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At Thakoon


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This entire site ⓒ 2005-2011 The Sartorialist. All of the photographs herein, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted by the photographer. No part of this site, or any of the content contained herein, may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without express permission of the copyright holder(s).


Thursday, September 20, 2007

At Thakoon

So this is exactly how I saw her as I arrived at the Thakoon show.

Back on her heels like that, perfectly relaxed

As I approach her, she sees me and knows I want to take her picture.

I don't want her to move a muscle so I have to start saying "don't move...don't move...don't move ...that is perfect" which , of course, makes her laugh.

A split second, a timeless image.

Comments on "At Thakoon"


Blogger Misterparticular said ... (9:06 AM) : 

A perfect match! Right up there with Marilyn Monroe above the subway grate...super shot Sart! The outfit is fine, if not even a little fun....You sure you didn't get photoshop happy with this one?


Blogger Alice Olive said ... (9:11 AM) : 

Fabulous shot (and even more fabulous shoes...)


Blogger Laguna Beach Fogey said ... (9:11 AM) : 

Amazing photo! Timeless indeed. That's a very red dress with a striking turquoise belt. The dress is just the right length to show off those legs. I like the "G.R.L." on the wall above her. A classic glamour shot.


Blogger Nerine said ... (9:12 AM) : 

Wonderful picture! Great shoes.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:14 AM) : 

great pic! love the combo of the bright dress with the bright belt and the bright smile!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:14 AM) : 

Fascination pure!
Hey Sart, are you going to the fashion shows in Milano next week as well?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:18 AM) : 

I saw this picture on and thought to myself, this has got to be my favorite Scott Schuman picture of all time! (And I have many favorites...)

Greaaaat job!

PS Ok, I gotta give it to her, she is not a bad subject herself!


Blogger Unknown said ... (9:19 AM) : 

this is very cool - I love these recent photos of people in head to toe colour - pink, orange, now red

(but if I was being picky, I'm not crazy about the shades - sorry)


Blogger The Sartorialist said ... (9:21 AM) : 

how do you mean photoshop happy?
I didn't do anything unusual to this one.


Blogger stacy said ... (9:35 AM) : 

A perfect example of when preparation meets opportunity.

I know you are constantly adjusting your aperture and shutter speed as you move into different light, even if you haven't found a subject, but just to be in the ready.

Paid off


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:40 AM) : 

Nice one especially with the red in the back and the letters GRL = girl :) Good one!


Blogger Unknown said ... (9:41 AM) : 

Sart, you truly find yourself in the right place at the right time.



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:43 AM) : 

Love the burst of turquoise!


Blogger Ashe said ... (9:46 AM) : 

I agree with Laguna Beach-- the G.R.L. tag above her is a wonderful touch to a beautiful picture. What really takes it over the top of lovely is the story that accompanies it.


Blogger Cardigans and Couture said ... (9:56 AM) : 

Love it! I love to know other women lean back on their heels...even though we know it can't be good for them. She is lovely. Not to mention her trim and toned arms. Either she has great genetics or she works hard for them. Either way....


Blogger Landis said ... (10:04 AM) : 


GRR indeed!


Blogger Unknown said ... (10:10 AM) : 

Absolutly adorable! Great shot Sart.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:11 AM) : 

This might well be your best photo yet.


Blogger Carolina Lange said ... (10:24 AM) : 

Great shot!
Her shoes are amazing?


Blogger ni said ... (10:26 AM) : 

this photo makes me remind old movie stars... it was a lucky opportunity... she's great!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:34 AM) : 

Wonderful indeed. Very chic and she perfectly finished off her clothes with the hair and lips.

The red on the walls helps, too. ^_^


Blogger The Spicers said ... (10:36 AM) : 

Great shot! I love how the graffiti in the background picks up the red of her dress. And those shoes are fantastic!


Blogger materfamilias said ... (10:51 AM) : 

great shot! such an effective pose yet completely unaffected, unposed.


Blogger HappyLegs said ... (10:54 AM) : 

love the "title" overhead... G.R. L ! perfect.


Blogger Lesley Myrick said ... (11:23 AM) : 

I absolutely love it! She's so stylish, and so real. Great shot.


Blogger Jane Flanagan said ... (11:23 AM) : 

She's perfectly giddy and this is perfectly the decisive moment down pat...


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:50 AM) : 

I like it a lot, but Sart, it's a little tacky to praise one's work as timeless. You probably didn't quite mean it that way but still.... Time is harsh.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:54 AM) : 

this is a perfect image. it looks like an urban fashion shoot, especially with the G.R.L. behind her with her ultra feminine style and the sexy grit of the scene


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:03 PM) : 

does anyone know who this woman is? just looking at a picture of her is pure pleasure.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:07 PM) : 

Stunning and fun!


Blogger Ryfka said ... (12:14 PM) : 

Definitely one that should be included in a "The Best of Sartorialist" collection :)


Blogger Butch said ... (12:14 PM) : 

Perfect in every way: spontaneity and inevitability.

Love the GRL, particulalry.


Blogger mahret said ... (12:17 PM) : 

i love love love that one. it's so super relaxed ♥


Blogger Mrs. Blandings said ... (12:25 PM) : 

you deserve all the good things coming your way - this photo is perfection.


Blogger marie said ... (12:34 PM) : 

The first thing that came to mind when I saw this photo was the song "Lady In Red" by Chris De Burgh.

I love the contrast of the colors of her hair and dress. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:38 PM) : 



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:46 PM) : 

This shot is Fab-U-Lous! Bravo!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:50 PM) : 

beautiful photo... she has some kind of gwen stefani vibe that i really like.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:08 PM) : 

totes! i though it was gwen!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:09 PM) : 

Sart ~

How did you get the color of the
graffiti and ladder to go with
the color of the dress? Just amazing!
Great shot.

~ Blaumax


Blogger The Sartorialist said ... (1:14 PM) : 

for Blaumax
all I had to do was "see" the shot and click the release button


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:19 PM) : 

To be repetitive, brilliant.


Blogger Jennifer said ... (1:26 PM) : 

great pic but...
the reason a woman would have her feet back like that (and leaning against something) is because her shoes are killing her feet, and she's trying to give them a break and ease the pressure.
that doesn't seem to detract from the visual appeal for anyone though.
like i said, great pic


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:55 PM) : 

This is my favorite picture that you have taken (that I have seen).


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:57 PM) : 

i like this shot a lot, just because it's such a candid, 'something you'd actually see in real life' moment. i used to lean back like that, until i busted a pair of tod's... argh.

also, she reminds me of gwen stefani. is it her? could it be? i guess every time you see a super in shape platinum blonde in red, you think gwen.


Blogger WendyB said ... (2:01 PM) : 



Blogger Emily Tavoulareas said ... (2:20 PM) : 

what a shot!!!


Blogger Joanna Bolick said ... (2:21 PM) : 

perfect placement!


Blogger The Enforcer said ... (2:28 PM) : 

Oh, how I covet those shoes! Great pic! =)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:00 PM) : 

perfect outfit.
perfect shot!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:04 PM) : 

I used to do that when I wore heels, because my feet hurt. lol
Doubt I ever managed to look photogenic, so I admire her jolly expression as much as I do her peppy style.


Blogger Asi Mod said ... (3:32 PM) : 

Brilliantly captured. Perfectly timed.

That is what makes you, the photographer and the site/blog so different from other fashion photo magazines/blogs.

This photo and caption below it explained EXACTLY what this blog is and who you are.



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:07 PM) : 

Lurve the colours.
She reminds me of Gwen Stefani.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:31 PM) : 

i love the graffiti research lab! they have some of the coolest things ever!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:03 PM) : 

I find it hard to believe this wasn't orchestrated (she must have seen you coming ;) what with the red graffiti wall and all. Nonetheless, I think it's my favourite photo/outfit this summer. Very Gwen Stefani only better.


Blogger Eira said ... (5:06 PM) : 

I LOVE it!
The shot and the woman is just amazing.


Blogger Jack Daniel said ... (5:22 PM) : 

cool shot!


Blogger Leah Faust said ... (5:53 PM) : 

Gorgeous girl & composition!


Blogger G said ... (6:10 PM) : 

To me she looks like Annie Nicole might have done had she been happy. Shot made my day. Thanks, Scott!


Blogger Elizabeth said ... (6:14 PM) : 

That's so great, everything about it. The red paint is almost a perfect match for the red dress.

I leaned back on my heel once like that and it broke off. D'oh!


Blogger dnqcnn said ... (6:25 PM) : 

from a distance it seems gwen stefani but..
shes not
i do like her style though


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:31 PM) : 

I love your blog, I'm addicted, haha. Your photos are amazing!
Why do you keep going to Sweden all the time?
I really like this shot!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:00 PM) : 

She is totally Gwen Stefani-like, without the usual tacky + cheese factor. She's channeling the same looks, but actually getting it right!


Blogger Unknown said ... (8:04 PM) : 

> ...which, of course, makes her laugh.

I always wonder (enviously, I might add) how you get so many gorgeous women to give you such beautiful smiles! Thank you for this tiny peek into the making of another great picture.


Blogger Me said ... (8:29 PM) : 

Hi, I love this blog, but I'm very curious. Do you avoid photographing pregnant women? just curious as I'm sure there are fashionable ones out there that we would love to see.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:13 PM) : 

awwww... she's so cute. love it!


Blogger Blaise said ... (9:27 PM) : 

At first I thought, she was Christina Aguilera..

She looks really good.. I love the red on her..


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:36 PM) : 

mr. sart, you truly are an artist. and this girl has killer style. (she actually doesn't look like gwen stefani, aside from similar style influences) when i see hair like that, i wonder where these girls get their inspiriation from, and for that matter, how they learn to execute it (because i wanna do it too). so much whimsy in this one. please, someone, tell us where to get those shoes, dress, belt. i was starting to tire of red, but i love it again. i cannot rave enough about the girl or the artist. btw what is that g.r.l. for? is it graffiti, too?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:50 PM) : 

Who is she?

It's a lovely photo, Sart.

-- desertwind


Blogger Anastasia said ... (9:58 PM) : 

its perfect!! she's perfect....


Blogger christinaooi said ... (10:37 PM) : 



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:12 PM) : 

She's unconciously channelling Gwen Stefani.


Blogger Directorial said ... (11:26 PM) : 

You were on your toes as she was on her heels. Great shot.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:29 PM) : 

gwen stafani be damned, people!

this young lady is infinitely cuter.

you can gloat over this one all you want, sart. this photo wins the gold star for the day.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:32 PM) : 

I love it! I love her!
Good story!


Blogger Bel said ... (1:57 AM) : 

I love the boldness of this look. Absolutely stunning and perfectly captured.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:48 AM) : 

turqouise with red! matchin real well! :)_


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:23 AM) : 

amazing!! love everything she's wearing.. red is such a hot colour!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:28 AM) : 

thanks, your images bring a bit of joy every morning when I visit


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:36 AM) : 

blue on red. fantastic combination


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:58 AM) : 

How tall is she? like 6-5 with heels? Jeez she look giant!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:34 AM) : 

So ... when does the line of Sartorialistposters come on the market? This would be one to own!


Blogger Unknown said ... (10:47 AM) : 

anon 9:36
> what is that g.r.l. for?

GRL = Graffiti Research Lab

See here for more info.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:15 PM) : 

A moment in time.
The blink of an eye.
That smile.
That lean.
That garbage in the background.
Adds up to an Iconic image.
Sart, great shot as usual.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:16 PM) : 

Great shot SART

as usual you capture the best moments !!!


Blogger Unknown said ... (5:18 PM) : 

this girl is stunning but what i've also noticed are these letters G.R.L. on the wall. this is form Graffiti Research Lab. must see it


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:50 PM) : 

miu miu pumps!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:06 PM) : 

wow, thanks greg. I wasn't sure if my question would get answered. Interesting. Especially about the throwies.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:34 PM) : 

I am in love with this GRL, is she real? Perfect job!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:45 PM) : 


Yeah, I want this one on a poster.

Great job Sart.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:59 PM) : 

An image to remember forever!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:40 PM) : 

Goodness me! What a picture, what a girl! I love most of your photos but this is a scorcher. The sublime coincidence of her colour combo almost perfectly echoing the graffiti behind her. I hope she gets to see this, it will be something to show her grandchildren.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:05 PM) : 

you know what i love about this? that she paired a bold red with a vibrant blue, but they don't look all primary together, like children's toys, you know? or patriotic, or nautical, as i feel like red and blue often end up reading when juxtaposed. i'm inspired


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:15 AM) : 

Great shot, incredible outfit... classy, feminine, and elegant and yet still laid back!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:18 AM) : 

goodness me - is that what they call a pregnant glow or what?! she looks fabulous.


Blogger Sherry said ... (2:47 PM) : 

I think this is one of the best pictures you have ever taken, and I think it's just a compliment to you that so many people think that it MUST be posed or it MUST be photoshopped.


Blogger riz said ... (6:20 PM) : 

love that BELT esp with the dress. another outfit I'll rip off in the future...


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:29 PM) : 

I talked to this lovely young lady myself during Fashion Week. She had a fabulous Italian accent and was very sweet indeed when I stopped to compliment her Miu Miu shoes. Her reply: "No, they are not so comfortable. But they make me very happy!"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:46 AM) : 

I know this fab girl.. used to work with her in Sweden. and yes she´s for real.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:07 AM) : 

Great shot sart.

This is your best photo so far. I love the colours and the glamour girl, she is fab.


Blogger BlackBleach said ... (12:16 AM) : 

lovely picture, it's just..perfect!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:32 AM) : 

How much do I want those Miu Miu shoes........comfort bedamned


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:37 AM) : 

How strange, I know this girl. Her name is Sofia. We grew up in the same, very small town in Sweden. Our parents are acquaintances. Really odd to see her here after all this years... I can just agree with everybody else, great photo of a really nice girl!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:13 PM) : 

This girl is just perfect. Do you have more photos of her?


Blogger cd_mfo said ... (1:54 PM) : 

She's wearing the Vernice Pop Pump in Rosso from Miu Miu!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:05 AM) : 

A M A Z I N G - love this shot!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:02 AM) : 

great red match on walls and metal things in the baground.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:17 AM) : 

This girl is just wonderful...What a smile!

She look so glam relaxing in that tiny little backstreet place...I love it!

Big up for the shoes and the perfect lipstick! ;-)



Blogger The Slagger said ... (1:49 AM) : 

Cue up that Chris De Burgh song from back in the day!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:23 PM) : 

That is exactly what I do when my heels are killing me! I'm waiting for the day when they snap!
I loooovvvve her Miu Miu's!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:00 PM) : 

I keep coming back to this picture! I love her, I can't possibly get over it.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:30 PM) : 

great pic! love the miu miu shoes


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:20 PM) : 

Amazing photo and amazing girl. This is your best one so far.


Blogger bomb.ass.ting said ... (11:41 PM) : 

"A split second, a timeless image."
You should be writing product descriptions for Goyard.


Blogger nidyawiguno said ... (6:07 AM) : 

she looks just like Gwen Stefani hahaha


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:31 PM) : 

Beautiful. Simply. Beautiful.


Blogger Theresa said ... (3:31 PM) : 

you really capture the joy in fashion


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:54 PM) : 

i love how it says "grl" or girl int he background....


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