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So are you actually, really interested in the royal wedding?


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Thursday, April 28, 2011

So are you actually, really interested in the royal wedding?

I understand the historical significance of this event, and how important it is to the UK. It's also a great story for the media.

But are you actually, really interested in the royal wedding? How many of you are going to be watching at 6 AM tomorrow morning?

Comments on "So are you actually, really interested in the royal wedding?"


Blogger melissa said ... (3:31 PM) : 

not the least bit interested and am actually tired of hearing about it.


Blogger Iñigo said ... (3:31 PM) : 



Blogger caitie said ... (3:32 PM) : 

not me!
theres so much more going on that is way more interesting.


Blogger Margaret said ... (3:32 PM) : 



Blogger Hailie said ... (3:32 PM) : 

Yes, and yes!


Blogger yourself said ... (3:32 PM) : 

brit here. no i dont.


Blogger Stacey MacNevin said ... (3:33 PM) : 

I'll be interested in the dress and what everyone is wearing.


Blogger Daniel said ... (3:33 PM) : 

i personally don't care about the royal wedding.


Blogger Rhiannon Ecsedy said ... (3:34 PM) : 

Not me! I'll check out the pictures later though.


Blogger Dadda said ... (3:34 PM) : 

Here in Italy it will broadcasted later in the morning, at about 11 i think... i won't be able to watch it but if i were, i would have watched it... i'm not THAT interested, maybe just curious... who knows :)


Blogger Drew Tedlock said ... (3:35 PM) : 

The monarchy is an archaic system. Personally, I find it rather ridiculous that the royal family continues to exist. They serve no purpose besides entertainment and are a drain on taxpayers. While I am American and cannot comment on the historical relevance or public opinion in England, it seems like too much entitlement.


Blogger Unknown said ... (3:35 PM) : 

Count me in! I can't wait to see what lovely Kate will be wearing as she becomes a princess. Stuff of little girls' fairy tales!


Blogger Unknown said ... (3:36 PM) : 

Who's wedding?


Blogger B said ... (3:37 PM) : 

I am more interested in the eligibility of Prince Harry.


Blogger Unknown said ... (3:37 PM) : 

most certainly will !! I will be at the British Institute here if Florence to see it on a huge screen in the Harold Acton library then after the lunch will zip home to see it all agin on the television !!

Great for them , great for Britain and a great day of celebration in bleak times ENJOY Fay da Firenze x


Blogger Cameron Adams said ... (3:37 PM) : 

The Piedmont Park Conservancy's giving an early tea party and I'm hoping to catch some millinery for my Atlanta blog.


Blogger Antonia at Swedish Love Affair said ... (3:38 PM) : 

Recently there was a royal wedding in Sweden, which I unfortunately didn't have the chance to watch. However, I'm planning to see some of the British one. Sooner or later;)


Blogger jessicav said ... (3:38 PM) : 

definitely interested.. but 6am? thats why they invented the DVR!


Blogger thobeka said ... (3:38 PM) : 

Not in the least. I'm jusy interested in seeing what her dress looks like, but I have every fashion blog on the planet, as a source for that image :)


Blogger lj said ... (3:40 PM) : 

I have to be honest, the media has given this event so much coverage that I am so done hearing about it. You're right - it is significant and if I was living in the UK then yes I would probably be very intrigued by it. But I don't and I'm not.


Blogger Lucy Delaney said ... (3:40 PM) : 

I can honestly say that I am more excited about being the first comment than the royal wedding... I will be up at 6am, but to wash my hair for the work day- ahhhh to be a commoner!


Blogger 100%lucha said ... (3:40 PM) : 

not interested at all. And, really, those hats are hideous!
So, I'll just look at the pictures later.


Blogger Mo said ... (3:41 PM) : 

Not interested in the slightest, I work in central london and so it's impossible to avoid the hype and media crews. However I live in a quiet street and I don't own a TV so I should be able to avoid the whole thing and have a lovely day tomorrow.


Blogger Sara Szatmary said ... (3:41 PM) : 

I am interested. It's a spectacle, for sure, but so fun. Seeing Kate's dress and the style of all the guests will be a blast. I won't watch live, but my DVR will capture every detail :)


Blogger Sarah said ... (3:41 PM) : 

My grad school girlfriends and I will be waking up at 3am to watch it together!


Blogger Emma said ... (3:41 PM) : 

Yes! I am actually, really, really interested!


Blogger juliajean said ... (3:41 PM) : 



Blogger ql said ... (3:42 PM) : 

I'm so not going to watch that - at least not live...


Blogger Anna said ... (3:42 PM) : 

Not me!


Blogger Katie said ... (3:42 PM) : 

Meh. I want to know what her dress looks like, but I am not planning on waking up at 5 am Central Time to see it.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:42 PM) : 

I live in the States. I took the day off from work so I could watch. I'm going to set the alarm. I just love the idea of watching something so important. I want to see her dress, his face, The Queen, the men on horses, the parade, all of the outfits and fancy hats... you get the point! :)


Blogger littleoslo said ... (3:43 PM) : 

totally not! so i would not turn on the tv ...


Blogger Ruth said ... (3:43 PM) : 

Not at all interested. And I got up in the middle of the night in California to watch Princess Di get married. So, it was in me then. Something's changed.


Blogger Bionico said ... (3:43 PM) : 

Not at all.
If it wasnt for The Sartorialist, i actually didn't remember that thr day is tomorrow.


Blogger Sara said ... (3:44 PM) : 

I'm very interested in the wedding! Not only am I excited to see the couple and guest's but, the craziness going on in the streets of London. I think it'll be worth turning on your T.V....even if it's just for a few minutes.


Blogger Tina Frey Designs said ... (3:44 PM) : 

I didn't think I would be interested but there is something Disney-like about a handsome prince sweeping a "common" girl off her feet (including royal carriage and horses). I find the reporting in the news with all the speculation and embellishments in the stories about Kate and the couple somewhat disturbing, yet entertaining.

From the sartorial perspective, I personally find Prince William quite handsome to look at! There's something charming about British country fashions...practical rugged boots, woolen sweaters, etc. for horse riding and hunting.


Blogger Stella said ... (3:44 PM) : 

i'm more so interested in seeing what all the ppl who have been invited are going to be wearing...oh and DEFINITELY to see what kate's wedding dress looks like!


Blogger m_b said ... (3:44 PM) : 

i love weddings, of course i will be watching! but only because i'm in italy. not if i had to wake up at 6am!


Blogger comme fraiche said ... (3:45 PM) : 

I will most certainly be asleep at that hour and it would
take much more than a royal wedding to get me awake


Blogger Unknown said ... (3:45 PM) : 

I´m exited bout her wedding dress...that´s it! ;)


Blogger Lou said ... (3:45 PM) : 

Yes - really am interested (but then I am British). Don't think any other country could put on a show like we will see tomorrow.


Blogger Einwegkamera said ... (3:45 PM) : 

I realy hate it. ok maybe the dress could be interesting. But the whole royal stuff is horrible. I can not understand who a monarchy can exist in the 21the century.


Blogger Wendy said ... (3:46 PM) : 

Not at all. But do wish them all the best, as I would any couple. Feel rather sorry for them that their day has to be such a media circus.


Blogger Veshoevius said ... (3:47 PM) : 



Blogger Laura Otero said ... (3:47 PM) : 



Blogger Jenny N said ... (3:48 PM) : 

SO interested. I'm not ashamed. Watching it live from the west coast.


Blogger Julie said ... (3:48 PM) : 

I'm really excited. I got married last year and I am still super obsessed with weddings. I was too young to care when Diana and Charles got married, but I've always been fascinated by royalty, actually thought I would marry wills one day. Se la vie. Can't wait to start watching as soon as I can open my eyes.


Blogger Jamie said ... (3:48 PM) : 

I am interested in one thing only - the dress. It will surely be a true feat of design, the likes of which have only been seen in the last decade or so at the wedding of LSD. And a part of me (the little girl still inside) does find the fairy-tale "becoming a princess" aspect of the whole thing magical. That said, I'll probably only spend 5 minutes online later in the day checking for pics of the gown ;)


Blogger AKH said ... (3:49 PM) : 

Absolutely not. I am tired of hearing about it when there are more important issues in the world to focus on.


Blogger Stephanie said ... (3:49 PM) : 

Yes indeed! At the Paley Center! :)


Blogger Katie @ Yankee and Peach said ... (3:49 PM) : 

Yes! Absolutely not getting up early to watch it, but will happily DVR the hours of coverage to watch it all at my leisure later!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:49 PM) : 

Does another person actually, really need to ask this question?

If you care, care, if you don't, get on with your life.


Blogger meenal bishnoi said ... (3:50 PM) : 

good question..i really don't think it is that important an event ..but i'll watch it for the spectacle and also because my 9 yr old daughter wants to see a princess..and most importantly in India it will be afternoon at that no setting weird alarms for us! xx meenal


Blogger shishiwaldorf said ... (3:50 PM) : 

I am Italian and I just can't take anymore all the rumors about this wedding, I don't care!!! Listening about two royals who are going to be married ONCE can be intersting, but not every single day! Especially when there are lots of things to talk about...


Blogger Clara said ... (3:51 PM) : 

I'm having my grandfather record it for me! It was a tradition for me. We used to watch all the royal weddings with my grandma and my mum.
We loved when the people attending started arriving and we could lookd at what they were wearing. The fashion faux-pas like wearing a long dress for a wedding at noon and stuff like that.
Anyways for me it is a tradition and if I had a TV I would most definitely watch it!


Blogger b said ... (3:52 PM) : 

No, not at all; but congratulations to the couple. being with someone for nearly a decade, i would have just gone downtown and got a marriage certificate cause god knows we've already been living as man and wife, lol.


Blogger Blond Panther & Louboutin... said ... (3:52 PM) : 

It's romantic ;)


Blogger galatea. said ... (3:53 PM) : 

no interest at all. im almost insulted people call themselves 'royal' or 'kings' when you think about how they got there, this whole royalty thing is all man made, self-proclaimed social hierarchy garbage.


Blogger modaslamona said ... (3:53 PM) : 

i really interested in that wedding!for many reasons: i like kitsch issues, i like history, i like red carpets, i like gossips and i like weddings!i'm not monarchist,i'm not republican... i haven't got political reasons to watch the royal wedding, i'm just bored of life's routines!and this event will entertain me!not everything in life is kant or thermodynamics problems..


Blogger Camila said ... (3:54 PM) : 

I would have been curious to watch it if it hadn't gotten as much attention from the press before. I know that is impossible as it is a great story for the media, but I was tired of William and Catherine before they got engaged. Too many uninteresting stories so I have completely lost interest, and I am counting down the hours till the wedding is over and the media will report actual news. That being said, I do wish them the best, just not on every single front page every single day.


Blogger Leanne said ... (3:55 PM) : 


Ok, I am British, so that probably has a lot to do with the fact that I am extremely excited.

My family and I will be watching the service in the living room, then hosting a garden party with cake, jelly and bunting galore! Got to love England.

But for you, Scott, surely you could gain some sartorial inspiration from the dress tomorrow? I wish you were there to photograph Kate! I hope above hope that the dress is McQueen!!

Check out my blog :)

follow me on twitter @1urbanoptimist

keep up the great work!!



Blogger Matthew Spade said ... (3:56 PM) : 

not too fussed, ive got work to do so i won't be watching but it is a massive event over here in the uk. people say it's cheesy but i don't think it's cheesy i just think it's a wedding of 2 people that i'm not interested it. good from a commercial POV for the uk too but i don't really get it to be honest, esp seeing that the family have very little say in the uk compared to the government


Blogger José B. said ... (3:56 PM) : 

I will not spend one single minute watching it.


Blogger Stephanie said ... (3:57 PM) : 

Not at all. I will look at pics of her dress afterward but I have no interest in the wedding itself, watching it, the two of them, etc. I wish them the best, of course, but I just don't care.


Blogger Junaluska said ... (3:58 PM) : 

I might see pictures afterwards, but no... I'm not really interested, and I won't be watching. I feel sorry that their wedding has to be so public.


Blogger bodicegoddess said ... (3:59 PM) : 

It'll be on at 5 here in Minnesota, and I'm getting up around 4 or 4:30 with my mom to watch it. We're having scotch eggs and tea.
I'm interested in the spectacle, the dress, and the fairy tale element. Plus, there's a lot of bad stuff happening in the world right now. It'll be nice to take a break and watch two people have a happy event.


Blogger Karina de Stacchiotti said ... (3:59 PM) : 

si, por supuesto q si!


Blogger ania said ... (4:01 PM) : 

mamma mia... 6 am? are they all crazy?...
let's be honest, everybody is "somehow" interested. even to see that stupid dress. or maybe mostly because of that. also me. but the rest of that event... really, poor kate. would never like to have a wedding like this. it's just another huge circus.


Blogger Marcel Da Chump said ... (4:04 PM) : 

I'm a hopeless (helpless!) romantic , so I'll watch.
I'm starting to cry already.


Blogger Unknown said ... (4:04 PM) : 

I don't understand the urgency to see it as it happens. With all the modern technology, why not just wait for the highlights?


Blogger Gemma said ... (4:04 PM) : 

YES! Obviously the main thing is the dress, but I will still watch the whole programme from 8:00-1:00, and I am having a tea party with my family. I'm just gutted there isn't a street party near me. Although, I do find Prince William quite ugly.


Blogger Unknown said ... (4:05 PM) : 

It's been said here before and I'm saying it again... -THE DRESS!


Blogger indolence_breaker said ... (4:05 PM) : 

I've already had enough from all the press it has gotten. Have you seen the Boston BigPicture edition on it? ha!


Blogger Rumour has it said ... (4:06 PM) : 

Yes, I´ll watch the ceremony on Belgian TV and I must admit: I like traditions, especially when celebrations are involved. And I´m glad that finally there is again some positive news on TV!
But because of all the ´pomp & circumstance´ I really wonder how long this marriage will last... :)


Blogger Joanna said ... (4:06 PM) : 

thank God I live in Europe and I'll watch it right after coming back home from my morning workout :D
Plus I'm 22 so obviously I was madly in love with Prince William when I was a little girl ;)
And of course I can't wait to see THE DRESS!


Blogger masllagui said ... (4:06 PM) : 

Not me ;-)


Blogger Mandy Mae said ... (4:07 PM) : 

I was too young to understand anything about the last royal wedding, so I think it's really interesting, all this hoopla. I think Kate Middleton is lovely and I can't wait to see her, so since I'll be up at that time anyway, I'll tune in before work.


Blogger A Cardigan Girl said ... (4:08 PM) : 

Allow me to redirect the question - will you??


Blogger RUCreole said ... (4:08 PM) : 

Royal Wedding...what royal wedding? This is news BECAUSE!?

Thanks but NO thanks!!!



Blogger Flea said ... (4:10 PM) : 

2am on the west coast, not sure I can stay up that late!


Blogger AND said ... (4:10 PM) : 

uhhh wait, hold on....Nope! (but happy for them)


Blogger Unknown said ... (4:10 PM) : 

I am not interested in the least about the royal wedding.

But as with any couple I do wish them the best in there marriage.



Blogger Alex Matoshko said ... (4:11 PM) : 

I'm so sick and tired of this wedding - I squint every time I open Twitter. Get it over with, gosh!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:11 PM) : 

Not at all. There are so many people in the world who could use that money. I want to see the dress though, so I'll probably google it sometime this weekend.


Blogger Ligia said ... (4:11 PM) : 

Not really.

And I'm not so fond of Kate Middleton either...for some reason she doesn't look like 'royalty' to me! There are lots of commoners out there who look way more princess-like than her.


Blogger SAMANTHA said ... (4:12 PM) : 

haha, not me.


Blogger Jaimie Teekell said ... (4:13 PM) : 

I will be up at 5:00am, yep.


Blogger jackie said ... (4:14 PM) : 

i watch the today show every day and i see how they're freaking out over it- and i therefore am too... this is our princess diana getting married moment... for our time... i'm excited and will be watching :)


Blogger Sartorial Nerd said ... (4:14 PM) : 

If I don't care about the weddings of people I actually know (and trust me, I don't), I'm really not going to care about the wedding of two people I don't know. I'm finding the whole thing very silly.


Blogger think_pink said ... (4:15 PM) : 

oh no. actually i'm tired of hearing about this wedding. but there is one thing I want to know...who design the dress?!


Blogger Britt said ... (4:15 PM) : 

I'm watching only for the drinking games involved!


Blogger Jessie said ... (4:15 PM) : 

I get that it's a big deal, but i think everyone is making it into a much bigger deal than necessary. I am planning on watching a bit but not much!


Blogger Emma said ... (4:16 PM) :

i am so excited and happy about this - maybe it's just a patriotic thing! i don't get why people are so apathetic/angry about it!


Blogger vicki johnson said ... (4:16 PM) : 

Absolutely. Yes.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:16 PM) : 

Not really.
Interested in how the marriage goes, though. :D


Blogger Sarah @ Designs Good said ... (4:17 PM) : 

I'm very interested to see what Kate is wearing, but other than that ... not so much. I live in California, so there is no way I'm going to wake up in the middle of the night to watch.


Blogger Crafty said ... (4:20 PM) : 

Very. I'll be watching live.


Blogger the nyanzi report said ... (4:21 PM) : 

It's the perfect excuse for us to get into drunken escapades and debauchery of all sorts at the various street parties in town. I love it!


Blogger Plami said ... (4:22 PM) : 

I am going to see it just see everyone's outfits!



Blogger Looks and Books said ... (4:22 PM) : 

I have my DVR set, so while I don't care enough to watch live, I do care enough to watch while cleaning my apartment this weekend for my own engagement brunch!


Blogger Garderobenmin said ... (4:23 PM) : 

I love it, the whole thing. Will be watching, but here it will be at a more resonable time, lunch time. It´s entertainment and a lot of hats ;-) Whats not to like!



Blogger winke-l said ... (4:25 PM) : 

Bless Wills & Kate, but I think monarchy is quite old-fashioned: Why should we pay for their extravaganze lifestyle?


Blogger Kacie - With Love said ... (4:25 PM) : 

I think it's a nice story. I am interested only because of the history that is involved. This is Princess Diana's son afterall. And... I'll probably be up watching it because I have a newborn who gets up at 5:45!!!



Blogger elv said ... (4:29 PM) : 

Naah. I don't think I could be less interested. I didn't even know when exactly it's going to be til now. :P


Blogger Maria José said ... (4:29 PM) : 

I want to see Kate's dress!



Blogger EN SKADA REDAN SKEDD said ... (4:29 PM) : 

no. or i might. just to compare it to the swedish wedding, which i watched since i live there.



Blogger Elizabeth said ... (4:31 PM) : 

I've been watching Royal Wedding specials like its my job - we're up to about 17 specials thus far. I'm totally excited.


Blogger Milena said ... (4:31 PM) : 

I'm curious about Katie's dress, that's all, no way i'm wasting my time watching this thing, just check the photos out later


Blogger Ina said ... (4:31 PM) : 

Just the dress!


Blogger Dailan said ... (4:32 PM) : 

Not interested at all. Yawn. Who cares? I don't get this obsession.


Blogger sarawithoutanh said ... (4:33 PM) : 

Not that interested--just want to see the dress.


Blogger Nelly said ... (4:33 PM) : 

I don't really care. I'll probably read about it online and look at pictures the day after.


Blogger Anonymous said ... (4:33 PM) : 

I also will have my DVR set! I have a law school final tomorrow so...I have no time to get up to watch it! I think that in the grand scheme of isn't "important." Yet, I think some people take some extra concern in this because of its connection to Princess Diana. Clearly, this isnt about her...but seemingly the world has always been fixated on anything that involves or relates to her. As this is her child getting married and many saw him grow makes sense. Also, we are a society that is obsessed with weddings. And this is why I am excited to see the DRESS. Plus, the "commoner" kate story is about as real life Cinderella as we probably will ever see in our life time. So, although odd...I do think to some degree most people are "really" interested in this.


Blogger Mage said ... (4:33 PM) : 

Yes, I saw the films of the current queen, I saw Diana live, and I will watch this wedding on DVD. I'm too old to get up at 1 and watch it all. Most of the ladies where I work and swim are going to watch too....delayed gratification tho.


Blogger Landoko said ... (4:34 PM) : 

Not me...


Blogger HoldenCaufield said ... (4:34 PM) : 

No freakin' way. I don't even understand why the monarchy still exists this day and age, and the current royalty is especially abysmal.


Blogger Flotsam Friends said ... (4:37 PM) : 

I'm from Australia and I'm not interested and am over all the media coverage already. I understand and respect the importance of it for the UK but feel they live so far away from us. I'd love Australia to become a Republic. Pruxxx


Blogger Project Curve said ... (4:38 PM) : 

out of love for diana i much as you can about someone you don't know.


Blogger Emma Z said ... (4:39 PM) : 

nope, maybe as a rerun haha


Blogger Jen said ... (4:43 PM) : 

no. I'll look at the pics to see the dress the next day, and that will be that.


Blogger Unknown said ... (4:48 PM) : 

Getting up at 5am. Making mimosas and english muffins and celebrating the start to my weekend with the royal wedding. Hopefully I can make it through work all day tomorrow! haha! So excited!


Blogger Sara said ... (4:48 PM) : 

I am interested and I actually like the idea of having a roayl family :) not a brit though so all I have is british royalty..



Blogger Caroline J. Davies said ... (4:48 PM) : 

Yes, I am. And I am on the West Coast, so the ceremony is at 3am. I think I will just stay up and go to bed at 6 am! :)


Blogger Susan said ... (4:52 PM) : 

NO!!! I don't understand the fascination with it.


Blogger SmokingDuck said ... (4:53 PM) : 

By all gods imaginable- I am SICK and TIRED of all the hype! They even made a bleedin' movie about the two of them and ugh, it's just over the top. We've had it shoved down our throats for ever now here, in England. I can't wait for the media to just leave poor William and Kate alone. (And let me watch TV, read the papers and listen to the radio in peace).


Blogger sweet harvest moon said ... (4:53 PM) : 



Blogger Nii said ... (4:54 PM) : 

Whose wedding ?
I'm French, but it's not the reason. I think they are trying to make "big sound" with a tiny little noise.


Blogger Desert Mermaid said ... (4:54 PM) : 

um, not! wonder at a possible future king who would allow the bajillions of money to be spent on his wedding when so many in his country are unemployed, but hey, tradition, tally ho, right?


Blogger The Blonde Mule said ... (4:55 PM) : 

Definitely watching, but not in real time. My friend & I are Tivo-ing it & watching it tomorrow night over dinner & cocktails.



Blogger Jason said ... (4:55 PM) : 



Blogger Isabel Schuler said ... (4:57 PM) : 

Well seeing as the Monarchy there is just for looks, and the wedding is at 4 am at the State I would love to say no, but thank you.


Blogger Unknown said ... (4:57 PM) : 

I wasn't...but then I watched the documentary and now I am. I'm a sucker for romance!!




Blogger Unknown said ... (4:57 PM) : 

I was honestly surprised by the hype. I initially thought it was all a big parody. I'm not overtly annoyed or anything, but I feel that I'm missing something.


Blogger Maddie said ... (4:59 PM) : 

I'm not one bit interested, and I wish the news would shut up about it.


Blogger Angela Scott Bueno said ... (5:01 PM) : 

Not at all. but it will be funny follow the comments on twitter o/


Blogger Unknown said ... (5:04 PM) : 

Not really. I'll look at some recaps to see the fashion but that is it. Which won't take much effort because I'm sure it will be shoved down my throat by every means of media and I'll be over it with in 48 hours. I can't wait till it is over with so I can see some real news coverage.


Blogger Amanda said ... (5:06 PM) : 

I think it's like a celebrity obsession; people want to know every bit of a celeb/royal's life even though they aren't included in the events at all. It's all for the entertainment of others. I personally won't be watching the royal wedding and I don't think I'll be missing much. But I still wish congrats to the couple.



Blogger Jay said ... (5:11 PM) : 

I have no interest in it....and I'll be some where over the pacific at that time.
I guess I'm in the 0.01% that don't get it.


Blogger Anna Kate Benedict said ... (5:13 PM) : 

i am waking up at 3:30 central time, even though i am going to suffer at school


Blogger Vesuvian Woman said ... (5:15 PM) : 

"Interested" is relative. It's like the crappy song on the radio that you never heard ever until you are out with a friend and it's played 5 times in an hour on every single station. After three months time, you know the words and it almost seems involuntary. But, you know how you got to that point. Socializing means being socialied.


Blogger SMD said ... (5:18 PM) : 

Finally! Someone else who feels the same way. I'm actually not at all interested in the royal wedding. Sure, it's happy and historically significant, but I didn't know or care about these people before, so why should I now just because they're royal? Ah, I know I'm being snappy, but that's just how I see it.


Blogger anya said ... (5:18 PM) : 

Yes! Mostly for the style. I think Kate Middleton is so classy - I try to dress somewhere between the way she does and the younger, less high-brow people you feature ("on the street," and not fashion week).


Blogger Luana said ... (5:20 PM) : 

si! perchè amo le favole!


Blogger A said ... (5:24 PM) : 

Of course! My whole family is English, but we live in Oregon and my grandma's sister lives in San Francisco. Tomorrow we're driving down to San Fran and we're all going to watch it together. Tiara's, tea, and alcohol will be involved.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:26 PM) : 

Painting my face with the flag and raving outside Buckingham Palace.


Blogger Ross said ... (5:26 PM) : 

Curiosidad por los vestidos de las invitadas!!


Blogger VIC said ... (5:26 PM) : 

Nothing at all.



Blogger Amy T said ... (5:27 PM) : 

no, im seriously bored of hearing anything about it. and i really couldnt care less about what dress she is going to wear. Why celebrate someones wedding you dont even know. They may be royal but to be they are just another couple getting married.


Blogger Vanessa said ... (5:27 PM) : 

I'll be watching part of it, but I live in Sweden, so I don't have to wake up early for it. If I had to I wouldn't watch. I'm only curious about the dress, I find the people involved completely uninteresting.


Blogger Hickers said ... (5:30 PM) : 

We're all wedding crazy here in London. God save the Queen


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:31 PM) : 

Very posh Brit here, so yes, I will actually be there tomorrow! I think people really need to understand how important the Royal family are. This is going to bring millions of pounds (and even more dollars!) to the UK, and without them, ties to other countries would be far worse. And don't forget, they will eventually become our King and Queen (even if it is another 30 years)


Blogger Bojana B. said ... (5:35 PM) : 

Hm,i'm only a bit curious about wich dress the bride will be wearing..:D


Blogger T said ... (5:41 PM) : 

So many miserable comments, jeez... Nice to see people happy on the news for once... and its a once in a generation event.

The funniest comments here are the ones that say "No I am not interested. But I will check out what they were wearing later" — Shallow, ironic and dumb all the same time. Bravo.


Blogger Zuzana said ... (5:44 PM) : 

I will watch it but I am more like curious than really interested. It is also a good opportunity to get drunk :D


Blogger Kolt Johnson said ... (5:47 PM) : 

I'm an American living in New Zealand. It's stupifying the amount of interest these commonwealth folks have in the Royals. As far as sartorialism goes, the Royals fall well behind!


Blogger miss anna katie said ... (5:54 PM) : 

I'm a Brit, and I quite frankly do not care a bit. All I can say is thanks for the bank holiday! 4 day weekend for me and lovely long sleep in in the morning :)


Blogger Roxana Farahmand said ... (6:00 PM) : 

Yes, definitely interested!! I think when you have the chance, as a foreigner, to live there and work there (especially since I worked in the government) you end up having some sort of appreciation for this sort of a thing.

Will be up at 4AM, not 6!! ;)


Blogger Suzy said ... (6:03 PM) : 

Do not really care. There will plenty of photos and video clips all over the web if interested. Def. will not be up early!!!!


Blogger Dree said ... (6:04 PM) : 

nope, and tired of hearing about it, to be perfectly frank.


Blogger falavia said ... (6:04 PM) : 

I am with Melissa on this . Not the least bit interested.


Blogger Jen said ... (6:08 PM) : 

I just really want to see the dress already! :)



Blogger Zoe said ... (6:09 PM) : 

Tomorrow is "blowout" (last day of classes) at my college, and most of the Sororities are having parties with champagne at whatever hour it comes out to be on the East Coast. I have a few friends who follow the tabloid stories closely, but most people just see it as interesting eccentricism.


Blogger Julianna Collett said ... (6:09 PM) : 

I said up all night with my Mom years ago for Diana's wedding , now I am planning an all- nighter with my girls for this one it is watching what the next generation will read about in history bools and watch in movies and as a wedding photographer I am interested in seeing her dress it will be the start of a new trend.


Blogger Rebekah said ... (6:10 PM) : 

I'm interested. Not enough to follow constant coverage or to wake up early to watch but I have a friend recording it and we're getting together at her house in Atlanta, GA for a Royal Wedding Breakfast in our pajamas! It's just fun. Historical? Sure. But definitely fun for those of us that watched Charles and Diana's.


Blogger Style Muse said ... (6:10 PM) : 

Quite honestly, there is so much turmoil and uncertainty in the world these days, it's rather nice to feel a bit of hope of happiness, even if it might be through others. I think that's why the Royal Wedding is also of interest. I of course want to see her dress and hoping it's McQueen. The monarchy however is so antiquated and almost not useful, but I hope with this things change, at least for them. Next for me.


Blogger Fiyel Levent said ... (6:20 PM) : 

Yes and Yes! I'm so into this kind of fluffy stuff - I'm not going to pretend I'm not! I wish I was becoming a princess - hahaha!


Blogger Holden said ... (6:23 PM) : 

Only for the hats or fastenaters(sp?). There definitely needs to be more hat fashion in the media. Although, it also pains me to see news networks bump stories about Libya for hats...I guess I'm not sure how I feel.


Blogger ArgyleCity said ... (6:33 PM) : 

Oh, puh-lease, like Scott's not going to tune in to critique all the old ladies' hats.


Blogger saradowle said ... (6:37 PM) : 

As a Brit, I am interesting in the Royal wedding - and not all are. With two 4 day weekends in a row, around the country there is a buzz of patriotism which you don't see everyday. I think this feeling of 'togetherness' is the most important thing over here in the UK, and it seems a shame that the media overhaul has caused negativity and tedium!


Blogger L said ... (6:39 PM) : 

I am interested because my family has history in the UK. My grandmother was born and raised there before coming over. She still has her accent today! She was hysterical after Diana passed... They view their royals so highly. Plus, who hasn't hoped at some time (whether in their Disney years or secretly after) that they would be a Princess?


Blogger Jenni Austria Germany said ... (6:45 PM) : 

i've forgotten about it, to be honest (yes, i live under a rock). but i can't wait to see her dress.


Blogger Paula Elizabeth Fowler said ... (6:46 PM) : 

Up by 5 am, dressed by 6 am, out the door by 6:30 am, teaching physics at 7:05 am...nope, I'm gonna' miss it. I do love weddings though!


Blogger ~ SueHarriz ~ said ... (7:23 PM) : 

i wish! it'll be aired at 5pm here in malaysia. nut i will b working at that time so im gona miss the live one. there'll always be the re-run, so yeah im ssssooo gona watch it!! i wanna see how kate will look, and her dress!!!


Blogger lucia said ... (7:25 PM) : 

Yes!!! Up at 3 AM in California! How many Royal Weddings does one expect to see? And - I love English literature.


Blogger crowleyancanto said ... (7:34 PM) : 

I imagine the two of them are really nervous - should be entertaining to watch whether you're interested in these two or not. She's going to look absolutely stunning, we all know it already.


Blogger Cybee said ... (7:35 PM) : 

No, not interested beyond seeing perhaps a snapshot of the pomp and her dress...


Blogger lovely lost things said ... (7:40 PM) : 

while i will not be watching it when it is happening, i will me recording it to watch over the weekend. honestly, i could care less who is getting married, i just love weddings and they are a lovely couple!



Blogger Kristy Elena said ... (7:43 PM) : 

i am not at all interested and rather off-put that it's getting quite so much coverage. i understand it's a big deal for the UK as well, but it seems to be everywhere i turn... even on those annoying tv screens in new york cabs.

i love that you asked this question!


Blogger Katie Gilbert said ... (7:54 PM) : 

hahaha! I think people feel like they should be interested. I, however, do want to see a picture of the bride's dress sometime.


Blogger Malo said ... (7:58 PM) : 

Not interested in the wedding in the least bit. I wish the best for them but why should I watch strangers getting married?





Blogger thirteen said ... (8:08 PM) : 

it still confuses me that america is so wrapped up in it, but being from a country ruled by the royal family, i like it. kate is joining that family and she's party of their and my future.


Blogger fashionelle said ... (8:12 PM) : 

i will be enjoying the unveiling of her dress at 6am with a mimosa in one hand and a scone in the other. though not nearly as stylish as normal waking hours.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:27 PM) : 

I am "interested in the royal wedding," yes. But the press will cover this event magnificently, and I can't wait to see the fruits of their labor, viewed at an appropriate hour. This is THE one time we may rely on the press to get the whole thing absolutely right.


Blogger Callie May said ... (8:38 PM) : 

Yes! It's on at 6pm in Australia, I'm having a high tea where all my girlfriends and I are wearing our best dresses and fascinators. Yay!


Blogger Teresa Seabra said ... (8:40 PM) : 

i'm really excited to watch it! I won't be missing it for sure!


Blogger Melissa Avila said ... (9:05 PM) : 

I am (and have been) deliberately avoiding coverage of it. As much as I love fashion, I am first and foremost a politics gal. :) I follow current events closely.
I find this whole media circus around celebrity life events/downfalls infuriating. (yes, I'm sorry. The royal family counts as "celebrity" in my opinion.) What a waste of time, energy and attention.


Blogger Angie Muresan said ... (9:05 PM) : 

I can only think of one thing worth getting up so early for. So, no, I plan to sleep right through it. I'm only interested in the fashions anyway, and those can wait until later in the day.
But happy viewing for everyone else!


Blogger Mena said ... (9:08 PM) : 

Seems a little insignificant to me – maybe because there are violent uprisings all throughout the Middle East, tornados ravaging the States, and a nuclear disaster in Japan.

I'm British – dissolve the monarchy and use the money to ease austerity measures and stimulate the economy.


Blogger carol c said ... (9:14 PM) : 

nah. I can see the pictures and hear all about it the next day if I am still interested.


Blogger Pilar Aranda said ... (9:36 PM) : 

I'm not a 100% interested, I just wanna see her dress, and how the guests will be dressed too. I know that Vogue and all the fashion blogs will do that job for me, so I don't have to wake up early tomorrow (7 am chilean time), plus, I have an exam tomorrow! Big one! (I'm a Law student)


Blogger Alice said ... (9:40 PM) : 

I'm actually pretty sick of the hype. I'm looking forward to seeing the wedding dress but that's about it!


Blogger adambryant said ... (10:07 PM) : 


i'm PVRing it.


Blogger Norman said ... (10:10 PM) : 

I couldn't care less


Blogger A New Creation said ... (10:19 PM) : 

I actually wrote in my blog this morning about how dissapointed I am in the wedding and about how much I oppose it!

My ideas are controversial but I must be honest!


Blogger Teodora said ... (10:32 PM) : 

Not really. But I think you could have a lot of material for your blog in front of the Abbey.



Blogger Blair Kawa said ... (10:45 PM) : 

I have scones, mimosas, and my grandmother's tea set all prepped.... better yet, although I'll still be in my pajamas, I'll be wearing a cute little hat for the occasion.


Blogger MandaPanda said ... (11:00 PM) : 

I do understand why people would be interested in it; it's not everyday you see a royal wedding. But for people like me, I really don't see any significance of another wealthy family going all out on a wedding.


Blogger Andrea Reh said ... (11:03 PM) : 

Yes! I'm a Kiwi though, so we have a bit of that 'Mother England' nostalgia going on. Plus, we don't have to get up early - 9pm for me!

Andrea x


Blogger Lisa said ... (11:05 PM) : 

I can not explain why I'm so excited, but I am. And I will be watching.


Blogger lollipop4598 said ... (11:08 PM) : 

I am definitely interested, but Im not going to watch anything at 6 am. Im interested; Not obsessed. Im sure Ill get to see it later in the day.


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