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On the Street....East 48th St., New York


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Thursday, April 28, 2011

On the Street....East 48th St., New York

George Glasgow Jr. of George Cleverley & Co. Ltd in midtown after our shoe fitting.

I still haven't been able to find the perfect (at least, for me!) pair of cordovan shoes, so George and I are working together to create them ourselves.

Comments on "On the Street....East 48th St., New York"


Blogger Unknown said ... (5:02 PM) : 

I love it! His suit is so chic. I must say he rocks the pinstriped suit! I can't wait to see what you two come up with!
Check out my trendy blog!


Blogger Jennie Nguyen said ... (5:14 PM) : 

haha james bond!



Blogger Luana said ... (5:18 PM) : 

Che classe! ^_^


Blogger Jessie said ... (5:25 PM) : 

such a stealth look, and handsome man! love the suitcases in the foreground.


Blogger no1 said ... (5:26 PM) : 

shoes are the first thing one notices in a man
by the way have you ever considered coming to Barcelona, Spain?
and again what you are doing is amazing!


Blogger Naftali Stern said ... (5:32 PM) : 

Nice suit!



Blogger greg said ... (5:40 PM) : 



Blogger Gossip´s Fashion Week said ... (5:40 PM) : 

I like this picture!!!!!!!



Blogger jackie said ... (5:43 PM) : 

sooo dapperrrr! love the pinstripes!
yellow taxis in nyc sure create a beautiful backdrop each time.


Blogger Annushka said ... (5:57 PM) : 

Perfectly accurate view, you do great pictures!


Blogger Milica said ... (6:07 PM) : 

Cool picture! Love it!


Blogger ITX22 said ... (6:09 PM) : 

Nice suit. Given the drapiness involved, I'm willing to bet that's from Andersons on Savile Row.


Blogger Stylistocrat by RNR said ... (6:12 PM) : 

George is killing it!!!!!!!


Blogger The Arrogant Male said ... (6:34 PM) : 

Very nice pic. Looking forward to the shoes; having similar problems with cordovans.


Blogger Paula Elizabeth Fowler said ... (6:48 PM) : 

If I weren't old enough to be his mother...oops! Thinking out loud ;D


Blogger Red Student said ... (7:03 PM) : 

I like this overall look. I'm not so sure what's all that remarkable about it though. Yes, peaked lapels and all and I'm sure it's a very expensive bespoke suit and those shoes look exquisite. I supposed what really turns me off is that he's looking at his cell phone. I know we live in modern times and all but I'd still like to see the face of whoever is being photographed here. Your photography skills are sorely wasted on folks who won't even look into the camera or at least look at something interesting.


Blogger Eliza said ... (7:28 PM) : 

a masterpiece in grey.


Blogger lucreziagermini said ... (8:19 PM) : 

now you have taken off, bravo! I love you


Blogger Teodora said ... (8:26 PM) : 

He is gorgeous!



Blogger Malo said ... (8:38 PM) : 

Brilliant suit... Could be a little bit more fitted though Euro style. LOL... But still looking tough striking that pose.

Thanks for the post,




Blogger Marcel Da Chump said ... (8:50 PM) : 

I found my perfect pair of cordovans about twenty-five years ago and had them converted to golf shoes ten years later. Good luck. The tone has to be just-right.


Blogger Sarah said ... (9:11 PM) : 

Fabulous! and I love his chic to roll the airport with those!


Blogger Unknown said ... (10:48 PM) : 

handsome classy man!
vintage sexiness!


Blogger Luli said ... (11:11 PM) : 

He looks like a gentleman. I love it!!!


Blogger Tom said ... (11:21 PM) : 

Not a fan of the trousers, I don't know why. I've never been to a tailor so I'm not sure: Can they make slimmer fit legs for you?


Blogger ChelseAnneTatiana said ... (12:50 AM) : 

LOOK AT HIM LOOKING SHARP! The pinstripes are the way to go; what a way to a women's heart. The suitcases compliment his whole appearance and say "i'm classy, but in serious business."


Blogger Dith said ... (1:02 AM) : 

Oh my!! I love it


Blogger Allison said ... (1:05 AM) : 

Sighhhh...wishing I was you!



Blogger beesandbugs said ... (1:35 AM) : 

What and elegant gentleman!
Nice photo!


Blogger Fashion Gossip said ... (2:18 AM) : 

Oh wow...I'm :)
Xoxo, K.


Anonymous meenal @ maison marigold said ... (2:51 AM) : 

very dapper..not too sure about the fit of the trousers though...xx meenal


Blogger MELISSA Z. said ... (3:34 AM) : 

elegant man! Love the yellow cabs background!


Anonymous jimjims said ... (4:04 AM) : 

great little get up and style.

going to make your own cordovans...

no big deal... awesome.


Blogger Project Curve said ... (4:18 AM) : 

rocking the pinstriped suit


Blogger Unknown said ... (4:28 AM) : 

Very smart indeed!!!


Blogger Truques de Mulher said ... (4:42 AM) : 

Love the outfit! And the style.


Blogger V.V. said ... (5:52 AM) : 

oh la la!



Anonymous proletarian Great Gatsby said ... (6:12 AM) : 

uhmmm! This mix of grey,silver(the suitcases) an yellow...beautiful photo.Ah...and the immaculate black shoes!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:50 AM) : 

Like a shot from old movie about nice gentleman :)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:57 AM) : 

it's something old fashioned about the fit of the suit. The fit of the jacket makes him look really muscular. And the pants are like grand dad pants - lots of fabric. I like it.


Blogger Fly said ... (8:01 AM) : 

In Italy we says "chi fa da se da per tre" that means that you'd better do things yourself rather than waiting for someone else to do it.
I want to see your creations asap!


Blogger Danielle said ... (8:11 AM) : 

I love his pinstripe suit, very dapper!



Blogger Anna said ... (8:13 AM) : 

love those suite cases!

What do you think about the video I posted in my blog'?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:32 AM) : 

Almost perfect but NOT perfect.
The pants are too large on the bottom !
Great !


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:03 AM) : 

Bet you anything, is suit is bespoke from Anderson and Sheppard...exquisite


Blogger Unknown said ... (9:49 AM) : 

I absolutely love his suitcases! very classy


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:15 AM) : 

Flannel + peak lapels + hacking pockets = confusing.

Nice Rimowa luggage, though.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:55 AM) : 

Classic color scheme - I love the black tie with grey suit appeal. However, the suit seems a bit baggy for a gentleman of his age/stature, and the tie is far too narrow for a lapel of that width. Wonderful shot, nonetheless!


Blogger Contact said ... (1:52 PM) : 

wow, george is quite stylish!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:59 PM) : 

I agree with above. A ties width should match the lapel width, and this certainly does not. It looks unbalanced.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:01 PM) : 

If you haven't found the perfect pair of cordovan shoes, then maybe cordovan is just not for you. This is how I feel. I cannot stand the stuff.


Anonymous John said ... (2:42 PM) : 

That's a sharp suit! I think about getting one like that but I am not so sure I would be able to wear it well.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:43 PM) : 

Well put together. Love the polka dot tie; works with the pinstripe suit and adds a splash of color.


Blogger J.Ro said ... (5:59 PM) : 

This man's suit makes me feel like it's 'Sex and the City' and my name is Samantha.


Blogger Malo said ... (6:44 PM) : 

Nice looking suit... And very cool striking pose to boot.

Thanks for the post,




Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:54 PM) : 

Wow! Let us know when you find that pair of shoes, Cordovan is fantastic!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:47 AM) : 

Rimowa suitcases rule :)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:39 AM) : 

So chic! The lines on the suit are fantastic too!

follow my tumblr! :


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:21 AM) : 

pants need some work relative to fit


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:04 AM) : 

I like this as a photograph, the Yellow Cabs in the background, his pose, and most of all, those stylish suitcases.
However, as a "fashion" photograph, I'm not as impressed. I'm sure his suit and shoes cost more than I earn in 2 months, but there is nothing particularly noteworthy about them. I like pinstriped suits, but I've seen better, and better fitting on this very site.
I'm also not a fan of pictures of people staring into cell phones. I'll be the lone, torch carrying Villager who'll write that I prefer to see someone holding a cigarette.


Blogger TheHypeAround... said ... (1:36 PM) : 

I thought I was looking at a photo of Cary Grant for a moment. He is a classicly dressed fellow and I would say the best dressed male you've photographed thus far.
Now, about this Quixotic search for the "perfect " cordovan shoe. What's that about?


Anonymous L said ... (3:36 PM) : 

my eyes went straight to- and held on to- those cases.


Anonymous longvalley said ... (5:38 PM) : 

I have to say, I'm a big fan of the Cleverleys having recently bought a pair of the Churchills in oxblood with the fake laces. They fit like nothing I've ever worn before. Tight but incredibly comfortable. The look of their shoes is now unmistakable.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:58 PM) : 

does anyone know the brand of the suitcases?


Blogger THUNDERCUP said ... (12:00 AM) : 

Sara, the suitcases are made by Rimowa (a German company). They are sleek, super light yet sturdy. I've considered buying one myself!



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:25 AM) : 

Not sure about those Churchills - the faux lacing looks too faux!Paying north of 1k pounds for a pair of shoes I at least want it to look authentic (:
like the pins and the red on navy tie tho very much


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:29 AM) : 

If you're going cordovan think about sticking to bluchers without a captoe. cordovan beef-roll creases don't work on bals IMO and a plainer vamp allows the creasing to become a highlight rather than clash with the stitching


Blogger Zaczynam Odchudzanie said ... (10:52 AM) : 

Perfect New Yorker.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:47 PM) : 

thatnk you!! I love them.. super sleek and simple..


Blogger The best of I / Pacific Standard Style said ... (12:51 PM) : 

great pic! thank you.
im curious, whats wrong with all the cordovan shoes out there?
how will yours be different?
very interested to know!



Anonymous jonny said ... (2:15 PM) : 

Your Blog is so original! I love it. I write a great blog but I cant get a good PR and now I know why. I see your blog and know excactly what it tkes. Im kind of excited now that I see what it takes. If you have any Ideas for me could you please let me know!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:57 PM) : 

Very handsome !!! his pants are kind of baggy or loose fitted...why?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:41 PM) : 

Love this pic. RIMOWA suitcases certainly help!


Anonymous Jacqueline said ... (3:46 AM) : 

I found my perfect ones right here

Jacqueline from Helsingborg, Sweden


Blogger jhuynh said ... (8:56 AM) : 

so gangsta


Anonymous Maryanne said ... (9:37 AM) : 

007 in NYC


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:50 AM) : 

very handsome and lovely image could be even better if he sent that suit to the valet for a quick press. that suit is beautiful but is a bit rumpled.


Anonymous FAME said ... (1:54 PM) : 

Wow. Great choice, Scott. George Cleverley and Co. is definitely up there with the John Lobbs and Edward Greens!


Blogger Richard said ... (2:15 PM) : 

The dude is HOT!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:42 PM) : 

I have never worn cordovans perhaps for the same reason. Please share with us when you create them.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:00 AM) : 

I hope to find myself in exactly that position in at least 10 years (or maybe 20).


Blogger Kelli said ... (11:47 AM) : 

This guy is very dapper, loving the Saville Row suit and amazing shoes! This man knows how to dress.


Blogger Eileen Marie said ... (10:49 PM) : 

LOVE the pinstripe and polished shoes. I could use those suitcases too. hmmm is he single? Very handsome.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:53 PM) : 

Very hard to resist admiring a well dressed man with such sleek luggage. I heart this pic~ the well fitted suit; his casual stance of comfort and the overall look. Classic.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:56 AM) : 

He's so cute! I like the stripes!!!! Just like the suitcase thingys! AMAZING!!!!


Anonymous The Red Velvet Shoe said ... (2:27 PM) : 

Hellooooooooo handsome. There's nothing like a man in a suit, but with cuffed pants, that's just beyond wonderful!


Anonymous Harry Truman said ... (7:12 PM) : 

Very nice suit! I like my jackets a bit shorter but his suits him really well like that


Anonymous BlingDuckFashion said ... (8:33 PM) : 

is that you, James Bond? xoxo


Blogger howardsanders said ... (11:01 PM) : 

I would strongly suggest you also talk to an American maker...
I am sure you are aware of this recent preference that is trending in the the states and most of the other parts of the world I visit, particularly Japan.


Anonymous Fiona said ... (11:22 PM) : 

I love how the steely texture and colour of the baggage complements him in the suit. Plus, his suit is pinstriped while the baggage is also vertically patterned. Very iconic.


Blogger Martita said ... (4:31 PM) : 

Existem pessoas que realmente tem estilo e bom gosto.Adoro todas as fotos que são postadas neste blog.Parabéns!


Blogger Mertxe Hernàndez said ... (10:34 AM) : 

This is a wonderful pic, makes me return to the 50's!!! good job!


Anonymous owenb said ... (7:34 AM) : 

I absolutely love these vintage (20's?) style suits.
The looser trousers and general cut of the suit give the impression he has much more relaxed nature than if he was wearing a slim fit 'modern' cut suit.
The background and suitcases are also perfection.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:41 PM) : 

I genuinely think that it looks like he borrowed his Dad's suit. Love the fit of the jacket, can't stand the pants :(


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