutely RIDICULOUS! I just don't understand why anyone would want to wear them. The peacock feather is a nice accessory and i LOVE the fedora, it's fabulous. I guess what I'm really trying to say is that I like these pieces as separates (minus the pants) and I wish that he added a more masculine touch to it.


Blogger Bluetramontana Style said ... (6:38 PM) : 



Blogger Kalli said ... (6:48 PM) : 

I want to be impressed, but no, it's too silly for real life. The elements just don't jive together for me, though they're close.


Blogger RunwayRevolution said ... (6:55 PM) : 

Love the idea of it, but I think I would be fussing all day making sure it was still looking immaculate. The styling seems unrealistic to me because it is a standing-only look; as soon as he sits at a table the impact of the pants, shoes and belt are gone and it is only the hat, the feather and the man-cleavage top draw your eye, and those element would seem too camp with out the balance of the lower half.


Blogger jkh said ... (6:55 PM) : 


the world needs more people like this & and sart needs to take more pictures of them.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:06 PM) : 

Three SNAPS in Z formation!!


Blogger Brigadeiro said ... (7:09 PM) : 

Kudos to this guy, that outfit is F I E R C E! Love it from top to toe, although I'd probably baulk in the street and stare like crazy if I saw him about. Amazing!


Blogger CAPITAL THREAD said ... (7:27 PM) : 

PERFECT! would love to see him in action, when I imagine the hat would have to sit straight on his head, and I could see his expression of self while wearing this ensemble.

The pants are used so creatively and the colours all tied together so organically.

So glad I checked Sart today so that it was the first thing I saw.


Blogger junglesiren said ... (7:30 PM) : 

I love how complimentary the comments are. It says a lot that everyone thinks this guy looks great, or fabulous or fierce or whatever.

I can't say I'm in agreement but what I do like is this brotha's bravery.... and his handsome face.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:34 PM) : 

hes a cutie! i love that belt and his whole outift actually. he totally is channelling grace jones. by the way, i love how this photo gets so much attention and so many comments. its well deserved in my opinon!

xoxo - A Vogue Idea


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:44 PM) : 

This is why I love New York.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:46 PM) : 





Blogger Cultivated Ah Lian said ... (7:51 PM) : 

wow! wow! wow! wow! wow!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:08 PM) : 

I can see why this is cool - I guess. There is a certain brillance...though I find the hat to be the ingredient "too much" and the one that most throws the look into to the contrived side of creative.

Clearly not for me, or nearly anyone else, and I struggle to find even an element that is transferable to an employed man's wardrobe. The belt which is part style and part batman, makes me shudder. Hold that, I do have an element I love...the flower. I like the splash and I love the symbolism. I am sure the symbolism of that feather is not an accident

I think it funny all the ladies on the blog calling out how "in lov"e they are. I think for most he would do as favorite a friend, but most ladies would not want to compete with such a look on a day to day basis. Women get lost next to a man dressed as this. What woman in her right mind would ever want to get lost next to her man, that is where she wants to POP.

The women I know tend to like their men to dress like well dressed men. A spark of creativity no doubt, a pinch of the rakish for sure, but men all the same. Good clothes, good fit, but recognizable...

this is unrecognizable in the very best and worst of ways


Blogger Valerie Rojas Braverman said ... (8:13 PM) : 

Peacock on a man? :)


Blogger Honeygo Beasley said ... (8:19 PM) : 

What a FINE young cannibal!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:39 PM) : 

everything but the belt...and lets hope the tilted hat was just for photo sake.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:55 PM) : 

Those pants must be custom tailored. I have a similar pant with a less severe silhouette. I admire people who have the confidence to express themselves like this guy. XOXO


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:00 PM) : 

Yes, peacock on a man; it's the male bird. A female is a peahen and has drab plumage.

Not a fan of such a contrived look, though.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:14 PM) : 

The angle of his hat ruins the whole thing for me. It's what moves the whole ensemble into 'trying too hard' territory.


Blogger Jenn said ... (9:20 PM) : 

I don't know about this one. I prefer clothes that fit a man but the hat does look lovely. I like the hat on the shape of his head.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:56 PM) : 

This man is fierce! He pulls this off with great attitude and I think that's what makes it for him.
I also love the touch of the peacock feather! :]]


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:06 PM) : 

anon 8:08pm said, "and I struggle to find even an element that is transferable to an employed man's wardrobe."

1: depends on what kind of "employment" this look can be easily transferable. Not all of us work as an accountant.

2: Even so, I think the colour scheme can be easily transferable. The belt for sure may not work on someone with a beer gut, but I am sure the jacket works for a lot of people.

And aren't you just a tad bit sour-grape as well?

This guy successfully picked the pieces that can accentuate his features, which I think is as "well dressed" as the guy with a nice suit and tie combo.


Blogger Starck Mad said ... (10:16 PM) : 

Bless his heart.....'cause this is cool.
It is not that far removed from a Ralph Lauren RLX look.
This works!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:24 PM) : 

i love how this photo gets so much attention


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:26 PM) : 

There seem to be a lot of negative feelings about precise, composed looks such as this one: "trying too hard," "costumey", etc. What is so terrible about intentionally creating an image with one's clothing? Not everyone wants to blend in and look random, haphazard and plain. There need to be peacocks like this one in the world; they inspire those with less courage to stop being so bashful and have a little fun in life.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:32 PM) : 

I love the messing with gender theme that's been so prominent on this blog recently - the lad in heels and jumpsuit, the femme from the 80's, the boy/girl dichotomy on yesterday's white t shirt post etc.

More of this very stylish gender-bending and the more intelligent elements of the commentary, please!


Blogger midoritsuru said ... (10:44 PM) : 

I've followed this blog for a long time and I rarely comment on any of the photos. This one, however, I absolutely love. I salute this brother!

He has succeeded in his goal, which is to influence you. Whether you love this outfit or hate it, you've been influenced by the vision he's created, and he has thereby pushed you forward a little. Trust me, somewhere in the world a look inspired by this outfit will hit the street tomorrow!


Blogger Scott W said ... (11:10 PM) : 

Whoa! That outfit is so marvelous it would stop the entire city!

I would love to see this guy every day!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:15 PM) : 

gregorytoddsmith - Yes, this happens in the states, it only happens one place.




Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:27 PM) : 

I don't know where to begin to tell how much I adore this perfect outfit with a melted heart. The tilted hat against the bald head...the long blazer with the rolled up sleeves with the cinched waist belt...the silhouettes of the pants... the shape and shininess of the shoes...the peacock feather in the pocket...and the whole outfit's colour scheme against his skin tone...his stance...his face expression!!! Why can't all men dress like this... haha... and actually this would make a stunning outfit for a woman too, for anyone! I could wear this outfit everyday. I could eat him up.


Blogger said ... (11:27 PM) : 

I DARE a doorperson to make him stand in line at any hot new club!

You go Boi!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:48 PM) : 

Interesting - he needs the feminising accessories otherwise the outfit would be too evocative of mid C20th military memories. A costume - Yes - but brilliantly executed.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:54 PM) : 

wow. love the shoes. the hat on the side adds serious attitude. amazing photo.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:11 AM) : 

the pants are a little too 'dont ask, don't tell' but that belt is innnn-sane!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:39 AM) : 

wish i could be so adventurous for the every day


Blogger Cammila said ... (1:03 AM) : 

It's probably late in the comment game to say this, but for those of us who live in the Midwest, seeing somebody commit this fully to their style has intrinsic merit, even if it's not what you'd call attractive. Like at all. Wade through the sea of utilitarian fleeces and shapeless cargo pants and styleless Ugg boots and you might agree.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:32 AM) : 

He looks amazing!
People whose criticisms stem solely from gender roles in fashion are ignorant. You should be able to wear whatever you want, no matter what who you are.


Blogger the sophisticat said ... (1:55 AM) : 

So, 1, A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.

And, 2, I agree with people saying he looks great in so many words or less. I'm still confused by this discussion of 'male' and 'female' types of dressing. What is that supposed to mean exactly? It confuses me. I remember months and months ago a photo of a man (black shorts, black shirt, high tops) and someone saying 'the shaved leg look doesn't work for me.' So what, and relevance? And Anon, 8:02, its as if you're saying that men are supposed to dress in a certain way, a way that women expect them to dress. In this way, then men would have to expect women to dress in a certain way as well, that calls out their gender through male expectation. Humanity is not just men, and just women. It's cliche but we're all different. God, to be 'normal'. How bourgeois. Oh and I didn't realise there was some competition going between men and women either...

I would say he takes influences from Dandy dressing (the flower, the super slim jacket) but he has such composure, such elegance. I love how the belt brings in this whole saddle-like motif that ties in with the jodpuhrs. All of the elements are typically masculine but would be relevant in a female wardrobe as well.

This other obsession with people being too 'dressed' for day is tedious. It's such an irrelevant argument but I suppose is founded in the American obsession with sportswear. To me its like people who still ask whether there are perfumes for day or night. It's old.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:57 AM) : 

"To be memorable, one must be elegant & extravagant."
Audrey Hepburn


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:08 AM) : 

my tongue hurts from the biting. It is absolutely a personification of personal style, I suppose....


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:14 AM) : 

hm... interesting! I like the colour palette, the feather, the hat, the shoes, the jacket and the pose. but the belt? it's too much, to my mind. the belt makes the whole look tooooo feminine


Blogger Fifi Flowers said ... (2:26 AM) : 

That is definitely one interesting outfit... JUXTAPOSED for sure! I would say this individual is read for MANY different events.. and ok for day and evening!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:48 AM) : 

This is beyond hot. It's smoking!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:55 AM) : 

i enjoy the look, but i would enjoy a more masculine touch on top half


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:36 AM) : 

That belt is incredibly misplaced...


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:45 AM) : 

That's one hellava look !

Well done...


Blogger ziolele said ... (3:51 AM) : 



Blogger Sin Yee said ... (4:22 AM) : 

This is fabulous! Love it.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:51 AM) : 

Hmm, I say no to the hat.


Blogger Mohammad said ... (5:01 AM) : 

Seems a little bit feminine to me, but every thing fits very good. And something makes it so visible but I'm not sure what it is


Blogger Unknown said ... (5:27 AM) : took me a while to guess what my opinion was, but I definately like it. Love his version of jodhpur male pants, the colour is cool and looks great with the black shinny shoes and the white structured jacket. Honestly, the belt which is super agressive, is not my favourite thing, but the hat and the peacock thing in this pocket are great..


Blogger j'taimee said ... (5:56 AM) : 

Holy androgynous perfection, Batman!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:12 AM) : 

Extraordinaire !


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:44 AM) : 

i want to be this man!


Blogger Shaynuh said ... (7:04 AM) : 

You know when he looks that good he's got to be in the industry, for sure! ;) I love his creativity and his ability to express himself, individually.


Blogger Unknown said ... (7:35 AM) : 

really interesting play of volumes. i like the colour palette and textures for the most part. i'm not sure how i feel about the way the belt (which i just don't like) wrinkles up the jacket - it would be nice to see a jacket constructed along those lines that could achieve the same silhouette - maybe with a corseted element at the waist in the colour of the belt instead? maybe it is a bit ott, and verging on costumey, but it's also fun. i like the peacock feather most of all.

am i the only one who sees the hat and thinks: bizarro adibisi? :D


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:01 AM) : 

Oh my God!! This is the most unusual and inspiring person I've seen in my life! He's great!!)))
I'm surprised with the comment regarding "employed man's wardrobe")) I'm sure he isn't an office rat, he isn't employed in a bank or smth)) So he can express himself as much as he wants! I do admire!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:04 AM) : 

WOW. WOW. i am speechless. it is now officially my desktop wallpaper


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:23 AM) : 



Blogger squajo said ... (10:14 AM) : 

I love it as well!! The Street as Runway


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:17 AM) : 

MAGIC! With arms and legs to spare, sleeves pushed up, jodhpurs to mid calf and his hat barely on, he looks as though he might have eaten something from Alice in Wonderland. I am completely enchanted. But the clothes are at best half the package. As we well know, Sart so often photographs people who who could make a damp bath towel look breathtaking... This gentleman reminds me so much of a dancer named General, who used to live in my town and relocated to NYC.


Blogger jessicadrhp said ... (10:39 AM) : 

the way he stands makes him look like he's showing off the trousers and shoes.
and the waist-cinching belt, first male ive seen working it, plus over a jacket!
i think with this look, a little bit of makeup mightve accentuated his facial features?
i find the shiny shoes more attention attracting than the person himself. the shoes are great.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:49 AM) : 

To feminine


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:55 AM) : 

just cool


Blogger mark s said ... (1:39 PM) : 

He reminds me of my youth when I used to run around to gay nightclubs with a group of characters I used to hang with in the late 70's & early 80's. We would all do these over the top GQish - discoish, 'we are FABOO' get-ups, get really toasty and run around till 8am the next morning -- at that point though it wasn't pretty -- this photo sorta makes me sentimental


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:10 PM) : 

Of course he looks rather fierce and incredible - but somehow this look seems a bit too contrived for my taste.


Blogger Fernanda said ... (2:36 PM) : 

This outfit represents what I think we need in the world today: a fearless attitude and creativity, not restricted by social norms. This guy in this outfit is as brave and revolutionary as Kerouac, Duchamp, or the may others who said 'let's yhink out of the box for a second, shall we?"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:23 PM) : 

Wow - every detail is fantastic!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:34 PM) : 

Effin' hell - this made my night! Wonderful!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:52 PM) : 

Forget Paris... it seems NYC is Burning. Come on and Vogue!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:20 PM) : 

completely and utterly pretentious...he must have some double stick tape rigging that hat to stay on at that angle.


Blogger L said ... (6:39 PM) : 

He looks amazing!! Creative and he pulls it off very well!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:39 PM) : 

Fantastic! Love love love. My first foray out of lurking is for this guy. I feel braver now (not about posting, but generally!).


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:26 PM) : 

WOW!!! Wow, Wow, Wow !!! The peacock feather is just the perfect touch.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:42 PM) : 

Thank you!!
(Pity about the hat.)


Blogger Ky Eliza said ... (11:26 PM) : 

How delightfully, gorgeously, truly androgynous.


Blogger Orfamay said ... (11:58 PM) : 



Blogger Andrew said ... (12:22 AM) : 

Seriously, all of your perceptions of masculine and feminine are completely irrelevant. This individual doesn't give a damn about presenting himself as 'masculine' through this outfit, and that makes him that much more beautiful.

All the comments that criticize him for being 'too feminine' or 'not masculine enough' miss the entire point. To say the least.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:35 AM) : 

Good God! I'm in love. To top it all off he has a beautifu face <3


Blogger mm said ... (1:03 AM) : 

i don't understand why everybody likes this. it's silly and looks like a costume. completely clownish.


Blogger P. Lee said ... (1:24 AM) : 

hey, thumbs up... not only for the courage of putting this on, but also the taste.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:01 AM) : 

Is that... cleveage?

But a perfect way to wear monkstraps, thats for sure.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:14 AM) : 

What a stunning ensemble ! I was totally taken aback when checking up what was new here today : EVERYTHING is new here ! Funnily enough I think I hate every single piece of his outfit if taken apart, and yet I think I have never seen something so special, precious and amazingly put together EVER. The peacock feather is to die for. If anything at all, this general silhouette seems as if it had just fallen off a Hermès woman's runway--it would never have occurred to me that this could actually make a man look so good. Absolutely brilliant !


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:24 AM) : 

what's that? gracie jones in the 80s?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:37 AM) : 

The peacock feather makes the outfit for me. I rarely say this about a guy, but stunning!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:17 AM) : 

some of the readers seem to be surprised that there are no negative comments about this look. well,
i've been trying to leave negative comments regarding this silly look for days, but they seem to get censored. imagine that!


Blogger Allen - East Hampton said ... (10:44 AM) : 

i beleive the correct expression is:
you go girl! seriously, if you have this much style pent up inside, you simply have to express yourself, don't you? i think he looks great; i'm sure he's an amusing person and tears it up on the dance floor!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:08 AM) : 

Voguing; and I like it.


Blogger M. Knoester said ... (11:12 AM) : 

Shall we sit back and count the Grace Jone's comments.

1) you started it
2) she does seem to be everywhere all of a sudden...


Blogger RECIEN LLEGADA said ... (12:51 PM) : 

One more time...Grace Jones¡¡¡¡The one the only the best¡


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:27 PM) : 

On the runway or red carpet? Fantastic! In the real world? Comedy gold.


Blogger Eunice said ... (11:40 PM) : 

Absolutely amazing.


Blogger ryan said ... (12:17 PM) : 

Yes!! He is amazing. However, I am so over the "too feminine" comments, expand your mind folks. Women have been wearing masculine inspired pieces for decades, it's bout time men start to explore a feminine aesthetic. Ugh. Sexist so-called fashion folk.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:56 PM) : 

This is ridiculous! (and not in a good way)

But I like his attitude.


Blogger suzee said ... (7:06 PM) : 

This man has courage. And why not? Why not go all out?? He definitely has something to say about how he wants to express himself regardless of what anyone will think, and regardless if it looks right or wrong.


Blogger CreoleInDC said ... (7:22 PM) : 



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:27 PM) : 

Interesting. The apparent cleavage throws me off.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:04 PM) : 

contrived yet brave


Blogger Olviya said ... (11:25 AM) : 

oh, he is fantastic! freaky, crazy but so cool!


Blogger Miriam Parkman said ... (12:40 PM) : 

Such style, such personality.

I love how he plays with the silhouette!

(I really have to go to New York...)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:15 PM) : 

The belt is a BIT too much. It bridges the line from androgynous to crossdresser. Nonetheless, this man is very brave. Oh, and I have to admit that those shoes are to die for.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:26 PM) : 

Devine. Male, female- who gives a shit it works all over.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:38 PM) : 

I know this guy, and he is a very good at coming up with combos like this. I admire his creativity. Whenever I meet up with him I feel like my outfit is horribly boring...


Blogger Pippa said ... (12:42 AM) : 

is he photoshopped onto the background?


Blogger h said ... (2:41 PM) : 

The color palette is wonderful, but I'm unsure about the belt. I have to say...I'm on the fence. The jodphur-esque trousers are amazing, as are the shoes The tilted hat is a little to much, but the structuralism of his look is quite directional. O and I love a good peacock feather!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:51 PM) : 

I like this man so much. Nice jacket and good hat. He is litle feminine, but very fashionable..


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:11 PM) : 

wow, this is just perfect. he has a great sense of style. impressive.


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